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907 points
141 Comment(s)
34 Upvote(s)
Caerulean - 1710810498
The comment section on this one after the time skip is utter trash.
Caerulean - 1710809080
Can't stop thinking about Pekora with those eyebrows. I miss the brothel look.
Agreed. I just wonder how he'll get the accompanying manual.
Caerulean - 1710803750
Why leave critical evidence and valuable techniques in what should be a disposable facility??? Ridiculous plot convenience, so stupid.
Caerulean - 1710802246
Very clever of Waifu B to insist that he was her husband. She's positioning herself as used goods to block further proposal nonsense from that old woman. Textbook malicious compliance, so satisfying.
Caerulean - 1710801629
Can't stand mini cliffhangers like this. MC won, why not give us a clear indication that the opponent has died. It looks like he pierced his heart, but that's not certain to either the reader or the MC. It's cheap suspense for no good reason, and makes the MC seem incompetent for not checking his work. And why is that woman so painfully useless? The least she could do is scream, or maybe try to run out for help? Instead, she just stood around like a mannequin.
Caerulean Savage Jesus - 1710800272
The one that exposed MC and the gang is obviously the one that previously wanted the man whore dead but now wants him alive. It's a very common tactic to deny your enemy what they want, even if you don't know why. Killing this guy will hurt the ones responsible for everything. He can't escape the net surrounding him, may as well kill the guy and see what happens next. A peaceful encounter is impossible. MC has no business talking to the superstar of the sect aside from a passing greeting to show respect. All other conversation approaches have a high chance of exposure leading to confrontation.

Just living the life of a lowly herb gatherer till the heat dies down would probably be the best choice, especially since his assassination method this time was 100% guaranteed to fail, putting him in his predictable current passive position against an overwhelmingly stronger opponent. A tolerable idea was ruined by horrifically stupid execution.
Caerulean - 1710798139
I guess there always has to be a few sad sacks with hate boners being weirdly animated and vitriolic when it comes to wanting women characters to suffer and die. So tiresome.
Caerulean - 1710796850
Emei sect didn't really do anything wrong or unjust. This is just the world they live in. Assassination dens are always on the verge of eradication. You don't even need an excuse or special reason to kill them, everybody will praise you for a job well done regardless. The stupid and ambitious (classic combination for falling into ruin) captain got everybody killed. As could be predicted by anyone around him who actually had a brain. Like first sword who knew this was a doomed mission from the start.

I hate when authors give us likeable characters just to prove that anyone can be killed. It's cheap. rip Waifu A
Caerulean - 1710794629
It's always been a bit silly that the overly ambitious captain thought he could train random kids to be able to assassinate a heaven's pride genius who was given 7 years to train, on top of whatever he started with. No matter how you think about it, the target should be able to massacre these questionably talented kids who cultivated mediocre methods. Also, the captain wants to use this mission to catapult their group into fame... What happened to the mission requirement of no trace or link? Huge plot hole.

Finally, pretty girl who doesn't want to get married. Poor silver haired waifu, you're in big trouble now.
Caerulean RyuuSeiDany - 1710791303
Going by his original thoughts about the lightning splitting technique, he's splitting what is essentially now a dual consciousness between fully maintaining turtle breathing and moving.
Caerulean RyuuSeiDany - 1710790595
There is a difference between a quality tool that will be treasured and a one time use disposable item. MC still wants to confirm their intentions after the job, even though he probably already has some reliable suspicions.
Caerulean - 1710789550
His unusual wisdom and intelligence were a bit of a stretch, but a literate beggar is ridiculous. I bet he can do math too. And you're telling me that he couldn't apprentice anywhere? He was basically on the streets because he wanted to be.
Caerulean - 1710788925
I feel using Japanese here is weird. I think gu poison would have been a better fit. 🤷‍♀️
Caerulean - 1710787879
Usually in these settings centipedes are venomous enough to cause problems for humans. I'd like to have seen MC get tolerance for their venom as well, but that probably won't happen. I wonder if he will continue on the path of poison resistance later or if this one snake will be the end of it. Hopefully he keeps going.
Caerulean - 1710786563
Well, there is a girl with silver hair on the cover art so hopefully she sticks around. I'm a sucker for silver hair.
Caerulean - 1710785867
The Tutorial is Too Hard vibes
Caerulean - 1710777763
Lol, what kind of magic did they use to get polished white rice from newly harvested stalks using nothing but a pot?
Caerulean - 1710745899
Selfcest? Selfcest!