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Bro be direct don't be shy it's okah,it's vary okay tell the truth to ur daddy... Read this in an asian accent.. And wtf is that title of the chapter I saw it in a porn game, bro why do you think that would work?????
TimThe archer one he had her take had low ranked obsession, but the two her sister had her take where higher, so now she has three tiers of obsession messing with her head. Worse part is the sister knows but decided to leave it for now as she was obsessing over training.
Truthful_OneExactly, but they pretty much treated "paradise fist" how kids most likely would which is why we can easily relate to this because odds are most of us would have thought the same thing, make a gauntlet (we know should be of metal, but kids with cardboard, glue, tape, and of course coloring it makes it "real") that can smash reality into being, sort of like might makes right. If this was real, how much could you extort poor Damien "look what he made as a kid and thought..." especially his parents when he hits his teen years.
NandemonaiAh yes, it is such a great way to increase your orders prestige by assinating your employer and jeopardizing the lifes of unrelated civilians in the process
Conan_SenpaiThis manga shows how the modern Japanese women do not shy to do all kinds dirty work... whether to fulfill their trivial desires or to feed their Host club entertainers... even that means keeping their relationship with the loved ones at stake...
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