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Name Withheld
1500 points
892 Comment(s)
157 Upvote(s)
Name Withheld - 1699130162
After all the frustration and disdain I've voiced over this title, it's actually starting to be good. Very good.
Name Withheld - 1699085306
The poor girl who was wrapped up in him gets dumped due to gangsters... so then we get this nobody to take her place?Either a harem - although,  MC doesn't seem too interested in women - or he'll be forced to choose.
This could be good!
Name Withheld - 1699084867
Minion: Yeah, the boy really turned himself around! Maybe we should - Fake Boss: No, he dies!

Name Withheld - 1699084229
What's so frustrating is that this should be brilliant.I mean: if I told a random what had happened in the 1st series and how the 2nd was quickly shaping up after just 2 episodes, I'm sure that dude would be excited.
Then we have the sketchy artwork: it's unique and, at times, I almost like it, but then there are other times when I simply cannot tell people apart or I have no idea whatsoever as to what's happening in a fight scene!In short: it's frustrating.
This seems to be a long arc though, at just under 60 chapters. Hopefully I can accept all of the above and stop coming across as a moany bitch who won't just walk away.

@botWhy does this comment box remove all my paragraphs, forcing me to edit my posts so that they're readable?Please fix this.
Name Withheld - 1699046226
It's under-rated because the art is ugly and it suffers heavily from a lack of clarity. Here's an example:
I was like, who tf is this woman?For a moment, I thought she was the student teacher! A simple, several weeks later caption before the panel would've cleared up the passing of time and him being in some night school - or whatever it is - rather than completely throwing the reader off until it eventually becomes apparent.
I heard this was great but I put it down once years ago, started again last year, and I've already put it on hold twice since then!
This really needs a good editor, someone to tell the author it's not supposed to be f*cking wire-fu, and an artist who can actually storyboard in a way so we can see at a glance what's happening. 
Name Withheld - 1699044940
Dude, I'm amazed you can figure out any of WTF is going on. This "art" is really some of the worst I've ever come across! F*cking stickmen would be better because at least then I'd be able to see what was happening!
Name Withheld - 1699044209
28 chapters until there's finally a cool bit. I really don't know why I've stayed with this that long though (real life friend recommendations hold too much weight!).
Name Withheld - 1699043673
Sh*t, that idiot boss got played so hard that he really did it.
I still hate the way this story is told though... it just feels like little pieces are always missing. 
Name Withheld - 1699042146
Honestly, 90% of the fights are like: WTF is going on? And: Is this dude human? How's he fly like that?
Name Withheld - 1699028860
No wonder I keep putting this one down - its so hard to follow at times, the artwork's ugly and a 1st year joining the Korean mafia as the main plot is so f*cking dumb.
Name Withheld - 1698944053
Cool, a new meme:

Oops, I forgot to crop that.
I do miss the Disqus though - I could log in to any manga site using that.