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1484 points
128 Comment(s)
290 Upvote(s)
PixelOni - 1716597260
PixelOni - 1716144833
PixelOni OneWingedRose - 1715919882
As far as Shigaraki goes, be it dead or defeated and imprisoned, either of those woulda been fine as long as it had been Shigaraki HIMSELF all the way to the end and none of this "It was me Barry!" shit they pulled with AFO. And dunno man, to me these last few arcs have been disappointing, with a few good things here and there sure, but not good enough to carry
PixelOni - 1715910349
what kinda bull........?
So that's it?
That's how it goes then?
Welp, start was fun, middle started falling, ending could not have been worse. It was fun while it lasted, but surely no way he manages to fuck up the victory lap as well right?
PixelOni PixelOni - 1715724448
Gonna actually leave the 2 relevant pages incase it were to be changed in the upload cause again, lmfao at calling that child abuse
PixelOni - 1715724339
L M F A O, I am sorry but that isn't even close to child abuse lol. The translator or uploader or whatever they are is quite a weak willed person if a few slaps count as that, if anything it was more akin to a Father or Mother disciplining an unruly child. Though that isn't to say the character isn't a huge shit stain, since it seems they engage in slavery and have covered up who knows how many crimes with their money and influence, but to call a few slaps to his son, who did a very dumb thing, child abuse is quite laughable.
PixelOni - 1715712305
Another chapter so soon?! Noice~

And gotta say its another banger, shame about the sword, likely will show up with the demonic copy/clone of the princess/MC they showed us a few chapters ago
PixelOni - 1715669640
Beautiful, only wish this would update more often, but have yet to be disappointed by a chapter here
PixelOni Bakeneko - 1715572189
Yeah that's been my impression so far, Ruri was someone who just kept to herself and whatever few friends she had, she wasn't someone that'd either actively or passively went out of her way to interact with others or learn more about them. But as you said, now with the dragon thing, she's kinda been forced into focus and now has to adapt to her new social situation, which has obviously not been easy as we've seen but she still just lets herself go with the flow, or rather be carried/dragged by it.
PixelOni Manga Mango - 1715571775
Can't say that's been my impression of Ruri so far, but yeah I know Maeda has no obligation to like Ruri or do anything relating to her, like were it not for the whole half dragon thing that has kinda forced Ruri into the limelight, where as before it seems she just kept to herself and what few friends she has, its very likely these 2 never woulda interacted in the first place even once they reached graduation.

Just feels weird that the manga has kinda made this "drama" a focus, when its really a nothing burger on both ends, both in Ruri's supposed crime and the way Maeda has acted in response
My dude, its literally a newborn babu, not a loli. For all you know she'd become a bimbo bodywise or someshit once grown, bit too fucking early to be calling it a loli of all things or rather complaining about loli's
PixelOni - 1715549694
Sooooo Maeda's problem was that Ruri doesn't go out of her way to be interested in others or learn about them? Really? That apparently is somehow enough of a problem or bad thing or whatever to have acted like she did? Kinda stupid to be honest, because not everyone's gonna go out of their way to be even the bare minimum of interested in those around them, nor should they need to. Like I don't think most people cared to socialize or learn about most of their classmates, especially when a class is big enough.
PixelOni PixelOni - 1715388395
>MFW when Midoriya himself downvotes me
PixelOni - 1715365334
I get where he was going with this, I understand what he wanted us to feel coming up to this, but man I'm sorry, you fucked up the at the corner before the last stretch my dude. This would have been a good, even great!, moment had it not been for how you utterly fucked up the path to this is. I genuinely don't understand how he managed to so utterly just ruin all the hype, all the build up, all the emotions and everything else this manga once had, but he managed it and it's a sad thing. I honestly can't feel anything for Deku or his friends or anyone there after this mess of an arc, I almost just want AFO to win just so the planet gets wiped or someshit.
PixelOni Angel Flores - 1714228168
Which is always a sad thing, especially when they had/have a great/good story on their hands. It also seems to happen mostly with ones that run long
PixelOni Zakomimi - 1714184959
This, this right here. It was good, and then at some point the mangaka lost the plot.
........Because I explained myself? You know what, sure. Not worth going back and forth on this
PixelOni Noodl - 1714013503
Is what it is :V
I ask for clarification on what exactly you were believing of me, nothing more nothing less. You simply responded with "Exactly!" which doesn't really answer that. The only insulting thing one could say I said, is saying you were schizo posting, because what else could it be when you aren't exactly making sense. And while sure, me telling you to enjoy your day could be seen as sarcastic, its not what I meant. So hopefully you can enjoy your day, despite the passive-aggression you've shown :)
You seem to be schizo-posting :V

Enjoy your day *thumbs up*