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That thing with the newspaper is probably because she does not like anyone else to touch the paper before her. My grand father was like that he said we ruined the creases in the paper and he could not enjoy it after that. since he paid for it we had to not touch it until he was finished. We later compromised and he would take out the comics on Sunday and give them to us because he took too long to read the large Sunday paper.

If in fact he did burn his own home I bet he did it so that the painting would be burned so that she would not do something foolhardy and mess up the chance for her other daughter to marry into the red heads family
THANK GOD, the woman was only pretending to be foolish. Whew , I really thought she was so dense, I was thinking he would have to stand on his head in a rain storm to make it clear that he was not joking about his feelings.
I am still here after 50 + chapters and I feel some sort of way, I am not sure if I am frustrated with what is going on or just impatient for this plot to move at a different speed, anyway I am still here wondering and waiting.
Thick as a bunch of books or dense as condensed soup, she is a woman from the 21st century why is she so dense?
She should know as well as him how it is, why is she acting illogical? If a woman can not be in business for herself or be an unattached woman and be accepted in society why does she think announcing that the painter was a woman will change anything? Give them back their money then why sell it in the first place? Does she no longer need money to survive and get her darling daughters married off to men that can support them? She is really going to need money and luck to get that blond one married. She is pretty but a bit dim in the head and lacking in any skills for the home.
Of course, because if the truth is revealed it could only be troublesome not helpful. The painter being female would probably cause the price to deflate as they do not value females and their talent as they should.
At least the girls are not that dim.
She be worrying about all the wrong things.
Soooo, that's how it is. Okay I like this.
How they look is important but, how about how they comport themselves? Knowing how to behave/act in that type of situation is as important as how you look.
Why is she being a snobby B!tch ?
Why did the mother get weird with the guy who was helping her up? She was rude and so was the daughter pushing and pulling on a stranger that had said sorry already. Then when he came over and said it again they both acted strange. Maybe I am missing something here.
What about the little boy? No more mention has been made of him. The guys dad said go home take care of your mom to his daughter, nothing about the sons kid, or the little girl.
She can turn those tears on at will , I bet she is thirsty after so much crying. You reap what you sow and this girl has been sowing a lot, it's reaping time.
Well said, and my sentiments exactly. Seems he only wanted his ex when she left and got with someone else. She tried to talk to him before all this went down and he would not even listen to anyone except Rashta. Serves him right he got just what he thought he wanted.