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  • H
    H3CT012 D0M1NG0
    4 years ago
    Yeay A dark elf wives in a best condition and mental health
    • A
      AndreH3CT012 D0M1NG0
      4 years ago
      she is 15
      • A
        Araria KurniawanAndre
        4 years ago
        Japan' consent age is 13
        • T
          That Lo-Fi DudeAraria Kurniawan
          4 years ago
          Hah! Ours is 12!
          • <
            <3That Lo-Fi Dude
            3 years ago
            what the hell kind of country is that ?
            hidden in the deepest abyss of the world?
            • R
              Rex Bones<3
              3 years ago
              Accurate description, actually. It's the Philippines.
            • C
              ChiefGriefThat Lo-Fi DudeHah! Ours is 12!
              1 year ago
              weird flex, but ok.
              • I
                I watch AnimeThat Lo-Fi DudeHah! Ours is 12!
                1 year ago
                Hah! Ours is 2!
              • D
                Dat FolkAraria KurniawanJapan' consent age is 13
                3 years ago
                r u sure mate?
                • A
                  Araria KurniawanDat Folk
                  3 years ago
                  get a Japan's Citizenship and try it yourself
                  • D
                    Dat FolkAraria Kurniawan
                    3 years ago
                    hell no im not pedo and fyi i ask my friend who lived and raised there and he said 18 and search around the internet here's what i found check it
                    • D
                      DrunkwriterDat Folk
                      1 year ago
                      i believe Nigeria is 12 last i saw.
                      i just looked it up while i was typing and it says "Nigeria is 11 years"
                      link: ht tps://ww w.worldatlas.c om/articles/age-of-consent-around-the-world.html
                      edit: i'm never too sure with the internet though, though it's better to wait till they're at least 16 - 18 cause of humanity morals.
                • L
                  LevelTryHardAraria KurniawanJapan' consent age is 13
                  4 years ago
                • ᛋᛟᚺᚨᛗAndreshe is 15
                  2 years ago
                  • R
                    Rafał KAndreshe is 15
                    2 years ago
                    Was reading about some old US law. If the mother give consent, a old guy/women (pedophile) can marry a kid. All is allowed if mother give (sell) consent to the marriage... most of old law are not changed in US.
                    • H
                      H3CT012 D0M1NG0Andreshe is 15
                      4 years ago
                      Yeah it's still legal as a new waifus list
                      • D
                        Dat FolkAndreshe is 15
                        3 years ago
                        you'll be in jail for that... no questions ask and after that you'll be judge as pedo bear
                        • V
                          Vendor-LazarusDat Folk
                          2 years ago
                          15 is legal age of consent most everywhere, and it's not even close to pedophilia as that ends at age 10.
                          • D
                            Dat FolkVendor-Lazarus
                            2 years ago
                            that's kind of redflag right there mate. for what i know pedophile is sexual attraction toward children and adolescents. ofc if you still include in the category it won't be a problem
                            • V
                              Vendor-LazarusDat Folk
                              2 years ago
                              Look up worldwide age of consent, and hebephilia & ephebephilia. Instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks. The puritan US isn't the world mate.
                              • D
                                Dat FolkVendor-Lazarus
                                2 years ago
                                well, indeed but most folks just simply categorized it as that and when i used the exact term like you did i get bashed. i just don't like it when a middle-age person date an underage. it's just morally questionable for me. underage should date another underage kid
                                • V
                                  Vendor-LazarusDat Folk
                                  2 years ago
                                  First of all, we have no idea of the median age in that isekai, nor what age is underage, but speaking of IRL, 25 is nowhere close to middle-age however you draw it, nor is she under the age of consent (which have nothing to do with being underage, as it is related to different things). Fact of the matter is, even at 25 the brain isn't fully matured, yet they're allowed to wage war, marry, drive, smoke, drink, and more. It's all arbitrary definitions of black and white hard lines, when it's soft shades of grey.
                    • J
                      She's cute as heck but I can never dig how humans trade other sentient being like property.
                      • E
                        4 years ago
                        Outside the Civilized World it's a big business. Would you prefer your enemies dead or work for you?
                        • S
                          Shepherd did nothing wrongEPGAH
                          4 years ago
                          I prefer them dead actually.

                          What doesn't kill you make you stronger. It goes both ways. But they can't get revenge if they're gone extinct.
                          • E
                            EPGAHShepherd did nothing wrong
                            4 years ago
                            Me too, but the "revenge" part is a little ridiculous. What is the "revenge" for? Trying to make a better country for them to live in?
                            It might make them stronger, but doesn't make them any smarter. When they overthrow a country successfully, it turns to shit--and they then try to "flee" to their betters' countries that they haven't rekt yet.

                            And the ones that break into their betters' countries AT FIRST give the "Only Here To Work"™ lie.
                            • S
                              Shepherd did nothing wrongEPGAH
                              4 years ago
                              Because they don't care. They want a reversal, not equality or prosperity. They want you to be slaves in theirs place. They do not care about the price, cause it is worth it to them.

                              Considering what happened not long ago, it would be wise to get rid of the slaves if you don't want to use them anymore rather than trying to win them over. The only exception should be those who literally worship you and does not follow the herd mentality.

                              This is why I will never take Islamic countries seriously. And yes, it is better to have foreigners kill jihadists than jihadists killing other jihadists. Colonialism shouldn't have ended. It should have lasted long enough till French and British cultures completely replace the crap that was permited for the last few thousand years. At least they're weak and not really threatening.
                              • E
                                EPGAHShepherd did nothing wrong
                                4 years ago
                                And humans are too honest to put ourselves as Gods over the savages. Many even say "They're Just Like Us" despite a X0,000 year Failure To Launch.

                                And since they now know we're "just like them"--mortal and killable--they feel licensed to murder us and take what we built up. Because despite alleged equality, they cannot even keep what they steal working, much less build. So much easier to steal and destroy.
                                Also savages don't have the "imprinting" they show in cartoons and (some) Manga. They see their benefactors as easy sources of resources, and ultimately, first victims.
                                At first, they dismiss it as "Some People Doing Some Things" later they are more arrogant with the absence of punishment "Yeah, we killed humans, what you do about it?" And if you DO something about it, "Wah, genocide!"
                                Except if there WAS a genocide, noone would be left to whine about it!
                                Plus our own historians are buying into this crap, from Smallpox Blankets myth to pretending that savages attacking humans is good, but humans fighting back is horrible.
                      • M
                        You know what straight up, I do not believe that this world does not have any means of recourse for his house burning down, especially just a day after it was built.

                        This just seems like a shoddy excuse to get the MC to buy his waifu -_-
                        • S
                          Smooth Operator
                          3 years ago
                          give me that dark elf wives..shes cute

                          • D
                            Darth Meow 504
                            3 years ago
                            Now how are you gonna take care of her? Your money is gone, you can't even buy her lunch.
                            • M
                              Meωツ Noona
                              3 years ago
                              I like how in the cover she's white
                              • N
                                Somehow "buying slaves while looking for party members and said slaves becoming love interests" became a cliché, what a strange world we live in.
                                • D
                                  Darth Meow 504Nanashi
                                  3 years ago
                                  The fantasy makes sense. The practice exists in many civilizations less advanced than the modern world, where individual rights for all is still relatively recent as a concept. So if scum are selling slaves, and other scum are buying them, and you are not scum, then a slave being bought by you who will be kind to her is much the same as rescuing her.

                                  The fantasy kicks in when she responds to the kindness and respect you show her that she has never known and never imagined possible, and she falls in love as a result. You, being someone who could never score a woman like her under other circumstances, and she who would have a short and miserable life otherwise, are in the perfect position to help one another out and it's a win-win. All it takes is you being willing to treat her well while no one else will.
                                  • C
                                    CreetinNanashiSomehow "buying slaves while looking for party members and said slaves becoming love interests" beca...
                                    2 years ago
                                    Shield Hero
                                  • V
                                    Maybe you meant "A Dark Elf Wife". Nyahaha
                                    • found me another good booty.
                                      • P
                                        2 years ago
                                        Then you can go die with her.
                                        • r
                                          3 years ago
                                          what's with the winking
                                          • C
                                            3 years ago
                                            Mario becomes a slave trader
                                            • S
                                              Saksham sinha
                                              3 years ago
                                              • A
                                                Arima Taki
                                                3 years ago
                                                I love how nothing gets explained these days. Next it's gonna be like, 'My peepee got chopped off, but I met a godly dark alchemist slave. She brought my peepee back and made it bigger and we fcked. End'.

                                                • m
                                                  moris ESPOIR
                                                  3 years ago
                                                  Oh a dark elf? Good choice MC

                                                  Dark elves are the best
                                                  • D
                                                    Darth Meow 504moris ESPOIR
                                                    3 years ago
                                                    Catgirls are best IMO, but author-kun clearly has a (mildly)dark elf fetish instead.
                                                  • L
                                                    4 years ago
                                                    This is cursed
                                                    • c
                                                      4 years ago
                                                      WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR HOUSE!! ATLEAST YOU GOT A VIRGIN DARK ELVES!!
                                                      • P
                                                        Patrick Star
                                                        4 years ago
                                                        the ART is good....
                                                        ....TOO GOOD

                                                        • D
                                                          4 years ago
                                                          man i feel sorry for him, thats blood and tears house
                                                          • s
                                                            2 years ago
                                                            couldnt they have atleast made her age 18? holy sht, shes a dark elf as well, it wouldnt be weird to up her age to 150.
                                                            • M
                                                              2 years ago
                                                              Thats not worth at all ... if its a Milf i would understand ...
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                                                              100th Yi Feng Clone Don't question the Msg and let it do it's job.

                                                              Chapter 27 - The Archmage's Restaurant · 1 minute ago

                                                              PlayDoctor The delusion is crazy. The fact that raoul is at the level of the God that gave him his youth back or higher just goes over his head

                                                              Chapter 110 - The Strongest Brave Who Craves For Revenge, Extinguish With The Power Of Darkness · 3 minutes ago

                                                              Narrator Clifton Dude dressed like a jester, not electro wizard.

                                                              Chapter 29 - The Regressed Mercenary's Machinations · 3 minutes ago

                                                              CYNER I didn't say he should cower. He can rule without showing himself

                                                              Chapter 7 - The Ultimate Shut-in · 7 minutes ago

                                                              Stantop This wall will probably end with 200 death before he climb it

                                                              Chapter 48 - Eternally Regressing Knight · 10 minutes ago

                                                              White Rabbits These "walls" are basically training arcs for him lmao.

                                                              Chapter 48 - Eternally Regressing Knight · 11 minutes ago

                                                              Dito Destoni Or is called tale?

                                                              "The Tale of the rabbit, the bear and the ent"
                                                              I imagine a book cover, where they are holding hands and walk through nice looking forest.

                                                              Chapter 100 - Solo Farming in the Tower · 13 minutes ago

                                                              Noissar If everyone is dead, then there is no one to call for help or make a report... They would be relying on someone for the outside making contact.

                                                              There was actually a story about a guy Whom always ordered Dominos Pizza with clock work consistency, He stopped making his normally order. Dominos actually asked the Police to make a Welfare Check, the Guy was massively oversized and fell and broke his leg or something; but the key point is that he got stuck in his bathtub. If Dominos did not make that call out of concern he may not have gotten help, he was lucky in many ways. That was just something that went well, people sadly die all the time and no one knows until a lot of time passes.

                                                              Also 'the master sword sect' is the one that put out the kill list, so... reasons... I guess? But ya it does not really make sense, unless they all got wiped out in like less than 6-12 hours or something.

                                                              Chapter 465 - Keep a Low Profile, Sect Leader · 14 minutes ago

                                                              BLAX "Something bad is about happen"

                                                              Chapter 125 - Naruto · 17 minutes ago

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