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Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715381051
How was him cutting off the random's hand a moment of "jerkish, and self consumed assholism".

I don't get it. You need to run that step by step and tell me how that was him being a jerk.
Him being a pain in the ass =/= him being a Jerk. A jerk would be the asshole jumping mc and scheming against him. A self consumed asshole would be the political leaders who selfishly through everyone, including yong in the previous timeline, into war; for the sake of naught.

Everything we've seen him do is almost completely justified. Every complaint I've seen of him, also completely justified.
Him crying for his friend is OBVIOUSLY not a "omg he doesn't care for his friend he only wants to win".

It does not take a genius to tell you that the narrative implication there was that he feels genuine loss. It takes an idiot like me to spell it out for you, because some people can't read inbetween the lines. These are the same people who will feel babied to if he explicitly stated "Oh no, my friend that I over time grew to love and care for is dead, woe is me!!!".

I know it sounds crazy but stories are meant to be interpreted. Simply saying "he's a jerk" and not explaining why isn't a valid refute to an interpretation, nor should an interpretation be refuted unless it is nigh baseless.

My arguments, as far as I recall, have been that the complains of his jerkish behaviour have all been relatively baseless. They were all founded on an extreme bias. I know you're incapable of reading this much, or you skipped everything to this part; but if you wish to be the thousandth person to go "oh my god he's being so mean in this scene and that scene", you are welcome to.
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715380738
Pride in his sect? Yea...No. That's why he did that thing in that place which was disrespectful, right?

"Care for my wellbeing? Yea...No. That's why I had a few chips today, which is unhealthy, right?"

I genuinely do not know what you're referring to, but even I can tell that the bs argument you've formed that has hardly been elaborated upon at all is based off nothingness. And I'm like proficient in writing nothingness (for the sake of argument inf/murim related comments do not count).

At the very least everything I said was based off things that happened in the manwha, and everything you've said has not only amounted to very little, is not only very linear and hardly thought out clearly, but only exists as a weak refute to 1, 2 things that I've repeated.

I don't need someone to tell me Yong is prideful, if you wanna prove a point you gotta explain how the ever loving hell a character being prideful means he's an undoubtfully cruel "piece of shit".

Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715380500
are you braindead? holy shit this is the worst case of illiteracy I have ever seen

MAYBE I could see an argument that yong is a piece of shit BECAUSE of his honor

but to say he has no honor is literally just ignoring what you're reading

everything yong does is because of his honor and pride as a swordsman

every single fight or "antagonistic" moment has been a clash of status and power
from day one he has had qualms with others sullying honor (eg: random getting his hand cut off)

to say that he didn't care for his friend, and that somehow despite doing hardly anything worth hate, that he's a bag of shit is just a matter of stupidity I'm sorry to say

if you're gonna read every comment and respond to the most obscure proof included, and then claim that to be absolute fact and total evidence against my argument
and then also get said evidence wrong...

well idk what I expected from murim enjoyers
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715380295
im sorry but if you wanna replay to a 3 month old comment, the reply itself has to be legible bro

Yong has not had nothing but erratic behaviour, and if Danyu is who I think he is how the hell is that not encompassed by my above comment???

the rest of your comment you're gonna have to explain bro, because you literally make no sense
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715380210
in what regard is he a piece of shit????

I'm pretty sure I explained every possible justification as to acclaim this take as a misinterpretation

at no real point is he ever properly distinguished as a piece of shit, only a jerk at most and also only when he flaunts his power
unrelated but this is listed as related by "shared universe" when under the world after the fall

them having a shared uni is not news to me, but did MK specifically single this out as shared universe or is this applied to other mangers

in which case tf I wanna filter by shared universe
Will I regret looking at that spoiler specifically?

is it kim dojka from the future? wtf!!!11!
Ghetoknight - 1715112560
An anime at 46 chapters? You have to be kidding me, I love the heck out of this manga but for the love of god just because it CAN keep me hooked despite being a month per under revenge isekai plot, does not mean it should be. It's already a struggle why we splitting into an entire diff industry, we haven't even gotten time to properly embrace noelle's char.

not the future, circumstances were incredibly different

and mc hasn't married a woman who would throw herself at nobility like that

either way you look at it plum guy has done nothing wrong at this point I think (cant rembr)
Ghetoknight - 1714852954
feel bad for the nerd guy brother that's just dead now...
but we practically already knew this
Ghetoknight momuney - 1714847035
who is disliking these

why are we trying to oppress the chefs of this county
I heard he translates with other works and I NEED to see them