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VBAAre you still talking about the manga or your own dating experience? Because Natsuki has been depicted in a sexual light in Junpei's eyes more than once, which implies sexual attraction would be a component of their potential romance, and that fact disturbs me. And it clearly disturbed you, too, since you've blocked it out of your memory.
But it's not just that, I'm also disturbed by the difference in general life experience. A huge reason why a child and an adult cannot be in a romantic relationship is because the child would definitely not know better due to their inexperience, and can be easily manipulated (i.e., groomed) by the adult. Therefore, even if both parties in the relationship are minors, as long as there is a significant age gap, the younger one is still at risk of being taken advantage of. Anyone who's ever been young should know how easy it is to idolize someone older, and that plus hormones plus the "love is blind" mindset can lead to a dangerous outcome; and this is something even young adults need to be careful of. What I'm worried about is the author trying to romanticize this inequal relationship, just like how they romanticized cousins dating. And before you argue that this is all fiction, stories can influence how readers engage with certain ideas in real life, just like how you've been convinced that a 12- and 15-year-old can have a healthy romantic relationship. If you cannot comprehend this, you are a danger to other minors as well as yourself if you're a minor, too.
Anyway, I've said everything I needed to say. Hopefully, this knocks some common sense into you and other same-brained readers. If not, well, I don't care; you're blocked.
MangaguyYay the bad guys just walk away like nothing happened so they can keep killing and enslaving souls.... At what point do they actually fight the bad guys to the death and dont let them casually walk away? Why even waste the chapters on the fight when there are no true consequences?
DocDoguuAh. So what he did was testing who got programmed. Those who didn't respond to the song were not programmed. Well... No wonder why brain injury means nothing to that guy... Hard to suffer lasting brain problems when your brain is already mostly mush.
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