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Broooo, I’m re reading this again because there wa San update today and looking at it again, wtf was this 1st chapter? Toxic asf with silv, about “testing” her love?! Like, wtf kind of bs is that?
Wow, ok. You went and saw skip and then made your comment. *Starts laughing*. Ok. Well maybe that is a good strategy for things like this. Welp, curiosity killed me.
Hold the phone. The heroine is a reincarnated girl. Yes. But the villainess didn't fulfill her role because she's a good girl. Does that mean the original heroine set up the villainess REAL good in the original story??? Or did she suffer a blow to the head that made any potential villainy get erased??
Hmmm... brainy is confuse. I was so used to idiotic prince charming that everytime I see a villainess generic title, I would cus at the characters for simple reason but here... I'm blank.
this series is a compilation of one-shots, so the story is finished in one chapter. this one feels refreshing albeit they skipped alot required context.
ChingarunaWeeeeeeeell, about that, all you need to know here is this number in the future ("Masters" of Demon Kingdom Arc) chapters: 13-0. And, be warned: Only one of them will become a prisone prisoner via "volunteer defection" whereas the other one ends up becoming third victim to the infamous Gugnir
100th Yi Feng CloneI was going to say to cut off his arms and use him as a political prisoner against Duke Arangis who seems to care for him, considering he got magic tools, lots of funds and a crew
100th Yi Feng CloneI noticed there was a change in his appearance after the scene moved to him on the building but I didn't know it was because he used Surpassing evolution...... Does surpassing evolution mean clothes grow with you?
100th Yi Feng CloneBut I predicted that you will say that you predicted that I predicted that I will say you predicted that I will say I predicted that you will say you predicted
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