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yilo Chun 0w0 - 1702015117
there is a subreddit by the name of r/fitgirls i think you should visit it. would be a good match for you.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1702014872
its understandable though. imagine swinging your sword for tens of thousands of times day in day out, without rest, with no regard for weather, injuries and w/e else. and in comes a kid who is barely old enough to have stopped suckling his mothers breasts and shows talent that is far superior to yours. you cant help but feel bad for her.
yilo Valantis - 1702014395
i mean 2 wrongs dont make a right. having said that, it was extremely rude on mc's part to flex like that. the guy was litterally doing his job. which is registering requests to take a quest. if any dick, joe or hans walks up to the booth that he doesnt recognize he will ofcourse try to judge their skills based on their appareance. now i understand that it is bias but that is part of his job, he needs to make a correct judgement so the stupid students dont bite more than they can chew, he fucked up by threatening the student without knowing his full strengths so mc shouldnt be given too much shit for this incident but. mc is new, he could simply have talked and cleared the misunderstanding but he instead decided to go tit for tat. he had the moral high ground but he decided to sink down to the others level and automatically lost. if you remember during the psychic test party thingy he was calm collected and didnt sink down to anyones levels. that was a huge W, it showed that mc had maturity and had character. but now he has done what we would call "Karen behaviour". so a massive L for him.
yilo Gakuku - 1702013853
"absolute power corrupts absolutely."

said by some guy.
yilo Casual Reader - 1702013329
no you are right, the one piece characters name is jabra. and this guy is indeed a bootleg version off of him. i guess you can say a little easter egg. the other guy has the face of shikimaru from naruto.
yilo Manga Mango - 1702012384
i remember only reading up to s1 and then i aparently didnt bookmark it so i didnt know it had finished. but i guess i will go in and see for myself.
yilo Zagyu - 1702012157
i saved it under the name "ultimate combo" lmfao.
yilo - 1701943685 lmfao, what the actual fuck guys.
yilo - 1701942280
fk i havent read this in 6months i forgot how good this was.
yilo Glasses Person - 1701940803
yilo - 1701940721
yilo Bob (Rex Bones) - 1701939898
i enjoyed it alot, i left my review with my toughts. if you shall need a reference.
yilo Mr.Underdog - 1701939774
i dont read novels tbh, only read like 5 maybe 6 novels?
yilo - 1701939714
adorable little shit.
yilo - 1701910748
review time.

premise: well as the description says, he regressed 100 times we only get to see the 100th time. but its a unique one.

plot: the MC is a coldblooded, badass mfker, who chews gum and kicks ass... he knows when to kill, when to injure, when to torture and how far he can push/manipulate people. he doesnt overstay his welcome. delivers a brilliant performance on what it actually means to be a good shounen MC. the story is kind of old dirt road that has been travelled upon, but it honestly is not bad. they know that the ideas/thropes that they used arent original and they dont pretend like it either. so that is a big W, this manhwa does exactly what it says in the title, anything you'd expect from a (multi)regressor the mc does and he does it bloody well.

RATING: [art 9/10], its fking stunning, you could probably look at the pages for hours on end and still like the art in the newer chapters. [story 5/10], its nothing new but its actually alright. it uses a mesh of multiple different manhwa's like (omnicient readers viewpoint, leveling with the gods, dungeon reset, ranker who lives a second time and the live) to name a few that share same or similair concepts. [character development 4/10] for the first 30 chapters although harsh nothing much happens with side characters or their growth. so yeah. [world building 6/10] the idea of higher beings giving quests, rewards, monsters, reality being invaded, bla bla bla... you know the deal by now. fantasy with quests. nothing new, nothing great, just alright. they havent fucked up so that is good i suppose.
[overal rating 7/10] although it isnt anything ground breaking, just like solo leveling everything it chose to do, it does fucking well. i would definitely recommend this story to people. i had loads of fun reading it, bookmarked it and will be looking forward to future chapters.

should you as a person read this? imo yes, this is definitely not something new but its actually pretty good and it performs very well i dont have much to nitpick in this story so that is always a good sign. so give it a shot and enjoy yourself! :D
yilo - 1701906301
okay i binged this manhwa all 30 chapters in 1 sitting. i havent done this in a looooooooong while. i have been invested in this manhwa now. the MC is a fking badass, he was written to be a badass and he has succeeded as being one. i love this guy. gives no shit, doesnt fuck around. knows what he wants and gets it done. my respect to author and artist, and ofcourse our beloved asurascans team. so far its a classic.
yilo AtukBrontok - 1701906115
you want more?
yilo Zagyu - 1701904421
ah the respectable answer.
yilo Zagyu - 1701900030
zagyu... you going after a special young lady or just a lady? please dont tell me it is the latter...
yilo Banana - 1701894108
uhm you are correct. he could play lotto, (gambling on game scores). which would have been better than lottery.