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Ghetoknight Joho - 1717060709
1) seems like you dont even get the reason he became a royal was to change the status quo and get commoners ACKNOWLEDGED by nobles; as per his master's footsteps. Proving commoners could be as good as nobles was already accomplished when the king appointed him as the fucking royal mage, you dumbass. I said this like 10 times.

2) "why else would he stop his usage of offensive magic" literally explained to you why, you're repeating rubbish with no real argument and I find that hilarious
3) "useless to him, pamper even more, terrible affinity with it" you pulled this out of your ass because your regardation are incapable of comprehending anything besides linear vertical power spikes, at no point is it ever implied that mc's supportive role was a waste or detriment; only that he can focus on an offensive role now that they had a support mage. This is like saying a swordsman shouldn't learn how to read an write because they have a scholar in the party, moronic.

4) "dick sucking for the mc is crazy" - didn't read anything I said -"fall for fictional character" -literal illiteracy embodiment, conformity bias

I'm praying to god you stopped reading because honestly this above average manga is genuine to god wasted on the brainrot you possess bro, actually seek help lol
Ghetoknight - 1717043382
I know this has erotica tag but if anyone in the MK recent comments section sees this, just read it

ignore the sex, fucking fantastically built story

it's not an overachiever in anything, but it just does great all around

and when I say story, I mean story story, I mean it actually tells a story to a degree of fascination. Author hit it nail on the head.
Ghetoknight innight - 1717043276
ah, no, the puresc being attached to the ring is made specialy so that one can use pure without making contant, activating it's negative effects, iirc

that wasn't it's intentional use but like a runback from the author

at the very least in the first place lohen wouldn't be able to use the ring if that weren't the case, since the neg effects are caused by liquids mixing; which is exactly what happened with lohen's artificaal insemination

Ghetoknight - 1717040133
tying that in to a sex joke is so fucking down perfect for this series, it doesn't lose any of the effect, it wasn't played off completely comedic, it was a PERFECT ASS pun to close off the scenic summary of character development, in like 2 words; hory sheet
Ghetoknight - 1717028431
uhh yeah I highly doubt after allat the implication is that he was ACTUALLY experimenting on them?

im psure he joined a pre-existing dungeon experiment, probably with information and status as guran, likely to stop the murders (maybe by quickly obtaining a real dungeon core in addition to all the fake ones he'd have assimilated from stealing shadow whatever's collection)
they were infected no? I think they were already slaves to Guran (evil glasses guy) im psure, else this wouldn't have been plannable
Ghetoknight Joho - 1717025931
Are you fucking retarded? No seriously, did we read the same manga?

"He didn't try anything, he is a capable mage"

no shit sherlock, we're introduced to the guy hard carrying the party

he didn't learn a 'new set of bad skills" you imbecile, he learnt skills necessary for properly supporting a party, skills befitting of someone not interested in overtly selfish goals
if he wanted to, he could bask in the glory of court magician any day, but it's completely counterconvenient to his underlying objective

prince already knew he had the firepower of a demon, but he couldn't appreciate the support magic he had instead restricted mc to, and henceforth the value of commoners fell on deaf ears

this is why, in proper, written acknowledgement of mc's skills (along with a beating) he was able to redeem himself

"He could have shown how amazing he was"
he consistently did, the fuck do you think the "flashy magic" was? did you think a prince on his level of naivety instantaneously grasped that he was a god tier magician just because he wrote a dungeon guide? it helped, but that obviously was not all there ws to it

also fym open eyes? the king always supported mc through thick and thin, the mistreatment is a societal clause and a result of a close minded prince, along with bootlicker party members, are we stupid??

"if a written paper was enough" statement is evidence you need a reread, there's so many things wrong with it. 1) king wasnt the one who needed their mind changed, he said so himself + he always supported mc + who the hell you think appointed him as court mage in the first place, and why? brainrot istg 2) mc showcases his ability in a myriad of ways in addition to the detailed guide, which as a revelation changed the prince 3) the mc played his role as a body guard perfectly 4) not sure where we manifested self defense teacher from

Did mc fumble hard? Undoubtedly, can't disagree on that. There are definitely things he could have done better, and he completely pussied out for not taking a greater initiative and frontstanding position in the raids, but that's almost completely irrelevant to his offensive capabilities, or his quality as a mage- and is a detract from the takeaway from that scene- that being mc persevered against rough times for a goal that was ultimately noble in every regard

I'm not saying it's great writing or he's the bestestestest ever, I'm saying "this is a completely normal and admirable progression, and shitting on it is just unecessary criticism"
Ghetoknight - 1717013123
yo I'm seeing commenters who took the "I hate moment" to heart, as if it wasn't to show how alec had successfully overturned his ideals; to the point of thematic submission, and not just a "cliche jerkface stays cliche jerkface" and im seriously pissed that 90% the chapter got overlooked BECAUSE he said sorry in addition to everything else
Ghetoknight - 1717012999
are we dumb @top comment?

with the relevance of classicism, think of it from his perspective

one of the most noble and unspoken yet true rules of society, which he bid his life by, which all his loved ones, followers and friends abide by, literally an integral part of his world view, has cracked

he's in every right to stand down his life for that fact;

so first (1) it wasn't just "an apology", it was both compensation and a genuine offering for redemption, a death where he sticks to his morals and one where our mc would legally be just in receiving his revenge, (2) a moment for complete reflection via mid-battle analysis of mc's capabilities, and (3) a coming of age scene

it's a great redemption, it's an insanely well done redemption actually
Ghetoknight - 1717012721


Not even the idea of self reflection necessary, but just having logical responses to certain events is enough to elevate a character's qualitiy greatly

it's fucking honorable, even if he's a brat
Ghetoknight - 1717012003
surely he uses something other than lightning magic eventually, right?

I saw the helios fire magic but like he's called V coloured mage, no?
Ghetoknight Joho - 1717011736
if I could dislike this comment I would

fuck you mean bent over for them? just because he didn't take ultra initiative and risk being exiled for betrayal doesn't mean he didn't try his hardest
everything he did was in full benefit of the party, the only issue was his party was just so beyond stupidly unfunnily braindead that it ended up flying over there heads, practically irrelevant of commoner bias

it's not like he didn't take time to impress, it's that even if he did he'd be ignored (since prince knows about his flashy magic capabilities), and if he did his tmost to win their respect (complete protection) he was scorned

it's generic and cliche but that isn't a detriment on mc's part
yes there's a hint of embarassment, to have persevered so long and failed in the end, but you literaly see how the scene properly justifies this by emphasizing the "persevered" part

hate your type fr