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Name Withheld
1500 points
892 Comment(s)
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Name Withheld - 1724416709
I'm really not enjoying this - it's so cliché!

So the hot girl who suffered the trauma of seeing the boy she liked get his head caved in by a madman at such a young age, dug up the corpse, hid it in the woods and went to talk to it often, as a coping mechanism for her guilt of him taking her place when she made the give-away sound?
Blonde dude suspects this, so has the unnecessary exposition thought bubble, which, really, just gives it all away!

Fast forward 10 or 15 years - or however long it's been - and the girl, now totally hot, jumps into bed with a random youtuber who's basically a sexual predator... but has to be, because he's a sad, nerdy fucker who does stupid shit for views and couldn't possibly hope to get such a sweet catch by any normal (I mean: moral) means.
Nerdy youtuber then unleashes his inner serial killer (I don't know... maybe the author reasons anyone taking advantage of a mentally troubled woman like that is already seriously deranged?)... and that leads us to where we are now.

The author's a bit more savvy and just dropped a ton of red herrings to completely throw us off track?

Either way, this is bad writing and, were I not so close to the end, I'd drop it!

I was hoping this would pick-up a few chapters ago, but instead, it's gone Full Retard.
She did. But then, the other chick didn't tell MC she hated him, nor did his gf break up with him.
The translation is kind of arse.

But the exposition is even worse:
"Oh, Glasses Girl, member of the 7..."
Needed dialogue because we absolutely have no idea who the only glasses chick in this whole hot mess is. Sigh.
Could you PLEASE put a spoiler over that?
I know where NTRevenge was heading, but I was letting them stack (I was also hoping the MC wouldn't do what you described above.

For some reason, this site tells me to log in whenever I try to use the spoiler function, so if you're having the same difficulty, you may want to instead delete the last part of your post.

Also, if you read my comment/review on NTR, you'd have espied how I remarked on it heading in a dark direction and I was hoping it wouldn't go there (this being what you described above - so no double-standards on my part).
Sigh. I'll engage in conversation about a comic: fine... but don't tell me I wasn't paying attention when there were only THREE girls involved in the nude photo bullying scene (minus the victim).
Name Withheld - 1724414356
When the hottest chick dies and you no longer give a damn...
Name Withheld - 1724395926
Yeah, yeah, and you fuck your hot girlfriend in the arse with your dead brother's dick.

MC suddenly sounds crazier than doll-chan.
Name Withheld - 1724395387
So stupid that the author's choosing not to reveal such basic information here. The gang knows which chick is calling, but we have to wait a chapter... because Cliff-kun.
Name Withheld - 1724394815
This is supposed to be getting more intense, but I'm finding it to be getting more dull.
Let's hope it picks up again quickly - it's only 43 chapters so I'd rather not drop it mid-way.
Name Withheld - 1724393764
They broke up?
Name Withheld - 1724393297
If this drops all logic and just goes ape-shit mad, it may be a bit more fun, but all these high school writer's twists and crap are really making me lose interest.
Name Withheld - 1724365910
The wife left... so he got an ugly doll?
Name Withheld - 1724364301
Sigh, the brother's death reveal, now the blood match. This is amateur level shit.

But how big a group of pussies were those twats? First they get taken down by a BL MC lookalike (not that I've ever read such shit), then another dude comes along and kills all 10 of them!
Name Withheld - 1724363924
Twice the brother being alive back then was dropped for no real reason. Hint, hint, maybe?
Name Withheld - 1724363058
The 5 year old comment here (and the one following it) is the weirdest shit I've seen all week.

"I'll fuck another man in the arse... but it's not gay."

"Yang" must be in the IDF or something - raping Palestinian men because it humiliates them... but isn't gay.
Lol! Maybe the fags think it's not gay because their noses are bigger than their dicks?
Dude, the MC punishes a load of innocents due to one girl and her sister! I'm sure most of them had no idea any of that had happened - hence the hunt to find out who said what - regardless of what team they're on.

That has nothing to do with gender.
I was away... until you called me back.

This manga does get a lot better though - I was pretty angry reading its first few chapters due to the sheer savagery of the bullies.
Name Withheld - 1724361352
Why's the dude with the super hot girlfriend even thinking about the under-age girl he's letting stay at his place for the night, as anything but an under-age girl he's protecting?

That was pure cringe.
That picture is both sad and true for a lot of people.
Name Withheld obde - 1724135525
I don't know how much manga you've read, but you sold it.

Name Withheld - 1724135193
P.S. Genocider: one would easily mistake this as taking place in Gaza.