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Ghetoknight BA-N101 - 1713125650
so tbf I actually completely see where you're coming from idk what I was smoking 7 days ago, my apologies good sire
I think with aka's writing even if the exposition is excusable, it becomes indistinguishable with regular "normal" instances of exposition which majorly furthers the frequency and tiresomeness of it.
Because every chapter you get panda bear and other explaining some cool psychology party trick for the stand-in mc's to utilise, right? That's okay.
But ontop of that they'r explaining the standin's reactions, motives, drives, correlations, and then further explaining what everything means. I don't even think they've ever repeated themselves but is sure as hell feels like they should have.
That could also possibly be my lack of depth in the "field" (I am a mangakatana commenter) but im tired of writing and wont comment on how that affect things.
TL;DR (too long, do not read)
Ghetoknight BA-N101 - 1713125639
Characters express ideas both with and without exposition. More specific topics like the "concept of a keto diet" only serves as a connection to a real world, not for any deeper outsource of information. It has no narrative or thematic relevance. As far as I know that was the only major info dump he did this chapter.

I don't mean to offend but from what I remember (at least here) the exposition was not on note for a topic that necessitated "subtle implication".

In that case, it's very much completely okay for him to vomit out the information. Does aka do it much more than normal? Or is extremely direct and explicit? Yes, I acknowledged that already.

But avatars in the first place ARE meant to mouth off ideas, and DO serve as a form of author - audience communication, which is why this is acceptable. The exposition isn't detrimental to the plot anyways because as I said before topics covered hold little relevance besides setting in the cases I can remember.
Ignoring all that, it is very true that sometimes the moral summary of arcs is "briefly" detailed by aka's characters in almost every one of their works. There's a very unique feel to aka exposition it's like an "okay I guess that's how the characters see it", and I have to agree in hindsight it falls in line with what you said however obvious that should have been,

Every character feels like they occasionally just take a completely out-of-world, objective and all encompassing take on an in-universe identified conflict as IF they were the audience themselves trying to descript their issues, and while I love self-aware characters I get what you mean. It does feel tiring understanding something, consciously or subconsciously, but then having it repeated. Or regurgitated in a lesser form, or a form with more complexity. It also makes interpretations of the story very rigid after conclusion, since you practically know exactly everything about anyone (since author's words are so clearly inseparable from character's words sometimes).

a conglomerate of nothingness in this passage tbf...
double looking back at it with something as complex and abstract as love being a heavy theme for the story as a whole having various characters do various takes on their understanding of the topic is ultra self sabatoge. It makes it easier to read but sucks them dry. I do not think I needed like 10 people to tell me seki-kun or whatever his name was is trying to understand the mindset of his crush by joining a group, nor do I think the characters needed to be told that directly, and that isn't even scratching the surface (almost every panel with our love agency main characters, explaining every little motive and purpose is niche and cool sometimes and exhausting other times, I shouldn't have to be put on a timer for getting themes, and if I get them instantly I don't need to be told that (again, excluding niche and nuanced areas)

Ghetoknight Void22 - 1713124417
Not gonna lie I would too.
No dose necessary.

There's extra flare that way.
Ghetoknight Goldman - 1712426359
we've just been cultured by long romance manga before

surely the relationship turns out well
Ghetoknight PlayDoctor - 1712426329
welp, that's all folks
mari-who? the female and male lead got together in the romance manga 33 chapters in, new record

it was a great run
shit the music made this one hit hard

unlike the twincest
Ghetoknight Kira Info - 1712423768
RIP Pon bro feel so bad for the dude

Mari fr fumbled the bag

Moral of the story: women are the #1 opp
Ghetoknight BA-N101 - 1712423252

His characters act as avatars to mouth off his ideas?

Nigha that is LITERALLY what literature is, what are you smoking bro?

Yap fest is an insane description for regular verbal communication btw, if you want to see them JUST exist that's fine, and maybe he makes his points too explicit sometimes, but then again the plot has to move somehow.
Ghetoknight - 1712423141
I would infact kill myself
Ghetoknight NotusNeo - 1712422948
wait, they don't????
Ghetoknight - 1712422584
afterword is hilarious
Ghetoknight Kanataaan - 1712377673
tbf was just bored

my other response was "robot drones" but it felt too random with no cohesion to the original bit would make for a stale chain
better to end it there with a subpar argument

don't think aka would kill the plot relevance of Ai being dead with such a twist, just trying to justify a path in which those circumstances may evolve
Ghetoknight Kanataaan - 1712375768
I was tryna finish the bit with a final quip but I can't think of anything,

so I propose the idea: the crow really is ai hoshino (fr this time)

based on: they don't need to experience the same things at same times

just like there's a delay between the patient's death and reincarnation, and doctor's own (despite both reincarnating in the same place), I think it's reasonable to say that something similar happened with the crow and ai.

First of all: there is no significance to crows strong enough to justify having our mysterious mcguffin character be "a random ass crow that was enthralled by mc/'s kindness", that shallowly takes care of the narrative purpose

in terms of literal plausibility, we already heard that gods sometimes exist but are unaware
I believe the crow was one of these gods, and that the manga is trying to suggest that once reincarnated (whether by life cycle or something else wink wink nudge nudge) they gained revelation of their prowess

adding onto that, I can see Ai Hoshino's death in some way serving as a catalyst for that reincarnation or revelation, even if not LITERALLY Ai hoshino

I don't want to say "it's" using her soul or body, but something of the sort makes more sense than it being a random ass crow, even if it was just explained that lil sis is a random ass crow

Basically: Crow with godly potential is subconsciously moved by cast's kindness, and as a response to their sadness (upon Ai's death after reincarnation), the crow was able to manifest that power and bless them fortune.

I don't think the crow is directly responsible for aqua/ruby reincarnations as some may suggest, and hence why it's implied she isn't able to control how much time "they' have left alive.

Considering all of this (again) there may be a mystical element that properly connected specifically Ai Hoshino's death (besides her relation to persons who touched the crow emotionally) and the god's birth, which by an obscure definition could entail something along the lines of "ai hoshino's reincarnation".

Maybe she even shares Ai's thoughts and feelings for them, since yknow a crow can't really feel things truly.

Ghetoknight Im3or - 1712366074
thank heavens for the prophesy