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Anonymoose Doraechan - 1715318849
It would seem so.... btw is this series a harem? I can't tell if it's only the daughter of the 4 evils or also the other 2 sisters.
Spiral guard doesn't need no flex tape
Ah, an authentic religious superiority complex. Quite rare in this day and age outside of certain anti-vax demographics.

That ain't gonna get you anywhere in regards to swaying others to your side, so keep it up. Especially the "everything belongs to Jesus" shit. I hold no respect for such a mentality, regardless how much I respect other Christians I know. They work at a church when possible and seek to help others not for wealth or status, but simply on a basis of kindness. They do not judge or mistreat others for their beliefs.
But who cares, it's not my problem as I have tried to be as polite and kind as possible. Oh well.. good luck in life.
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1715062148
It's worse. It's much, much worse.
Anonymoose Nobletail - 1715062113
Who knows, but probably sleek as otherwise they'd have problems moving as they do. Hell, they'd have problems regardless.
Hmmm... I feel you've entrenched yourself in your own bias. That is, if you're not saying all this for the sake of comedy. So, I will try to give another perspective.

In this world, there are countless beliefs, cultures, and philosophies. Each one is founded on ideals set in place through the lens of a certain perspective or group of perspectives. However, it is nigh impossible to create a lens through which all can be seen as equal.
For example, do the unbaptised go to heaven? No. (According to the old testament, at the very least. I'm not as up to snuff on my knowledge of the new testament.) That is an example of unequal treatment. It may be an oversimplification, but just because one doesn't follow the same beliefs doesn't make one inferior.
Hence, although for you love is found through Jesus, for many that is not, and will never be the case. No one person on this entire planet can guarantee that their perspective is the "truth", especially with over 8 billion of us.
So please, for both your own sake and others with contradictory beliefs, don't impose them on others. For forcing someone to belief something they don't begets only resentment.
As for my own perspective, it can be summed up in a few sentences.
I believe there could be something out there, but if there is it either can't be bothered to actually intervene, it's much like the librarian in that it doesn't want to/can't act directly, it can only provide the smallest of effects and is too weak to truly do what people ask it to, or it doesn't exist.
To that end, I won't enforce any beliefs upon you and shall respect yours as long as you respect mine. Therefore, my attitude can be summed up as, "Wait and see."

I hope this hopeless ramble helps in some way. Also that you read it to completion without judgement. That would be lovely.
Anonymoose lastarc - 1714966331
Saw it coming from miles away.
Anonymoose Despair - 1714964308
I feel like reading rhe novel after this and writing down all the quotes i like.
Anonymoose Midknight - 1714959781
He's literally a weeb so in the closet he's gaslit himself into thinking he's the MC...
After all, "C. (see) M.C. (Main Character)"
Anonymoose Midknight - 1714959057
Ah, another who has read that... utopia or dystopia is a difference balanced on the edge of a knife.
Anonymoose Horny dude - 1714958438
When you're horny enough, shit don't matter. But still, keep it internal.
Anonymoose lastarc - 1714955652
It's a korean series. They hold people to kpop idol standards
According to a friend of mine, the novel does this arc much, much better.
Anonymoose Wes - 1714952766
You obviously haven't read a single thing... no struggle? He fucking dies every second. If that doesn't count as struggle or hardship, idk what does.
4k... he'd need another 927 deaths for that from what we last saw, add the attempts he made to sway the old man and probably closer to 900 on the dot. Now, account for his deaths to beat the demon king. I strongly doubt they exceed 900.
Anonymoose lastarc - 1714950483
He's definitely gonna reset to save the countess, but probably only resetting to right before he gave the commands.
Anonymoose lastarc - 1714949072
I see you use twitch
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1714946504
I think you're mistaken, but we'll see.
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1714946236
Ah yeah, I feel that she has a big trauma like the various bosses.