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1459 points
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Good Point:
Plot twist
Cute daughter
User-0000000069 - 1717854457
Early chapters are good, but it went downhill with inconsistencies and brainless MC that goes into denial and puts immediate problems aside for the future and accept the flow as they are presented to him.

System Notif: Your wife is going to die
MC: Oh yes, I'm going to wait until that moment, then save her ass

System Notif: A key ally is going to die
MC: No problem, she is strong, I'll just chill at home, it has not happened

System notif: Your daughter will be subjected to witch hunt
MC: Let's stay at home and watch things unfold, others are already blaming her, but let's just chill and hopefully it won't develop to that.

And all the solution to the above = MC bruteforce through all of it.

Author tries hard to put MC into "MC a special hero" trope from supposedly a normal mobs, but the delivery is awkward, since it sacrifices MC's brain and other characters' personalities into a low-iq gullible human.

The author is pushing the MC to become special, the Dragonborn stuff, but it's too forceful, and just becomes awkward since it does not match with the setting of this manhwa.
As a result, now we see other characters becoming stupid, just to push the author agenda for MC to become the Dragonborn.
Look at how many people here comment the sword girl is a moron >.>
She was not this sort fo character in the early chapters, its an inconsistency that happened because the author is forcing it.
A lot, throughout this series, you see that
Instead of explaining, he always go denying others when the others are close to the fact.
While some things are better kept secret, some things are better explained.

For example, this child hunt quest can be easily avoided if he explained his unique quest (Seol aH 5 tragedy), as it would provide a solution.
When the foe use their explain the future card, likewise, MC can also use his explain the future card.

Another example, his drama with his wife can be avoided if he cooperates with his wife once the wife is released from fate (Seol Ah 2nd tragedy).
Instead, he keeps her in the dark and goes into denial when questioned by his wife, typical korean drama.

User-0000000069 - 1717853258
It's too messy and choppy.
Hard to read.

User-0000000069 - 1717847876
This is all happening because MC and his stupid mouth.

He really need some Speechcraft
User-0000000069 - 1717846530
Get on with the killing, this is slowly becoming another romance manhwa.
FYI, up to this point, MC's confirmed kill is 0

I wish this stay true to the FL as murderer theme.
User-0000000069 - 1717809908
Please explain how
User-0000000069 - 1717744013
He can fix lots of things with this.
If it is inevitable, better use it to the fullest
User-0000000069 - 1717742438
In the Three Kingdom version I heard from my grandparents:
Cao Cao suffered a bad headache and called for many doctors to examine him.
Out of many, one doctor diagnosed that it is a brain cancer (I forgot the chinese term, but should be equivalent to brain cancer in modern medicine), and proposed that the only way to cure it is to open up the head, and remove it physically.
Cao Cao having many enemies at that time, is a very suspicious person and thinks that the doctor is another assassin that come to kill him.
(The idea of medical surgery does not exist at that time)
He ordered to have the doctor and his family to be killed, the doctor house burned, leaving behind only a book about Caponization (Castration of chicken to make it grow faster).
Cao Cao later on died, because of the disease.

I wonder if this plot is going to be here in this manhwa.
User-0000000069 - 1717724249
A good doctor would wish for a world with fewer patients, as it means fewer people in pain and suffering.
User-0000000069 - 1717562127
Which is faster, SWAT taking out a criminal, or criminal kill a hostage at gun point.