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aFFiThere's one HUUUUGE difference between both characters: power.
If he wanted, he pretty much had all the power he needed, even over her. He always had that power, his decision are his own. She never had any power. She was never able to make a decision herself, other than maybe dying, and I'm not even sure they wouldn't force her to live.
When parents abuse children, we don't really care if the children forgive the abusers, we actually try to protect them... You can see beaten wives going back to their abusers over and over and over again, in real life... Does that mean we should forgive the abusers? Are they innocent because their victims don't want to punish them?
Fuck no. He is directly responsible for a big part of her incredibly fucked up trauma. She never EVER did anything bad to him.
CRAZY CRAYON1. I want to feel sorry for the MC 2. Due to being verbally abused so.. often the MC has developed a negative fetish. 3. The MC's essence not only cures wounds but increases a girl's level of sexiness when consumed.
CdaddyBNot just little kid but kids in general. Have an almost teenager and she still asked questions that get a “what the fuck kind of question is that” response.
Ledendary WhistlerI agree It was good at the begenning but I have the same feeling, he got millions of usd and have so much connection just to be a fucking dumb guy who's surviving only because of Plot armor... Autor ruin the mood
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