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I mean if you walked into a classroom, you wouldnt think there were two people trying to get it on by the window. You'd think you probably saw some chairs that looked like legs off the corner of your eye
Some of the translations are somewhat off that "iiidiot" is supposed to be "idiooot" and "the worst" is supposed to be "nightmare" as in "this is a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare!"
I enjoyed the chapter until she slapped and kicked him. That was unjustified. He didn't expose her panties on purpose. This manga didn't seem to have that annoying trope but I guess it's impossible to escape this bullshit trope. Authors can't write a female character without making her a bitch at least once. I would've slapped her back for that.
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randomlurkerLooks like my report didn't work either :(
TheImageYou know, as I'm reading this, I'm thinking, "Yeah, I can understand why she did it, but she still did some terrible shit, so she deserves to be punished," But then the chapter reminded me that she was kidnapped by the barbarians... Didn't they kidnap her to rape her?
...Why did our MC side with them again? Was it a different tribe and I'm just forgetting?
Sanlayki(⊙o⊙) YO, this just got crazy.https://i.postimg.cc/mDDzmLZJ/i.png Yeah, the man ain't wrong if the world is filled with kindness, there will be no "hell on Earth" The man, became now a villain. (the hero sacrifices his love for the world. the villain sacrifices the world for his love(he is doing this for her for what i understood)) https://i.postimg.cc/nLLBPY03/i.png But, is Sakamoto screwed? I mean he has now done nothing to piss off the Order. Since law doesn't matter anymore, escaping from jaa's prison ain't wrong.
BachtSo I'm watchin' and I'm waitin' Hopin' for the best Even think I'll go to prayin' Every time I hear 'em sayin' That there's no way to delay That trouble comin' every day No way to delay That trouble comin' every day
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