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Kaim the Fang EnjoyerWait, how long has it been since mans was in that town with the bro?! How big is that world that a trip to the end and back would mean your bud would already be ded??
MissBadEndNGL, I would love a full length story with this kind of premise - MC reincarnates as an adult NPC with no route and goes around giving all the LIs, Heroine, and Villainess free therapy so they can all have a good/happy end Also PFTF https://i.postimg.cc/2ShhtJgN/i.png
Janitorwhy would he? he doesnt need to atleast not rn plus he got an uprade just by leaving the offer on the table. there also might be certain conditions for using it, itd be better to use it in a controlled enviornment rather than a battle with unknown variables, accepting the power there would just add another one good or bad.
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