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you are so welcome, and have you heard of a anime called King's game? Because Natsuka Honda she is definitely S.C.A.R.Y. because she actually does rape someone
Yeh, no you can't boyo. I have seen many a people like you who thought they could fix the mentally unstable, none ever did, and none ever returned the same.
the Last ArchmageI don’t know about any lie detection magic, but Amelia was definitely trying to kill Ghislain. Remember, Ghislain had already exposed her secret—that she was secretly acquiring her forces and posing them as the Merchant Guild. In reality, this so-called Merchant Guild was made up of enemy forces and ex-Perdium soldiers—defectors who abandoned the Perdium Estate after years of relentless battles against monsters and barbarians, all while struggling in an impoverished land with no resources. She wanted that secret buried.
Yet here he was, strolling in and telling her outright that he knew the truth. If word got out, it would expose her completely, especially since her true goal wasn’t just gaining power but probably orchestrating a coup against our father. A foolish plan, but a plan nonetheless.
Let’s not forget that Amelia was also affiliated with House Delphine, which had its own agenda—taking out the Perdium estate. So, regardless of anything else, she was already moving in that direction. What truly gave her away wasn’t just that Ghislain knew about the Merchant Guild, but that he also called her out on never intending to marry him in the first place. That one question exposed her true motives—her treachery.
So when she gave the order to kill him, there was no doubt she was trying to have the assassin take him out. But it didn’t work. Ghislain evaded the attack and sent the assassin flying out the window. Now, he’s facing off against Bernaph, and Amelia is utterly powerless. Why? Because she never expected Ghislain to be a formidable opponent—not even against the one person she considered her sword.
ZadrosI like this, I mean yes the lewd is great but I really like that it's not a romcom written by a perma-virgin and they have NORMAL sexual desires.
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