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  • "poisonous insect" this, "poisonous animal" that

    fuck off with convention those things are VENOMOUS! If you're really so devoted you'd know that, MC! As a group - both venomous and poisonous as well as those that don't quite fit either - they're toxic. This is one of the few things I fundamentally hate about murim translations, they always just use "poisonous" when it's clearly not the right word for it.
    • ||Bob (Rex Bones)
      475 points3 months ago
      Well I don't know how Korean language work, But in my language word like venomous usually only use in academic setting, we just use word like poison for day to day. Poison not even the right word, it's just the closest thing to the word that we use. Some language just can't be translated 1:1. Maybe Korean the same?
      • There's one word for venom/poison/toxin in Korean: 독. It refers to generally most toxins and even some diseases that look like toxins at first glance (rabies, for example). When translating it, one should care to use the appropriate translation, whether poison/toxin or venom/toxin, because words mean things. The translators correctly swap to venom in a later chapter onwards anyway, so there's that.
        • ||Bob (Rex Bones)
          475 points3 months ago
          I'm just trying to be devil advocate, Most people tend to forget that's majority of people that do scanlations work don't speak English as their first language. Just trying to find a reason why they make a simple mistake. It's good that they fix it in later chapter.
          • C
            Honestly its hard for translators. There are words that we as english speakers use to correlate things like big vs tall. Although big is tall, tall refers to height where big refers to anything that is more than average. We also have words that correlate to the same root where the outcome is different Erosion/corrosion. Both are the breakdown of something, but erosion is displacement where corrosion is the change of properties
            • GakukuCookie Muncher
              999+ points1 month ago
              Even the simpler thing like gender differentiation for the 3rd person like he/she does not exist in many asian languages.
            • Bob (Rex Bones)||I'm just trying to be devil advocate, Most people tend to forget that's majority of people that do s...
              999+ points3 months ago
              It's not about their first language (English isn't mine either), it's just been a convention to put them all in the "poison" umbrella rather than the "toxin" one, when the latter makes more sense and also can be presented as "deadlier".
        • GakukuBob (Rex Bones)"poisonous insect" this, "poisonous animal" that fuck off with convention those things are VENOMOUS...
          999+ points1 month ago
          Was about to mention this.
          Luckily I read the comments first.
        • This could be decent... or really mid.I hope the nerd learns fast
        • It'll be funni if the artist only draw it cutely during the mc's perspective but when others sees his pets the artist will suddenly draw the insects extremely detailed and creepy.
        • looks interesting
          • 999+ points17 days ago
            although i hate bugs, but they draw it in cutely manner in this manhwa so me likey
          • Cute spider
            • Bug: Please don’t eat me 🥺

              • 999+ points3 months ago
                Nah both author and MC are stupid is widely known fact that the venom used from poisonous creatures help in the making of antidotes and many other medicinal forms
                • 25
                  at least he died doing what he loved… kinda lol
                  • Looks promising and with new concept
                    Latest Comments
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                    Donny_Dont Hurr Durr pHySiCaL vIoLeNcE aGaInSt ThE mAn Am FuNnEh
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                    User-8331060134 I' happy!
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                    Chapter 112 - Another Typical Fantasy Romance · 20 minutes ago

                    raan Besides the plot being, uhh, questionable and the dialogue really confusing and all over the place, this isn’t too bad!

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                    King of hell Hey bot, can you update the chapter. It's already chapter 31 in Asura.

                    Chapter 28 - A Dragonslayer's Peerless Regression · 23 minutes ago

                    Boko kun

                    Chapter 26 - MARRIAGETOXIN · 26 minutes ago

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                    Chapter 39 - Solo Spell Caster · 26 minutes ago

                    Weaboo Supreme Im really wondering how everyone is just okay with this though
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                    Chapter 11 - Brother for Rent · 32 minutes ago

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