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aFFi - 1707836427
I smell bullshit.
He either won't win or he'll let her go without harming her.
She can't harm him, and harming her right now would be stupid of him.

This is completely pointless. Making the MC meet her at this point is pretty stupid. We know he isn't at the top of the family's power hierarchy, so what's the point of this encounter.
Making him seem weak? We've already been informed.
Showing how evil the sister is? They already showed us she's been massacring the Tiger tribe for years, men, women and children alike.
Showing how ruthless the family is? They've been killing willy-nilly for centuries... that wasn't something that needed clarification.

I smell bullshit because this feels like filler content, with no character development in view. I guess the next few chapters will be pointless and boring...

The only thing this proves is that the patriarch that the MC is gathering clues about was utterly useless.
Everything he was trying to protect or nurture is being destroyed by his own family... be it the Tiger Tribe or the Grail's Village...
aFFi - 1707482654
I discovered something new about myself.
Apparently, I hate flashbacks even more than cliffhangers.
Every fucking manhwa is currently in a flashback it seems....
aFFi - 1707480411

Yeah... because they were soooo useful last time.
- Gave a "special silent whistle" that alerted the enemies.
- Took so long to come help that 2 students cleaned up the whole bandit camp and saved the hostage, alone...
- Even the Bandit King, who wasn't on site, got there before any instructors, had a discussion with the MC, and leisurely left...

The students are better off alone, at least they won't do something stupid with the wrong conviction that the instructors will save them...
aFFi Noir - 1707317404
"Soon" is the end of the last chapter that releases right before this manga gets axed.
Like every other manga with similar stories.
aFFi Martyaxvar - 1706939689
Well, you're right on some points.
Viola would be past simple, but the translation of "il la viola" would be exactly "he raped her", so I'm not exactly pulling things out of nowhere.
This verb tense is rarely used verbally, I concur, and more used in literature, but the translation would still hold, and some posh people do tend to use this tense often.
But as you disagree that the past simple wouldn't be used colloquially, so do I disagree that it would be mainly used to mean violate property or trust (destroy, trample, desecrate), it's way more associated with the sexual violence action, especially because of TV news broadcasts and such, and because it's the only word that can define it (you could use "il abusa de sa confiance" for trust, ...)

But you are right, I didn't mean to scare Gakuku. Context matters after all.
Viola could also be the musical instrument or, like you said in another comment, linked to the flower.
And as a non-French name, it would be infinitely more associated with the flower.
aFFi Casual Reader - 1706892158
I know this will sound pedantic, but I think it's better if I correct you.
It's "Voila" or even more correctly "Voilà".
I wouldn't normally care, but "Viola" means "Raped" in French, soooooo...
aFFi haziqspy - 1706838937
Yep, and I hated this arc at first.
But is it not a romance manhwa?
And a level-up/battle manhwa?
And a murim manhwa?
And an isekai manhwa?

I'm getting the feeling that every arc will be in its own genre.
We get attached to the MC, but every arc as a clear beginning, set of characters, stories, lore and most of all ending.

This is simply genius.
aFFi Kurumi69 - 1706788788
Thank you very much!
aFFi Kurumi69 - 1706754615
Please spoil me!
Don't forget to use the "spoiler" tags for others, but this is so slow, and I really don't enjoy reading LN.
aFFi Utage-sensei - 1706751196
Dude, that means he would have to watch his descendants die over and over and over again.
That's even more fucked up.

Also, they said that the DH series don't really have a gender, I don't actually know if he even could have a kid...
aFFi - 1706534104
Her father wouldn't remarry to not make her sad, even tho that would put the family in an awkward position.
They didn't force her into a marriage that would bring up or stabilize the family, to not make her sad.
The whole family seems to be supporting her.
Her one true friend sacrifices his pride and made a deal with the father he abhors to marry her as a live-in groom.
He makes the effort to be as regal as possible so that her family won't be able to complain, and comes to see her every day for a week with flowers.

And she refuses to even meet him at all because the hair, that she cut herself, has to grow?!?
Without giving him any explanation, not even a letter explaining that she also likes him or anything to reassure him?!?

I'm sorry... but that's a whiny selfish bitch, and she doesn't deserves him.
aFFi RingKing - 1706533402
Actually, that's sexual assault. He couldn't give consent, and she made physical contact.
They are in NY, so that 5 to 25 years in prison!

Now, that's for unwanted physical contact. I don't know if that would be the case here 😋
aFFi MONGER - 1706489042
I feel like the artist concentrated a lot on a certain part of this page.
Like, the shoes are looking just stupid, drawn by a 5yo, but other parts seem to have had a lot more time allotted to make it look good 😊
aFFi - 1706310847
I really don't learn.
I was totally expecting that him singing with his heart would be beautiful,.. ahahaha
Curses and a declaration of war to conquer the mermen Kingdom.... ahahaha
aFFi - 1706310039
He just broke... everything.
I thought he just broke his hands at first... then I saw the weird angles one the rest of the douchebag's body...
Legs, arms, fingers, torso... damn, brutal. Deserved, but still, brutal.
aFFi - 1706309617
I still don't get why that beast of a master is part of the blood cult.
I mean, he is violent, selfish, impulsive, excessive in every way and does only what he wants... but he seems to have honor too, and treasures his comrades, he doesn't seem to seek powers other than the ones he needs for a good fight...

He wouldn't be part of a Justice or Orthodox sect, but maybe an unorthodox one... but being part of the blood cult seems strange... also, usually, the demonic and blood cult have religious undercurrents too... he doesn't seem like on who cares about those things.
aFFi - 1706135120
Yep, this is stupid.
When every single person surrounding the MC is THAT dumb, it gets really boring.
"Oh, the young warrior who has an extremely timely and important mission came back for no reason. He was with a whole group, but he is with just one other person now. It's strange, he isn't wearing what he did when he left 2 seconds ago, and has a strange aura"
"I know! We should leave him and his attendant to see the most important person around. Alone. Without any guards or protection!"

I think I'd better pause reading this for a few month, and then decide if it's worth reading....
aFFi - 1705964475

Toutankha is Kirtel...
Does that mean that this tribe are the MC's distant relatives?
aFFi - 1705768244
I was going to shit all over this chapter, complaining about it being completely filler, with the exact same cliffhanger as last chapter.

But then, I saw the last 4 panels.
I'm good. It was actually a fine way to finally make them meet.
aFFi - 1705669437
I feel like the system is a jealous woman.
It's actually trying to make sure he stays single....