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Wolfman24 GamePlayer64 - 1724207930
Yea well I’ve got a feeling Aquarius is coming back for this fight so they gotta make the other spirits useless.
It’s not like a continuation it is being that it’s the 100 year quest guildarts couldn’t even complete. And it’s tying up a lot of the loose ends from fairy tail. For an example gajeel and levy
Well I’m guessing it has to do with his whole reason for being the spear hero his problem with women is why he’s in that position in the first place and bitch/slut didn’t help manipulating the poor guy and then throwing him aside once he became useless to her and now she’s got ren in her claws. Of course it won’t last and I’m not sure what happens to her but it’s obvious she’s gonna be a villain for a long time but I’m gonna say through her misdeeds the four heros will finally come together and be much stronger
Wolfman24 Willm - 1718907524
You do know that a lot of people ship him and nami would make more sense honestly
Wolfman24 Leon - 1718157114
Not gonna lie it would be cool to see a unison raid of Aquarius and scorpio but ya you think she’d know that
Wolfman24 Lorsss - 1717556038
When you really think about it’s kinda obvious in a few ways
The chronopage is Rebecca from the time line where shiki got turned into a robot that became ziggy even though the aliens thought she was dead she was still alive in a way when shiki/ziggy was leaving for universe zero Rebbecas cat leaper power reacted with the eitheron on the ship thus bringing shiki/ziggy to the first universe where the story began and Rebecca’s consciousness became the chronopage which was searching for its body so while searching it came across planets and after Rebecca activated her powers on a larger scale chronopage/rebecca must have resonated with her past/alternate timeline selfs and thus the entire time the chronopage has been searching for shiki and her original body this whole time so yes she jumped to the past but a past where she was and wasn’t from since each big leap from cat leaper lead to a slightly different world
Wolfman24 Leon - 1715094000
Guess we’re in the same boat then it’s interesting how mashima is referencing his previous works in this one
Wolfman24 - 1713314136
Feels like this arc of the quest will be amazing given how natsu will fight fire with fire can’t wait to see what happens
Wolfman24 - 1712172597
Can’t wait to see what happens I really enjoy this series would love to get my hands on it in physical volumes. Also loving reds new form it looks amazing
Wolfman24 - 1712103435
I’m looking forward to the next dragon been waiting for a fire fight since the water dragon god
I’m also wondering if nalu will happen during the fight or after o well it’s all up to mashima
Wolfman24 Brik - 1712083884
Least it explains her heat sensitivity I was wondering about that. I wonder if they will touch why shiki hates bugs so much
Wolfman24 Brik - 1712083827
I know right seems like Eden’s zero is getting the most attention at the moment it’s about every week while 110 year quest is every month or so. Either way shows the guys still popular and I’ve heard dead rock is gonna be a short manga kinda like his work monster soul or that monster hunter manga he did
Wolfman24 Aarken - 1712083658
I’m not sure it’s supposedly a shorter manga doesn’t get a lot of updates at about 9 chapters right now it’s interesting about a black dragon trying to take over the underworld
Wolfman24 Aj_reader - 1712076071
Or he’s just got three series going at once and wants to finish one before burns out I mean there’s this dead rock and the 100 year quest all at once is a lot of work even for a veteran artist like mashima
Wolfman24 NextSUS - 1711736156
Considering Lucy looks just like her mom I’m gonna say no
Wolfman24 Doctor Why - 1711498065
Alright so ziggy is shiki from the future where he and Rebecca didn’t stop the bombs
And shiki was still alive in a way so the future race that found them built a robot body for shiki mind turning it to ziggy
Rebecca is from the current time line she just as time travel power
Void is the ai created from the energy of shiki and Rebecca’s unborn child from that time line and was used for the Eden one’s computer
The stars are cyborgs made from humans from the past that ziggy found on earth before it overdrives into mother
Ziggy built the shining stars while the ai on the one built the dark stars

And sorry for my late reply
Wolfman24 MonarchJr - 1711497684
Yea this series can be a headache but I read so much stuff like this is easier to process
Wolfman24 Jesse McCoy - 1711497584
Well him being a massive horn dog is why he ended up in that world and getting the son series list is poetic for him since he got tricked by bitch so easy