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That's incredibly idealistic. The father was in a constant state of suffering, and he himself was torn over the atrocious ultimatum (live another day and lose your child to a wealthy businessman, or...)

In the end I think it's about bad decision making, or a devalue of your child's emotional interests, or even a misjudgement of societal relevancies regarding of children.

Furthest from the truth would be to claim the father, quietly crying because he's selling the child he loves, that he did not love his child.

A matter of circumstance really.
it doesn't take allat development to say "there must be a misunderstanding, we broke up because x cheated, we won't be getting back together"
we know he's a mature adult, they wouldn't revert that
Ghetoknight bruh - 1713969376
okay fair game

there's a slither in me that says author doesn't let mc scold tf out of that bitch
Ghetoknight N-Kami - 1713969254
tf we mean chooses

mc isn't going to pick up his ex, there is no implication of that

mc associated his troubles not on his ex but with society as a whole for condemning him, since he did infact genuinely love his ex to the point of delusion

despite that, as a reasonable adult and rebounded human being, his long moved on; there's no shot he has anything to do with prev girlfriend 100%
probably tbf

not the point however
you dont watch an anime adaptation because you want a better version of a manga, you simply wanted a different version

one with movement preferably (choppy animation on an adaptation is top 10 saddest)
Ghetoknight bruh - 1713968991
Comparing this to rent a girlfriend because mc didn't lash out agains this ex is insane, you need help bro.

Ghetoknight bruh - 1713968961
Yo can we chill the fuck out? How about we wait for our mc to develop into the completely whole human being you are, then we judge him?

Just like if a story wa completely realistic there would be less story, a completely fulfilled character won't react that way, not to mention EVERYTHING that has gone down already is completely reasonable?!?!?

Are we dumb, stupid, or dumb?
Good point, counter argument: cute.

But yeah age difference is only a problem before true mental maturity, and no bias is difficult to claim for the epitome of "young adult"

If they did date, it 3ould have to be after Nina is completely disconnectable from his life, and therefore has had time to make a rational decision, as moral justification.

I'm pretty sure he's 3ell a3are of the implications and surrounding attitudes appropriate for that kind of situation tho.
Ghetoknight TheJackal - 1713933527
Not really. More accurate to say if you read the comments before in the previous chapters, and the mass majority of this guy's audience probably isn't too heavy influenced by the art.

Is it a relevant factor? Sure. But the writing, dialogue, expressions (generally), and plot have all been the same.

If anything you could say the people who were ONLY looking forward to cool edgy fight scenes think they've lost the cool edgy part because of a less "hard" structure in drawing (literally edgy lol) and since they weren't really following along with the (albeit not the best) plot/writing in the first place, they simply cant right now.

In the first season we were already introduced to every topic and theme that has been covered in the second season, along with the reason as to why he's more free to flaunt his ability. The only thing that's really and truly changed is people's perception of the story (through specifically the art style), which objectively speaking makes little to no difference on the material.

Because you can say it had a more serious tone beforehand, but seriousness is only implied by the art style and conveyed by the wwriting.

The tone of story was always decently childish, with arguably the most consistent and well grounded part being small sections of the tournament training arc. You're just less hyperfocused on the action now (ill be honest that bear shit was mid asf)
and it all accumulates into a crippling porn addiction by 18 <3
Dirty energy and him being smug is inline with what we know.
I mean that's not really a direction change, moreso we don't have any major or overarching plot going on right now, so in general the story and pacing has toned down a lot

I definitely liked the previous edge the last art style gave, and although this is more generic I still picked it up for the basic premise, ain't gonna drop out now

the power of binging is that art styles are a vague memory until like chapter 100~

Ghetoknight Ephion - 1713921628
well it doesn't make senes a kid gets a knife through all that skin and muscle, him falling over was infinitely more realistic.

Ghetoknight Darkun2? - 1713918473
Was gonna consider saying that but it's quite possible, even if they are pirating novel transcripts and quite likely aren't looking at full on pictures, that the novel included illustrations...

I mean a quick search revealed that Cordelia did infact have a bulbous chest (at least on the cover), so the only argument is if somehow while pirating the Novel he saw and followed along with the story specifically with author approved consistent and periodic illustrations of Cordelia as she grew, and of those took keen interest in her chest area; thereby ruining his immersion since the manwha adaptation (by some god unlucky or controllable chance, right?) doesn't follow along those exact periodic illustrations.

Or he's trying to use realism as a guise in a fantasy setting, because it does not take that huge of a subversion to imagine a 17 year old growthspurting in puberty.

Like we talk about Cordelia's chest but Prince Bayer is like a giant rn, bro grew in every regard istg lol.

How the ever loving hell are we complaining about visuals in a visual adaptation

I could maybe understand it if the quality was being worn down, but it's like you're upset their artistic interpretations of the story differs from yours; all stemming from the main lead Cordelier's boob size??? Are you serious bro??????

The manwha is running perfectly fine dude, and everyone else is laughing at the now noticeable size increase. Unecessary statements aside however, jabbing at unofficial translations on a pirate site is so wild to me it's insane. Novel readers really are the next stage of "source material x was better".

Narratively, this also explained why he needed to orchestrate his death. Although he could for the time being ensure neither side has a major advantage, it's only a matter of time before someone takes a huge risk (calculatively), which Najin can't guarantee he can put a stop to (especially while also guaranteeing no major losses incurred to any faction, remember there's dragons, generals, dragon descendants, fake dragons, knights, squires AND a hero here!). The only way to completely diffuse the situation realistically is to give both of them the option to back off without casualty. In that case, a dragon can leave inconspicuously if he kills his target of vengeance, a goblin can do whatever the hell he wants to with that information, the knights can retreat knowing the descendants and generals have taken a major blow (guarantee safety and no real reason for encounter anymore truly), the descendants and generals should retreat since they're a man down, etc etc.

Although, what I'm saying above is still ultra vague and leaves out alot of nuance. Why not capitalise on the sudden change in situation, did qixing realize Najin's intent or something? What would the dragon gain from defecting from the descendants' and generals' intentions, how would the general react to a now useless body? How does he escape inconpsicuously? illusion + dragon teleport? that would go noticed by the goblin no? Or the descendant, he had clear and thought out motives didn't he???
So there are alot of questions, but the purpose of the tech is still there.
He's an enigma. The very sort of variable he was talking about, or rather someone as influential as those kinds of variables.

From any given side, or individual's perspective; Najin's perspective drastically changes the understanding and approach to the situation.

For the Goblin there's precaution, for the dragon some sort of control/ mutual understanding. For the generals they appointed him as tempoerary midbattle strategist, meaning they work under his commands in the moment. For the knights an ex-companion, still teetering between designation of true betrayal. For hippo, not a knight but not a general, a bystander? An associate, but of both groups?

From a fighting standpoint too, the generals have to be aware if Najin may have any connection with the knights still. On his own with no physical prowess he backed someone on the dragon's side into a corner (figuratively and literally), with the knight's support they might be completely overwhelmed. This is even moreso true for our knights side, Najin to them looks like a beast, because they still think it's his brother, no? This man is godly, repelled white elephant, approaches kngiht level AND also has the strategic mind of agenius. You could say another quarter of their hearts are praying he's on their side and waiting to give him the chance to defect or something.

The goblin and dragon being enemies means they both have to worry about how Najin reacts to them aswell, thankfully dragon can communicate mentally so he's good.

This hasn't even begun to take into consideration the fact that he effectively wields that ancient weapon thing, which could screw up anyone there given the "correct circumstances" (something Najin is especially well versed in directing towards).

Overall his true everything is still a mystery to everyone in-universe, just not to us. That's why everyone has conscern for Najin even slightly, and why they can't fight completely irrelevant of that fact.
Then, Najin can use the fact that EVERYONE has to take him into consideration before acting to manipulate the fight in his favour.
And anyone smart enough to realize this is also smart enough to realize how screwed they COULD be. It's like knowing someone has a blank tile in scrabble, so everyone's wary to allow branch words for 3x or 2x spots (I love bad analogies)
--- --- ---

I think MK translations are very severely behind (im not sure, bot don't hate me not dissing I swear)

so SURELY it comes off hiatus soon enough
was wondering why ember knight was no longer front page on bookmarks