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Solcastic Del - 1716145969
That was the case from time immemorial - parents
"apparently that's showing off. " Yes because it wasn't meaningful in anyway to manhwa reader. What point does mentioning Aldir techniques does when we even don't know what it does

"With regards to "vomit a bunch of useless irrelevant exposition and jargon" and "pretentious intellectual who know shit and only wield jargon", quite vitriolic might i say..... " Yes, I dislike those kind of ppl, all they do is waste time with bunch of nonsense with sensible word.

"your policing of the comments." If I was doing that then I would have been proper with it. For example, when I was being critical of your comment in its totality, I was proper 'scythe and retainers' part.
As for my intial comment it was never so serious, I still don't get why you were hurt by the truth, BRO
Bro, what i was on about in first comment is -
What was the point of including world eater and saying aldir is the only who knows. Nobody still even know what world eater, so how would they understand the gravity of the technique use
It was just about the things UNDERNEATH THE TAG, do you get now?
Plus now I am at it, nobody here know anything about series and dagrath. Just say scythes and retainers are halfblood asura which Vitira made and maybe say that sycthes are at level of asura them selves

YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER QUESTION IN WAYS WHICH ACCOMODETES THE NEEDS OF THE SITUATION, if somebody asks who that person is? -your example- all you gonna do is vomit bunch of useless irrelvant exposition and jargons y'know to the person asking the question.
Like those pretentious intellectual who know shit and only wield jargon

P.s. read Thomas_jcg comment (the one you responded with unkown names like series) again
My comment was about what you put underneath the spoiler tag. So, read first then write.
Why would I answer that, it would be more enjoyable for ppl to revisit the chapters and re-read. If you beg to differ then continue answering
Solcastic Demonslender - 1716038369
I would say this is ok resolution.

The thing we have seen true horror of low quality scans where we can see the each pixels
Solcastic Foolish - 1716035745
A stupid system.. nothing else. Take 5 more points...Now it is 41 points
Solcastic Meringue - 1716034524
"everything looked hunky-dory but for some reason unknown he left the monster class and ended up as a deadbeat of a teacher in the present."
This actually needs to be explains. Like what caused him to fall off
Solcastic Valkyrie - 1716033283
Damn, she was going ham in first chapter
mc’s yandere toyed with katsu

Are we reading the same thing?
I didn't knew you have to show off how much novel you have read
Like what was the point, the thing under spoiler tag doesn't even add anything

Edit- Above comment has been approved my me. As the earlier rendition of the comment and its writer neither got @Thomas_JCG joke nor it referenced it. I am in debacle as if this policing wasn't enough, cause I am in doubt if he got THomas' joke or not. Mind it, it may be possible that he doesn't find it funny and think it more important to lore dump
Solcastic TheImage - 1715970688
I think that error girl hologram was his AI. Pg 13 implies that little bit
Solcastic Nacht - 1715970082
Yeah, it is really funny. Especially Katsutrash nick name.

Solcastic Dito Destoni - 1715915606
Verial and sss rank are really similar, now you say it