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Classic "I neither read the fineprint nor the stuff in big bold letters before signing that contract with the devil even after having multiple ppl tell me to double triple quadruple check the contract and sleeping over it for at least a night before signing it." "Dissapointed" feels like it's still a bit too enthusiastic of a word...
User-5766752553DdogMan sacrificed his people’s children and his loyal knights to hell, just to get back a drooling Tik ...
I will be smashing mommy Lamachute 😭🙏, Also on a other note, His transformation is just too cold 🗣🔥 There has bever been a time that our MC has been put on fraud watch 😮💨
User-6734959883I am a bit surprised that Amane did not just admit she has fallen for Seo too. Though she is the type not to just outwardly say that. She will though and then there will be a two girl harem.
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