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Ghetoknight sw0rdsaint - 1715829213
I absolutely hate this

horrible take onthe trope, absolutely stupid ass take on the trope

all he is is slightly harsh on his words, nothing more nothing less ugh
Ghetoknight Gardez70 - 1715828961
true though

he could just knock the fuck out of the idiot, and then deal with the dumbass skeletons

he's like "oh woe is me, I need ot play in the shadows, not get involved with anybody, be the underdog and master schemer"

but then author literally forces him into all this random ass scenarios where he's the spotlight

what's the point of him pretending then? some comedic effect? clearly not because in every scene where he TRIES to sell his image it's played off as serious
shitty ass writing to the next level, churns my guts
yeah this is annoying

I really want him to tell them the fuck off
not like they're inherently bad or anything, but author-bro is hardly selling the (he still has to act like a villian), and makes every effort to forcefully itnerwine their stories

like in this situation I want him to threaten students subtely, not whatever nonesense is going on here
something about that red head just pisses me off, it's like they're both tryign to sell that he's a schemer but also a braindead at once whenever she's on screen

I mean, seriously? "There happened to be a monster nearby you?"

not, rewards from the academy??

or maybe jsut don't answer??? what happened to retaining your image and distancing yourself? why not just insult her commoner lineage
so annoying like pick a side, author is literally edging us
idk I feel like he's not being villanous enough

surely we follow up on some of our threats, or speak with a more vile tounge, to sell the idea that he's a bad person

maybe kick the disrespectful and frankly valueless maid out as punishment, and bear her title shame upon return

I literally said outloud "is that fauna" before scrolling down lmfao
if I had a penny something something red head merchant/disowned rich people in noble school I'd have 2 something something something
Ghetoknight :) - 1715812728
he probably did, but it wasn't mentioned? since it's insignificant as aresult

let's say 50 monsters, just 50 x the ogres is probably not far off

something similar with the wolves and the subpar knights, maybe
Ghetoknight Comred - 1715800173
I'm not even arguing that he wasn't at fault (completely, don't quote me)

He's arrogant asf, undoubtedly
I'm saying to an extent his outlash is infinitely more justified than if not those circumstances
to the point where it very well even paralells a caring hero trope

Arrogance cause him to misjudge the situation numerous times, even up to now; regardless of the logic or facts involved
it's not like him getting angry was unavoidable, but I enjoy that it's at the very least a realistic point of anger

because the objective fact is, here, he is not jumping mc because he wants to test his power, he raises his sword to vindicate his fallen comrade, and, no matter the initial drive or how tainted his reasoning might have been, due to himself or others, it's an admirable quality and honestly fitting of a would-be general, clan leader, sword saint, pseudo-rival and most importantly a grown character
sure ig

it still feels like rather than properly divulging into his character they just let him be because of how easy it is "cliche villian" is to understand

and then the one step further I'd argue is that since everyone, including the author, only looks at him to that extent it gives off the impression that, despite him sprinkling some good qualities or moments here and there, he was never supposed to be anything past a cliche antagonist (which again in the first place is hardly explored), so at the very least I was happy in the pseudo redemption when he's getting angry completely and utterly for the sake of someone else

it's not like the author didn't make it obvious he was this self absorbed jerk, wouldn't sit here and argue against that
but whether or not author-bro did it right, or whether or not that really counts as "fleshing out" his character (especially when compared, again (sorry), to his pseudo redemption) I just can't settle with
Ghetoknight Comred - 1715719150
Honestly it isn't even necessarily that I'm ticked at mc's character, but that even for me it's written to paint pink boy in a completely negative light (all except the pseudo-redeem at the hands of samurai bro).

It's like they didn't acknowledge him as a real character and didn't pay attention into delving on their relationship properly, rather all he's used for is to flaunt mc's growth or potential ina half-hazard way, acting as sort of this artificial benchmark for mc to hit and audience to be gratified.

Ghetoknight - 1715632816
hardly caught up huh
Ghetoknight Mogus Man - 1715632785

also just realized it's actually here, majo no kaigashu
Ghetoknight - 1715632760
oh it is here
Ghetoknight - 1715616307
Can you please add mysterious paintings @Bot

How do I ping on this

This sh don't work at all