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273 points
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Ghetoknight - 1715616122
@bot can you please add mysterious paintings
Ghetoknight NotReinya - 1715565932
I mean he can

exile at the very end of the journey, and save the others

but it'd be sad abandoning Tia

or maybe he can't do it willingly
Ghetoknight - 1715565656
I like the hero

please make the hero cool

I 3anna see him make banger decisions like 3hen he saves tia
please please please


if they clich ehim ill cry
Ghetoknight Nexus1961 - 1715564976
yeah well I don''t, lst serious chapter was what, 2023 april? yeah no bro, I have like 203 bookmarks here if not a reminder chapter then a transitional chapter is the next best thing

but picking off immediately after where we left off is gonna make me at the very least lose alot of emotional or subtextual value when it comes to interpreting the story as a whole in the near future
Ghetoknight - 1715564887
I came from a manga recap stopped the vid halfway this is undoubtedly peakology

this is written well, has a good baseline plot, and it's an actual proper twist on the "genre" or trope

Ghetoknight Nexus1961 - 1715518680
Rather than a refresher, having a transitional chapter to get people more prepped for the main story is crucial.

I simply wouldn't flow right if we jumped straight back into where we left off, because the mass majority of auiences don't have that "where we left off" in their immediate memory, and forcibly recalling something just to mentally fix the pacing of a manwha (even if that misalignment is due an over year long break intentionally) would just not be a goo experience.
Ghetoknight - 1715385529
nicely written

wtf postnut clarity
Ghetoknight - 1715384300
I went in this like I went in tsugumomo

looking for hentai

the fact that now I wanna read it to the end is abhorrent, because I can't maximally enjoy every...scene


Ghetoknight - 1715383904
can we punish the loli?
Ghetoknight - 1715383174
I do not like when an mc takes a fist with no repurcussions surely if I read more she will be vindicated, right?
Ghetoknight - 1715383042
how the fuck did I skip to the rape, and murder chapter?

I liked that a bitch died as she revealed she was a bitch tho

imhentai user, he is too real for that one
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715382685
I know I called out the troll but I just have to...
this is giving some serious "why didn't she just listen to the kidnapper" vibes

Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715382665
If you weren't so much of a troll I would have enjoyed asking you more on the subject.
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715382620
That's a great argument that I know you parroted from someone else. It unfortunately unjustly assumes that atheism is not subject to basic human morality, even if basic human morality is heavily influenced by religion.

A country, culture, and leadership body solely founded on Atheism, one that had not at all been subject to religious influences, could be equally argued as more "objective" and individual oriented. Or rather, the very morals you speak of are objective truths (usually) which assist in the prolonging of humanity, which is nigh essential (the majority of times) in the prolonging of self.

To say that not believing is god is an inherent intentional predisposition to selfishness because of the nihilistic attitude is a huge oversimplification of atheism, I think.
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715381821
Correction: you didn't read the first fucking sentence of the part you are correcting, it is an example of a trope frequently used in other stories, it parallels yong's situation

I actually feel bad for the author, thank god your absolute tomfoolery is restricted to MK lmfao
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715381714
top 10 wastes of my life

Explains why Yong ha no choice, gets responded to someone saying it was Yong's choice; actively acknowledging they will not read the comments

at the very least I'm thankful you out yourself as braindead before I call you out for it, for like the 6th time
Ghetoknight JOAT - 1715381626
I don't blame you for hardly taking the time to read, dw

I also won't blame you for deciding there is no deeper to the scene, and that even though it's completely realistic and normal on both sides, you could just excuse it as bad writing, as a "cliche antagonist" type

what I will tell you, however, is that the main argument I'm proposing here is:

this guy just lost the only friend of his life, an absolutely traumatic experience, and is now faced with mc; who is practically happy go lucky right now, and as far as LITERALLY EVERYONE, INCLUDING US, can see is revelling in the victory (which is an okay thing)

to US, as the AUDIENCE, we know what mc is like, we understand he isn't that kind of person, and that he sorrows for the deceased

but, OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING, the fact of the matter is they've been given no time to mourn, and for the casualties of war, and related parties: a child just led their people into demise on his risque plan that happened to work, instead of sticking to the norm which could have been fine

can we please recall no one besides mc has future sight, no one can for sure say mc's choice was anywhere near the most correct, and to someone like yong who due to the events of the story has had an especially skewed image of mc, it is GOING to sound like his own incompetance is what led to the death of his friend

This is like saying the people are wrong for hating Lelouch's tyranny, I think that analogy works well here

The main point is, mc did not portray himself in a way that showed remorse, and although he isn't required to; taking that into account along with literally EVERYTHING ELSE that I'd mentioned is what justified Yong's actions here

Ergo; this isn't a "cliche villian" moment
it's not written to be, and objectively it isnt

you can argue he's a bit selfish here, but the selfishness unarguably stems from his humanity, not from some other stereotypical trait you associate with "bad guy"