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moris espoir
1497 points
109 Comment(s)
246 Upvote(s)
moris espoir - 1720288195
Dom the real mc
moris espoir - 1719795869
Beggar sect always coming in a clutch lol
moris espoir - 1719466761
Arm collector back at it again
moris espoir Som Eone - 1719464631
It came back 6 months ago but they uploaded scanlated translation and now they reuploaded the s2 chs with the official translation lol
moris espoir - 1717730089
Let’s fucking goooooo DOOOOM‼️‼️
1. She’s not dumb for fighting him without knowing his strength and weaknesses because she had a strategy in plan which was turning off the lights to fight him on equal grounds & unleash her echolocation which was her triumph card since even the enemy wasn’t aware of her having that kind of skill in the first place.
2. She felt the bad intuition only after they got into the room not when chasing him so I wouldn’t say she ignored the signs. If you’re still going to call her stupid, for instance let’s say she won after activating her skill, would you have called the assassin dumb? Because it’s just a matter of coincidence this assassin was blind too and has a similar skill to hers too.
I understand your argument, but when considering the situation from her viewpoint, she was about to fight someone on par with her in terms of skills or intelligence etc, but since she has that echolocation skill which allowed her to pinpoint her opponent's location using sound waves, it granted her the upper hand, especially in the darkness where her opponent couldnt see, & could’ve resulted in her winning. Although the only flaw in her plan was her lack of awareness regarding the special traits the enemy had and it’s not like she had time to learn + pietro was in a tight situation so I wouldn’t really say she’s “stupid”.
How is she stupid when she didn’t know the guy himself was blind? Are you even reading
moris espoir - 1714502716
Times like this I miss snow flower 💔
moris espoir - 1712693181
These chs getting shorter every week man. Glad we finally got this right tho, it’s been set up since the early chs of the manwha after she parted ways with that hypocritical old bum of a so called silent demon lord
moris espoir - 1712607019
Lmfao he’s about to get his ass beat
Basically MC is extending his aunt an offer to deliver the divorce papers to the husband, knowing well that he will be compelled to decline because despite his political status, without the support of the Soonyang Company he won’t have a large influence as he does.
moris espoir - 1712128475
Feels like they’re about to wrap up this season soon. Kinda expected her to pull up but Dam’s probably on his way too hopefully he’ll arrive after Jin’s done with controlling the night leader’s internal energy
moris espoir - 1711486552
Body reconstruction incoming ⁉️
Don’t know how that would work but 5 year timeskip would be enough for Jin to learn a technique he can use to counter yul-cheon’s barrier and collaborate with the blacksmith back at the sect to make a better blade
moris espoir - 1711028414
The night leader’s gon probably transfer his internal arts to Jin or we might get a timeskip and he’ll be back with a new sword
moris espoir Brik - 1710268928
Facts! The paneling is so well done and the artist knows how to use his art creatively. It’s sad we don’t have a lot to see since we’re in the final arc but I’m looking forward to what he’s gonna work on after this manwha ends
moris espoir - 1710261853
The choreography of this series is unmatched, feels so natural and dynamic. The pacing of this fight is well executed and I love how the weight behind each strike the night leader lands is conveyed effectively while reflecting his emotions towards his brother such as desperation and determination + resolve to end this conflict. Man do I love this series
Couldn’t have said it better. Heavily agree with what you said not to Mention the characters are incredibly well-developed, so real and relatable in their flaws and emotions that they resonate deeply with us readers. Art wise ‘her summon’ fs is one of the few series that can compete with this series 💯. Good luck with your finals too bro
Imo what makes this stand out against the others I’ve read is its strong religious undertones without coming across as didactic; rather, it poses thought-provoking inquiries about religion and the afterlife from the perspective of a nonbeliever (urich) & The narrative skillfully intertwines numerous themes into a single story, a feat that is truly remarkable which is not something you see in most series out there.

Hopefully it’ll be picked up again by another studio