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Manga Mango
1485 points
1034 Comment(s)
2056 Upvote(s)
The girl he was talking to earlier and brought into the dungeon was the girl he tutored for a while close to the beginning I believe. 
Unless you are guessing the impersonator? 
Manga Mango - 1699183582
Kind of weak. Failed to really immerse me in the slice-of-life because it kept focused on the drama and ocasionally something supernatural. 

But it also failed to pay off the supernatural by not having it do anything particularly poignant or significant. 

And the drama doesn't feel like it paid off either cause the story was about the characters so the drama was never meant to be the focus. 

Just kind of a weird balance between a few themes that all have potential but fail to live up to it. 6/10 

Maybe try the anime? Probably looks beautiful to have a beach front aquarium in full color animation. 
Manga Mango - 1699182673
Idk man I feel like she could have been in the movie even if she didn't want to keep being an idol. If nothing else it would be an experience. Plus she might get a decent contract which would be nice. 
Manga Mango - 1699132605
This chapter was definitely cute
Manga Mango - 1699011065
Another new form to play with
Manga Mango - 1699003030
I know 98% of people reading this expect and probably want them to end up together, but honestly I think they'd make great siblings and I kind of want them to stay that way. 
Manga Mango - 1698995393
It isn't whether she has feeling for him or not, its whether he has feelings for someone. He's always got an air of solitude around him. Always just close enough to touch but never close enough to hold on to, to put it one way. 
Manga Mango Kirevi - 1698881880
Still hard to find them right?
Manga Mango - 1698838968
Jesus Asahi is so freaking cute you should just get rid of Mona or whatever her name is who cares. 
Manga Mango - 1698822547
Uhg. Its kind of cute sometimes but the dude is so pushy that it put me off. 5/10
Manga Mango - 1698821140
"I didn't pass but they had a spare slot"
Lol iconic
Manga Mango - 1698808292
I think it would be nice if they could be sluts together but also be special to eachother
Manga Mango - 1698805518
Men can be raped and I feel like this is definitely undermining that fact. She is holding him hostage practically with the 30m yen debt and trying to get him in bed. If the gender were reversed we would all be horrified. And I'm certainly not on board with this as is either. 
I feel like compairing this to Ichigo 100% is definitely insulting to Ichigo 100%. 
Manga Mango - 1698750280
This is absolutely crazy. There is supernatural powers and time travel and a fair amount of death and a tiny bit of rape and the like. Seriously though this might be the most mind melting manga I've ever read and that is a pretty high bar to clear. 
I'm not even kidding there's reverse causality and I don't know if you know this but thats always pretty mind fucky, and this manga really layers it up pretty thickly. 
Suprisingly there aren't any largly noticeable plot holes, which is the Achilles heel of all time travel, let alone one this complex. 
The art is stunning but sometimes confusing because how much detail and angles it has. 
The plot is somewhat inscrutable which is true of many time travel stories, but the time travel is actually quite strong while the plot otherwise is the inscrutable part. 
I can't tell if there were some problems with things being lost in translation, or if the story was confusing by its very nature, but it was hard to follow on ocassion. 
But I think the uniqueness of this manga's story compined with its amazing visuals and strong characters makes it a worthy story to give a chance. (Side note I enjoyed the romance and drama quite a bit, so even if you aren't usually into seinen you may enjoy this.) 8/10 
Manga Mango - 1698718801
Perfect 200/10 
Even better the second time!