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1475 points
30 Comment(s)
26 Upvote(s)
Evizzy - 1717146797
this had much more potential that what it turned out to be, its great up until chapter 72
my biggest issue she has no character growth/development, she remains mentally stunted till the very end like she has some kind of brain damage
I do regret reading this
also if you're curious about who the ML is its her foster father
Evizzy Flasheno07 - 1716358183
I feel like he would lack that appeal if ya know he was missing a head and 7 feet deep
Evizzy - 1716270604
and then papa killed the dickhead flame emperor
and no one was sad
Evizzy Bakeneko - 1716270351
wait wait, shes 7? its been awhile since ive gone through this manga but shes seriously not that young is she?
Evizzy - 1714974960
"we could never beat him even if all of us attack him together!"
"but I have another solution...we can kill him!"

Evizzy alligator - 1714973350
they're siblings (in the previous world), you can see it in this episode they're even having flashbacks of each other
but for the sake of sanity it'll never be brought up again or confirmed
Evizzy - 1710721584
This is completed as of chapter 125
The story is pretty good, it feels like more than a revenge story and the pacing feels pretty natural as she finds the answers to her questions.
FL is great, shes strong, unapologetic and smart. ML is strong, and treats her well. Her family is irredeemable
The story for me personally started to go downhill when they started to introduce romance into the story so after the first season, the romance is done sloppy and the romance itself drags the story down imo
I would definitely say in my opinion the FL is probably one of the better ones in manga the characters in this story are well developed
So I would recommend this one to people who are into strong overpowered FLs
Evizzy - 1709756958
I am assuming due to the animals liking her, saying she could erase herself from this existence if she tried, and her words ill stay with you till your time ends it all means that she still has her powers and she really is a god now but regardless this ending felt meh, actually after the first half of the story things started to feel meh I enjoyed the series definitely but at a certain point I started feeling like I wanted this to end sooner rather than later I think it was when the romance started to kick into full swing
was a good enough manga that I would recommend though
Evizzy - 1708508907
this series started off decent it looked good and was fun to read, but ever since I think it was when she went into the portal thing with the moon guy it feels like the art has changed, and as she gotten older it feels like shes just plain mentally handicapped, I could accept it when she was younger her growth was stunted due to the situation but what has gone on throughout the years? she doesnt even act 'dumb' she acts like her growth is still stunted to a 10 year old