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With each manga, more and more of japanese's reputation take a hit lol
User-0000000069 - 1716526413
MC kinda dumb at beginning, but it is cute, so it is okay, and become decent as she becomes a young adult.
Aside from that, LOTS of PLOTHOLES, especially as it nears the end it become a cheap mess.

It's not incest, and from the start there is only 1 obvious male lead.

I personally don't really like it.
But it is okay for a light stereotype shoujo read.

User-0000000069 - 1716525568
Author forgot,
Anissa already belong to Vassago from the time with Asmodeus
I think probably foes from the far future.
Probably cooking something for future plot,
By this point, no one in the current era can rival MC.

If no one in the past could do it, probably someone in the future will be the MC's adversary.
I disagree,
This is just a "game" for anythng, he/she does not know what is at stake.

And have you tried playing those games where dead for your character is permanent, especially those that are borderline masochistic for the player?
I can understand Anythng decision on this.
It's shoujo manhwa artist.... what do you expect... they never trained to do so
User-0000000069 Labrys - 1716383154
I think because she was dumb pre-reincarnation too.
But honestly, I know a girl that are like this MC IRL, simple (if I'm being harsh "Dumb") but they got their own charm, and don't really plot bad stuff to other people.
They are endangered species.
And as you can see, it's working super effective on these villains.

Also I kinda get it why MC is being ostracized in the previous life (modern era).
Yes, this girl I know was also bullied at school in the past, it just does not fit in many place in modern society.
Just in case, you don't have to worry about her, she's married and hopefully happy now.
User-0000000069 - 1716381960
Did the MC & villain forgot that the hostage exist.
Just in case someone wondering, how to cure it. I hope this info might help one day.

You had to go to a doctor who has deep knowledge of how the injured muscle works (Had studied and understood Kinesiology) and do exercise as recommended.
Go to a physiotherapist who had extensive studies in "Manual Therapy (Usually include Kinesiology)", get your muscle treated (the therapist moving your injured muscle and or related muscle or body parts by hand), then do the exercise the therapist recommended.

Problem is:
Many doctor/physiotherapist out there are wacky/lazy/lack knowledge.
As to the ^ issue, I honestly don't know what to do, aside from getting lucky.
Sometimes you meet the lazy one, sometimes you meet the good one. And recommendations can be your clue, but not to be entirely trusted.

In the author's case, I'm pretty sure he went to a doctor, but got one that lack the necessary knowledge, probably just inject him with some meds, and hope he will come back again in few months for more injections. And no, this won't cure him, especially when the injury is occupation related.
Probably the author hiring more people now, since his wrist is injured.
It's occupation hazard, happened to a family of mine who work in a similar job.
And no, going to a doctor and physiotherapist (Whom because of lazyness probably just do some electric shock thingy) won't fix the injury, nor the problem.

Anyway, less of the author doing the drawing, delegated to the assistant.

Although the OG arstyle is kinda lost, but at least, he hired experienced artists.
User-0000000069 - 1716295025
To be honest, I felt there should be more losses, perhaps even Tess.
To punish the MC for being foolish.

He got all the signs and omens, yet he ignored most of it.
User-0000000069 - 1716267388
MC Reminds me of Hei from Darker Than Black
User-0000000069 - 1716224583
Now, report him to the king
User-0000000069 - 1716193817
It's hard getting used to another artist artstyle.
And it's too clean and too flat.. I know the previous artist still working on the 2nd series, and hsould be glad that it continues.
But still D:
User-0000000069 - 1716009192
I thought it's going to finally be rabbit skewers.
Aren't farmer rabbit supposed to be rare? The others would have been pest rabbits.
User-0000000069 R Tuin - 1716007032
I'm sure god forgive them (By showing pantsu shots)