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  • E
    Elroid Tiereon
    1 year ago
    Honestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!!

    I do like this hunter more each chapter.
    • L
      LboyElroid Tiereon
      1 year ago
      interesting how other readers interpret mc, because i thought the whole time that mc knows how she feels but just isnt a total weirdo like all the other reincarnation protagonists (in this case its regression but whatever) who have a mental age of like 40 but have crushes on kids that barely hit puberty which is the one thing that always well.. not ruin but like make isekais and stuff way worse for me because although i love all the reincarnation and regression storys like nothing else this just always feels wrong. but yeah maybe hes dull you could be right!
      • E
        Elroid TiereonLboy
        1 year ago
        Oh! I don't mean "dull" as in "dense" or that he doesn't take a hint.

        Rather, he is too single minded for my taste. He marches forward with one goal in mind (power, survival, vengeance) and doesn't deviate from doing things that will improve his standing or power.

        What I mean by interesting character then, it's like the girl hunter, that clearly is having a conflict between what she wants and her responsibilities. Which is usually a more interesting personality to read rather than one being too straight forward.
        • L
          LiooLboyinteresting how other readers interpret mc, because i thought the whole time that mc knows how she f...
          1 year ago
          The way I see the mc is that he only has one thing in mind and it's revenge. Besides the way I see reincarnation/regressions relationships is that it makes sense, your mind might still be that of an adult but your body is at its peak where hormones are going crazy, and we all have experienced how that is. Also they are his age, they were his age when he was an adult and they're still his age now that he's back so I don't see what's wrong with that. Sure if they are going for literal kids like 10 and under the yeah that's weird but if it's like teens or young adults then I'd say it's fair game.

          Or are you expecting the mcs that are most of the time between 14 to 18 sometimes even younger to go and hook up with women that match his mental age which would put the only choices in between 40+ years girls
          • L
            1 year ago
            of course i wouldnt expect them to go for 40+ women because that would make the women weird but the problem is still there and its not necessarily their fault its just how the genre functions and i just dont like it.
            • L
              1 year ago
              Then it's simple don't read those genres. Regressions, reincarnations, Isekai all have that very same theme so you'll have to either not complain about them or not read them which will be hard since almost everything good has those themes
          • 5
            5nickerson5andersLboyinteresting how other readers interpret mc, because i thought the whole time that mc knows how she f...
            1 year ago
            My interpretation was the same but for a different reason. I think he recognizes that it's there but won't make a move on it until it is useful to his revenge.
            • L
              1 year ago
              interesting but i dont think the mc would be that heartless
          • G
            GamerKaleElroid TiereonHonestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!! I ...
            1 year ago
            Complicated he is not.
            • E
              Elroid TiereonGamerKale
              1 year ago
              He has one goal in his mind: strength for survival and vengeance.
              And that is... it, innit?
              • W
                WildfireElroid Tiereon
                1 year ago
                It’s always like that unfortunately
            • g
              gambling mob-sterElroid TiereonHonestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!! I ...
              1 year ago
              true i like 2 how his diging his grave with his whole body
              • I
                IsekaidInfiniteElroid TiereonHonestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!! I ...
                1 year ago
                I feel like this arc literally forces the MC not to progress, he's weakened, constantly monitored, beat up, and there's no scheming going on here. Either he's waiting to slowly recover or to send a message, all it is is us just watching him wait. It's not boring yet but it's getting kinda boring fast
                • E
                  Elroid TiereonIsekaidInfinite
                  1 year ago
                  I think it's working the world in this moment.

                  Because we know there's a reason why everything went badly, and that Hugo acts differently from what MC remembers, which could mean something happened that turned him into a raving lunatic in his later years.

                  But as he might learn the bow and as his desire is to keep amassing power in order to attain his vengeance... the story might give him chances to keep building himself up.
                  • I
                    IsekaidInfiniteElroid Tiereon
                    1 year ago
                    You know what, him learning something other than the sword and getting revenge by just being a better person than Hugo or his old self was does sound like a nice plotline. Let's hope it goes that way
                  • R
                    Rudy KnightsIsekaidInfiniteI feel like this arc literally forces the MC not to progress, he's weakened, constantly monitored, b...
                    1 year ago
                    i mean if ppl read this series they all will know that he's weakened, the author literally said so as well, and even before he got hurt fighting the spider queen, mc considering being captured by the barbarian so that he can get away from his clan, or make his clan think he's ded so that he can powered up without the clan/clan head knowing
                  • N
                    New_name_hereElroid TiereonHonestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!! I ...
                    1 year ago
                    I kinda took it diffrent than him just being dense, its obvious she wants to mate,

                    But maybe if he breeds her, she gets pregnant, and now he would have an obligation to stay and take care of his child
                    • E
                      Elroid TiereonNew_name_here
                      1 year ago
                      I don't mean "dense". I mean "dull" because he has only one goal in his mind, and nothing else will move him away from it: power, survival and vengeance.

                      But well, I hope at some point we can see a change in that.
                      I reckon it all start with Hugo tho.
                    • M
                      MangaguyElroid TiereonHonestly, the MC here is kinda dull... but the other characters are usually quite interesting~!! I ...
                      1 year ago
                      I think its just because of his past life and environment. He was a hunting dog is it was just competition and killing his entire life no warmth, love, laughter and then just betrayal at the end so he probably is just emotionally withdrawn from beatings and betrayal. I hope over time he gets real friends/ comrades and he opens up more as a character. Bow girl could be a good start.
                      • E
                        Elroid TiereonMangaguy
                        1 year ago
                        Which would make a poor story... but the side characters really pick up where the protag can't (cause it would be out of character).

                        And we don't know if this will have a moment where the MC starts to change way too!
                    • D
                      Dito Destoni
                      1 year ago
                      Didn't know Mc was a fire mage, bc that was a solid burn:

                      Is it weird that I find her even hotter in that moment:

                      Also you never say these this to mc:

                      • W
                        WeeboDito Destoni
                        1 year ago
                        what does it matter if she says it or not. MC is denser than black hole
                      • D
                        Devvi Jing
                        1 year ago
                        We have a new, (might I say BETTER) WAIFU now!!
                        • B
                          I hate shit like this so much
                          • T
                            • G
                              1 year ago
                              That dude is Gunna die, I can feel it

                              • x
                                I swear down mc better not fall in love with this bitch even after all this bs, he saves her life and she does this to him mf better not just let it go
                                • R
                                  Rudy Knightsxenon
                                  1 year ago
                                  i dont think he will, he literally an old man inside 🤣🤣🤣
                                • 999+ points1 year ago
                                  Bows before hoes
                                  • S
                                    Solo_Reader. 076✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
                                    1 year ago
                                    almost every MC is kinda dull in this kind of things, the only thing in their mind is, training, training, muscle, ki, chi, haki, food, awakening.

                                    romance, not so much, not to say harem. LOL
                                    • A
                                      Arboza liyan
                                      1 year ago
                                      MC is actually quite old right. He knows where babies come from. So why is he acting like he dropped his dick while shitting so hard? Just bang her brains out, she will be teaching you more than bows.
                                      • C
                                        Chun ∞ω∞
                                        1 year ago
                                        lol she's thirsty...
                                        • H
                                          1 year ago
                                          Should I say this is smooth or something cuz idk what to say lmao
                                          • m
                                            bruh no way my man is that dense. How can you be that smart and simultaneously denser than a brick
                                            • E
                                              Elroid Tiereonmokri
                                              1 year ago
                                              He has his mind in only one thing after all. Getting strong, getting his revenge, surviving... and that is probably all.
                                              • C
                                                Cormac Bevinsmokribruh no way my man is that dense. How can you be that smart and simultaneously denser than a brick
                                                1 year ago
                                                Disregard women. Acquire revenge.
                                                • F
                                                  Fenix Playmokribruh no way my man is that dense. How can you be that smart and simultaneously denser than a brick
                                                  1 year ago
                                                  bro... she´s a kid...
                                                  • m
                                                    mokriFenix Play
                                                    1 year ago
                                                    im not saying he should be attracted to her, but someone as observant as him should be able to fit together that she likes him considering he is in a younger body and how she is acting. And that would actually makes sense in this story because he can use that information against her. He is not someone inherently kind and will use whatever means to achieve his goal and if he doesn't like her he can easily exploit her feelings for him. Of course he could have just been pre-occupied. thinking about revenge or whatever but it still is out of place for someone like him and kind of feels like he was just made like that to fit in the trope of a protagonist that is naive in love. sometimes i like that trope but i personally don't even think it fits in this story. The girl is growing as a character so I wouldn't be mad if she becomes a love interest but this is a little weird imo
                                                    • F
                                                      Fenix Playmokri
                                                      1 year ago
                                                      look, im not reading this, i still think it was weird, dont worry, i dont really care for ur preferences
                                                      • m
                                                        mokriFenix Play
                                                        1 year ago
                                                        tldr: hes smart enough to exploit her feelings for his own goals of revenge and him being dense is out of character if he is normally observant and smart
                                                        • F
                                                          Fenix Playmokri
                                                          1 year ago
                                                          oh, thanks! i understand u now! kinda true, but mc doesnt seem excecively violent nor aggresive so its kinda justified? i mean, we dont know if he actually likes to fight, now that i think, we dont know much about mc besides him being a loner and wanting revenge, besides not tolerating bs if he can punish it
                                                          • m
                                                            mokriFenix Play
                                                            1 year ago
                                                            yeah thats true too. Thats one of my issues with this mc, he is a bit of a flat character. Revenge being his motivating factor makes perfect sense but other him being smart and doing whatever he can to take revenge, he has nothing else that makes him a rounded character
                                                • Bruh, isnt this like the plot of J.C's Avatar? Asshole shaman son, barbarian girl likes the "outsider", even the falling off horse scene plays like this.
                                                  • A
                                                    Im team Aiyen, SHIP IT

                                                    • Bro priorities 📈

                                                      • do these MC got neutered???? they are always dense and almost gay around females... dont get me wrong.. nothing wrong with him being gay but the thrope "dense mc around hot chicks" its stale at this point
                                                        • z
                                                          zgrit22Angel Flores
                                                          999+ points1 month ago
                                                          No, he's just normal guy or even chad you could say, it's you the one with the problem of being sex starved ^^'
                                                          Edit: okey, he's also dense as fuck, but still, people with overwhelming passion or purpose don't get boner for every touch of some girl ;o
                                                          • 929 points1 month ago
                                                            Pumpkin, you are projecting your lack of intimacy. I didnt mean he had to act on every single girl that he is into him, but always being "unaware" of their feelings is what's boring to me... also, getting a boner because a girl likes you? wtf? are you 14 or something?
                                                            • z
                                                              zgrit22Angel Flores
                                                              999+ points1 month ago
                                                              MC is minding his own business and the one with problem is you ;p

                                                              It's a very broad subject actually and I'm too lazy to produce some essey here, at least now, on Saturdays morning, I definitely don't feel like it ^^'
                                                              • 929 points1 month ago
                                                                well, if you read Youngest Scion of the Mages or Childhood Friend of the Zenith, both have MC aware of other people feelings while not acting on their impulses and minding their own business. I dont want this to turn into a harem isekai, my point was that the thrope "dense MC" is boring
                                                                • z
                                                                  zgrit22Angel Flores
                                                                  999+ points1 month ago
                                                                  You may be right, I have hope that he, after those years of very close relation, kinda settled himself (for now just in mind as a plans) with Aiyen and will be ignoring rest of them...
                                                                  Though risk of getting harem looks quite significant...

                                                                  Maybe I'm just awfully optimistic, since I can still rationalise all this shit ^^'
                                                                  • 929 points1 month ago
                                                                    OMG... Aiyen... that was a hurtful parting. Im with you on that. Bichir should just stay with her. I really hope this doesnt go the harem route, by what we've seen so far, the Baskerville love passionatelly, the way Hugo went madman over his daughter is an indicative, but we never know....
                                                                    • z
                                                                      zgrit22Angel Flores
                                                                      999+ points1 month ago
                                                                      That would be infuriating if it will go into harem, but now I've checked that (chap62) and after the kiss she said that she heard it's custom in the empire for goodbye, so I'm getting worried...
                                                                      Actually I'm starting to be sure that it will be like that, it's not like he ever showed any romantic affection toward her -.-'
                                                                      We'll see...
                                                                      • 929 points1 month ago
                                                                        As I was writing yesterday I though the possibility that she may fall to the demons...
                                                        • b
                                                          blorbAngel Floresdo these MC got neutered???? they are always dense and almost gay around females... dont get me wron...
                                                          999+ points10 months ago
                                                          years of depression and intense psychological trauma tends to make sex/relationships a minor/non-existent point to a person
                                                          • Im talking about the trend of making the MC "dense". I can understand him noticing but not interested for the trauma but dense?? stale
                                                        • Wait... Doesn't he have super-regen?
                                                        • lol he has priorities straight
                                                          • 436 points1 year ago
                                                            Learning how to use a bow as well as her would be sick, I mean, who wouldn’t love to shoot arrows through solid walls 2-3m thick, like that could go through an entire house no problem.
                                                            • C
                                                              999+ points1 year ago
                                                              bows (in that period) are the ultimate assassin technique. Learning the most powerful bow and sword puts him up pretty high
                                                              • S
                                                                Samuel Foster
                                                                1 year ago
                                                                Binged this all and have to say enjoyed it. Bookmarked.
                                                                • N
                                                                  Hmm this mc is the best...not like other chick🗿only ike ike in their mind
                                                                  • w
                                                                    wind 369
                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                    Out of all the dense idiots I’ve seen this guy is really DENSE man’s got kissed and his first priority is infection with 0 romantic feelings god someone help him

                                                                    • R
                                                                      Rex Boneswind 369
                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                      He wasn't kissed, I don't think. Based on his next thoughts, his cheek wound (the one she inflicted on him because of what happened) was licked.
                                                                      • A
                                                                        Arboza liyanRex Bones
                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                        That is a french kiss.
                                                                        • R
                                                                          Rex BonesArboza liyan
                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                          Sure it is

                                                                          • A
                                                                            Arboza liyanRex Bones
                                                                            1 year ago
                                                                            The injury is inside the mouth. MC is just dense.
                                                                            • R
                                                                              Rex BonesArboza liyan
                                                                              1 year ago
                                                                              Mhm, absolutely.
                                                                        • w
                                                                          wind 369Rex BonesHe wasn't kissed, I don't think. Based on his next thoughts, his cheek wound (the one she inflicted ...
                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                          Yeah he was lick but still COMEON mc take a hint you dense mf
                                                                    • N
                                                                      I just can't bear it, LN reader plz help, wut happens next??
                                                                      • G
                                                                        Ghost 1999NEo
                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                        She dies and the mc Also dies
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                                                                    Mint Blancmanche thanks I won't be wasting my time on this trash.

                                                                    Dad is a Hero, Mom is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator · 2 minutes ago

                                                                    Henrul Ahh

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                                                                    Ax my guess is the justice devil

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                                                                    Chun 0w0 - plz spoil me You fucked around again while you were finding out… what did you expect?

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                                                                    LAWL Ah I recon things won’t end with an arm this time for the northern sect ruler and his adviser

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                                                                    javlapippi Nice short story about little parisienne girl looking for her cat, it´s funny and i love the art.

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                                                                    H1tl3R This may be unofficial but, I'm happy to say this manga is the GOAT of romance manga from now on

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                                                                    SSS I was so sure that it was going to be Igris, heck, I was looking forward to it!

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