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I won't spoil too much, but I will give some insight into the situation. Just as there are many worlds in different times, there are also many Gods. There are "good" Gods and "bad" Gods ie: Demons and the lot... The Lionheart Knights and people of Dragonia worship the Pantheon of Gods, which consists of many other gods aside from the ones you currently know of, so any worship of a God not part of the Pantheon is considered heresy and the Knights treat such heretics as scum of the earth, an infection that needs to be uprooted. That's not to say they don't respect other cultures and beliefs, they do, but for these worshipers... they definitely deserve death. One of my favorite chapters, cause its supposed to show what Grail Knights are truly capable of and why they are quite literally Demi Gods on earth, and the King was 100x stronger than even that at his peak, but Geovrick dies Magnificently battling against the forces of the Beast God and the Beast God himself.
User-9380051314GBcyphersI wonder what those barbarians did to deserve divine punishment? maybe those knights went mad
i think it's because they worship the "beast god" as said in one of the speech bubbles. the knights even leonheart himself only believes certain gods existance, meaning other than theirs it's all heresay. kind of like the crusade held by the christian of that time. but this is all just speculation so you take this with a grain of salt
ThatOneGuyGBcyphersI wonder what those barbarians did to deserve divine punishment? maybe those knights went mad
Nope. Do not doubt the loyalty of the Lionheart Knights
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GakukuUgh, your perception of a "simp" is way darker than mine.
BTW, have you read about that burglar who broke into a house, found some powder on the table, sniffed it, and got all sorts of STD, because it's actually dried semen?
TWBLSSure, would be heaps easier Mine is TWBLS, like pretty much everything else The letter idea does sound almost comedic, and calling around would probably not go too badly If you can find the numbers of people there then it shouldn鈥檛 be too hard to ask them if they know your friend
User-6758856851I dont remember the past chapters but here, he hints that doppelgangers are scavengers. They require the target to be dead. The demon lord isnt yet dead Right now he's only mimicking i guess?
AnonymooseFrom what I remember, they have only a phone and discord. They also change their name quite often. Luckily I know their legal name, so I could try the letter idea. But then again, I'm slightly worried how that'd go.
I guess I could... try calling around or something. Though idk how I'd explain myself. So yeah, I guess the letter would work best.
Anyway, do you have discord? Would be easier to chat there.
User-7665957845Just read these notes from author (tl:dr pure romecom plan hit the wall on old chapter 35, now in this site chapter 30.5) https://mangakatana.com/manga/i-like-you-who-can-have-sex-with-anyone.26889/c30.7
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