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354 Comment(s)
325 Upvote(s)
Vivaldin - 1698880949
What does she means by ''son and daughter in law'' ? Did copper bf had a brother that died ? Or a Sister ? I don't remember.
Vivaldin - 1698880477
So they didn't meet at school ? Huh ? But I though that's where- did they ever explain their first meeting and I just forgot about it ?

Also, Gyoza ? Oh no, the Gyoza propaganda is spreading all the way to this mango too ! I can't escape the cute Goth gf's will !
Vivaldin - 1698879992
Wait, they have hot water road sprinklers in Japan ? That's the first time I've ever heard about such a thing.

Would it be actually useful, though ? Sure it get rid of the ice and snow, but the amount of water it'd waste, and the energy needed to boil it... I don't have them in Canada, or maybe the reason I don't see them is because we have way much more snow in winter than Japan would ever have.

Also, I'm starting to think copper bf is an autistic acesexual or something. Would explain the hyperfixation on coppersmitting and the lack of sexual drive. But then again, he did just say to watch out about what she wears...

Which is a dumb idea. What is he doing ? Larping as a copper monk ?
Vivaldin - 1698879044
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?

So all this time Heterochromia girl was just.. An Executive we've never heard about ? ..Or is it her mom ?

Still, you call her your daughter and care a lot about her for years, but the second she wants a sliver of peace you punch her ? Buddy, you may be the Ultra-Mega Super Duper Death God Invader of Doom, but at least have a shred of decency to care about something ! If he doesn't care about his own daughter, is willing to hurt her even though she's only a vessel for something else that he's supposed to care about, hurting her doesn't make any sense ! You're hurting your Invader guy ! Or wife !

To think the real final boss of Ranger Reject wouldn't be Red or even THE Ranger Reject. No, all this time the true enemy was domestic abuse.
Vivaldin - 1698878552
Oh nooooooooooooo

She's so gonna die in the next chapter, damn it, I just know it.

Please don't end like this, this isn't how a Yuri should end ! Give me a miracle !

Oh what am I saying.. It's over, Yuribros. Things are packing up.
Vivaldin - 1698551539
Gyaru at home is cat.

Vivaldin - 1698551025
This mango is driving me insaaaaneeeee

''I want us to make memories together during Golden Week !'' and this guy proceeds to not see her the entire week until the end, but also call EVERYONE ELSE.

Then, this whole chapter isn't even about them, it's all about the other, boring characters that keep falling for this dumb ass dense boi for some reason !! This author managed to create the densest, most bland and idiotically stupid main character I've ever witnessed; he's got no self-awareness, no redeeming qualities, no personality, no goals or dreams, a future or a reason to root for him else to be a most uninteresting self-insert protagonist, it's making be depressed just reading it.

At least in Shirogane-san always wears a mask, no matter how bad the main boi was in all shape and form, but he had a personality ! Or a semblance of it ! This guy ? Nooo ! He can't get a clue when a girl EXPLICITLY asks him on a date ! He calls all his other girls, once again, still in love with him even though he rejected the boring girl and worst girl broke up with him !

Now we'e gonna have to wait until this next volume get translated, a whole part dedicated on a misunderstanding about a relationship that only lasted, what was it again ? Like a week ? A month a best ? And somehow Best Girl is gonna be depressed and mad over it ? Oh and I see it coming, he's not even gonna realize all this is because she loves him ! And that preview ? NO WAY they're gonna kiss, it's another freakin' bait if I ever saw one !

Now, I implore the author to prove me wrong and do something interesting, else I think I'll have to read Rent-a-Girlfriend because somehow it'd be better than reading more of whatever this dumpster fire is.
Vivaldin - 1698550079
I'm normally okay to even happy when reading soft boi mangos with cute assertive gfs, but,

What do you MEAN ''Aren't you too aggressive today ?'' That's a good thing, you dumb ass ! What the hell is wrong with this boi, seriously ?! She's obviously in love with you and you're like; ''W-wa-ait ! You want to kiss me ?? You're going too far !!!!'' Get a freakin' grip ! Get a clue ! ANYTHING !

She literally said to you ''when I'm a star, catch me'' AND ''when you're ready, fall for me properly''  You can't just ''HAHA, SHE'S SUCH A FRIEND !'' this shit ! Is he stupid ? Why can't he answers her feelings, just once ??

I swear, she deserves so much better than him, it's insane.
Vivaldin - 1698549670

Bottom Text.
Vivaldin - 1698462100
Peak is back with a flood of new chapters !

You just love to see it !
Vivaldin - 1698461690
This chapter was cool and good, but am I really the only one concerned about using magic in a game of dodgeball ? They're lucky no one got shattered bones or a hole in their chest.

Also... W h a t ? He's a girl ? But then, why is the royal family forcing her act and look like a boy ? I don't see any reason why they'd benefit from this else that this very specific Cardinal she supposed to marry is a woman, but then the royals can't have known she be the one their daughter would marry the second she was born ! I just don't get it.

Also, aren't gay marriage not legal in their country ? They just gonna be like, ''oh, act like a man your whole life and hope no one notice when you don't get children !'' ?!

And the Cardinal knows ? Both their families are okay with them acting like husband and wife even if they're actually both women ? What purpose does it serves ? And why is the obviously gay Cardinal only gay for our Main Girl, she's already betrothed to a woman ! She got it better than anyone else in this gay story !!

Okay, in retrospect, it's probably because Cardinal girl doesn't love Prince Girl, it happens I guess. Even more when the author wants the friend and her to be together for more Yuri (which I approve, more Yuri is always good).
Vivaldin - 1698181870
I don't know what's happening anymore, but one thing is sure;

That was the perfect setup for my boi and Bro girl, and the author ruined it so bad I got second-hand embarrassment.
Vivaldin - 1698181359
The hell even is this restaurant, there's so many people going that there's a freakin' line ! Do you not have enough tables for everyone ? Are they ALL taken already ?

Sometimes, I'm glad I don't work in a diner.
Vivaldin - 1698180859
Wait.. Did we win ? Is my smol girl gonna get some love, finally ? Is the nurse reciprocating the other girl's feeling ?

The Yuri is multiplying at a much faster rate than I expected; if this keeps up, we're headed straight into a Yurinuclear explosion !
Vivaldin - 1698095131
Soft Boi and his 3 Best Girls strikes again with another peak chapter.
Vivaldin - 1698094845
That massager she bought is gonna be really useful soon enough.

...For her overworked gf's fatigue, of course ! What else did you think I was going to say ?
Vivaldin - 1698094309
Vivaldin - 1698093977
Wait, an actual confession on chapter 12 ? NOT drawn-out for the next 2 years ? You can do that ???

Once more, this mango proves to be as refreshing as it is great, let's go.
Vivaldin - 1698092705
Wait. sooo..

Is that Executive in the picture... Heterochromia gf's mom ?

And my man Muscle Boi is once again proving his worth as Best Boi by surviving everything TV Guy can throw at him, you just love to see it !
Vivaldin - 1698092275