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He's insecure not an asshole he'll just ask her directly about later on their date and if that become the case imma come back here and type the biggest "I told you so" in history
Eren Jeager✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈiremWhy do manga characters jump to conclusions so fast, he is literally male version of her, if he foll...
now you should know that you had fucked up just get outta here and dont think of joining any gym or anything just do some casual gaming stuff and no you should just get fucked up just die you worthless shit from the moment i had seen her for the first time i knew that she is is not your casual woman so why did you end up like this why you fucker why dont you just die and fuck up yourself
daverboyShe's not just the student of Granny, she's also related to Sophia Alexander from Lookism. Valentina's not a wall of muscle like Sophia is, but I suppose durability must still run in the family
haveYOUreadDANDADAN??terrible beginning and it started picking up but then this atrocity came upon us... tbh this could've been like a ~80-100 chapters manhwa with this fight being the climax but ig they'll stretch it out to 200. meh
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