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Our Boy and Karin finally get to actually interact, and it's the final goodbye. Great! Airen got out of the darkness before everyone and that's such a "PARAGON" kind move I LOVE IT
But best of all... ILLYA actually standing up for herself, so the other party didn't even know how to react!
From thier interaction it seems Illya's discontentment and her desire to prove herself is one-sided. I bet commander of black knight even think of illya's brother (what she did to him) and her behavior as different matters. In her eyes these doesn't even relate
But the way she moves back after Illya gets mad, I love it.
Shows she didn't expect Illya to have a backbone, especially against her... and that Illya is no longer letting her own heart being weighted down, instead saying what she is thinking.
Our red headed devil did such a great favour to her, teaching the magical FUCK words.
DattebayoElroid TiereonHOT DAMN!!! So many cool things happening! Our Boy and Karin finally get to actually interact, and...
She was defending a group with magic before the darkness fell, so she might still be behind... as the three that showed up were running towards the clown before the darkness.
bruh, lady why is that what you need to know & in that moment? they did it period. you're not gonna stay the strongest & that's a fact you'll need to accept fast.
I guess the moment the clown came, it was clear that something big was happening...
But also, this series has always had a rather fast pace. I don't think it has ever stretched things more than necessary. If anything, a lot of the time it is cutting things short.
it still fun, and ofc I want to this series continue to thriving for a long time. I like the storytelling, characters, and art.
it just feel big mysteries in this series already revealead one by one. I do hope author introducing new worldbuilding and this chapter just the beginning.
I think that's the charm of the series in a way. If they manage to kill the "big bad" fast, then it would be better since the usual cliche way would have been to keep the clown around for 100 episodes doing nothing. And he doesn't seem to be that important in the bigger scheme of things, at least in the story of Airen, mostly closing up the story arc of the guy that's inside Airen.
WafflesKluwing Ngonthelwhy this feel so rushed? this is near the end?
green fnu a bitch icl shes 12 bro, as well as kind funny smart and strong. she hasnt done anything annoying and helps almark with his studies n stuff. he js wanna repay his debts by showing her her favorite flower and that ruins the story?
Mr. Radeath5Hell nah the white tiger gonna win this time, its ABSOLUTELY unbelievable, I understand the others since they had shown bits and bits of improvement sprinkled in the story, but this tiger?? Nah broo can't even speak something else other than Everybody Gonna Die
MonadIf you really think about it there are no discrepancies. The guy is now treating the MC special because he sees a very high potential. The MC wasn't that impressive in his first life. As a kid he didn't even make it in that river. So he never managed to impress Hugo in a way that will treat him special. Hugo really doesn't care who or were you are from, is not that he tried to keep him down in first life. Is just the rules of the house that didn't allow him certain privileges. The only way to get around such rules is if Hugo treated him special and gave him access to more things than the rules normally allowed.
Hugo will only do that though if he sees a purpose of doing so. If he doesn't consider you anything special he sees no point in violating the rules for you since even if you get a little stronger you will still be nothing impressive in his eyes. He will only do it if he thinks that you are really special. And that is what he thinks about the current MC but not the one in his first life.
Lili made the right call breaking up with Hiromi. I’ve been saying this for 10 chapters — ever since he broke up with Chika. He needed to take a step back and focus on growth before rushing into something new. But he didn’t. He jumped into a relationship with Lili and let his emotions take over.
That said, any guy in his situation would’ve felt some type of way. If your girl doesn’t come home, isn’t answering her phone, and just so happens to be with the guy you’re worried about… of course, you’d be upset. Hiromi tried to keep it together — and rightfully so. He had every reason to be mad. He took the high road when it could’ve gone left. That showed growth.
Where he went wrong was in what he said — he knows it, and Lili knows it. But here’s my issue: Hiromi had already told Lili he had a problem with her “friendship” with Hodoka. She was the one who said there was nothing to worry about. Yet, when she stayed at this man's house all night without calling, how was he supposed to feel? When he went to the art exhibit and heard her friends questioning if she and Hodoka were a couple, how was he supposed to feel? And finally, when his sharemates told her, “You and Hodoka would make a great couple,” how is he supposed to react? Anyone would’ve felt some type of way.
Lili was right to break up, but Hiromi needs to reflect and realize he still has some growing to do. The problem is… he’s got a terrible best friend. Instead of helping him reflect, he lets Hiromi blame himself and throws him on a dating app like that’s going to fix anything. That was weird.
I’ll give Lili credit — she owned her part. At least they both took accountability, and I respect that. But they still don’t need to be together. If your first instinct is to break up instead of working things out, y’all don’t belong together.
Especially after she said, “I can’t see us like that right now.” That should’ve been Hiromi’s cue to let her go for good. I’m glad they broke up. I hope they never get back together. She’s not ready for that kind of relationship, and he’s not ready to invest like that. It’s just not it.
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