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1476 points
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Beron - 1725553816
9/10 as of the end of the main storyReally enjoyable read albeit being a comic focusing on female protagonist. Definitely one of the great ones among similar genre. The way they put and serve the plot putting climax and anticlimax is well balanced IMO, resulting in a good immersive on both tense and joyous feelings.
And actually pretty good part for ending and based on the chapter's title it seems like the rest of the stories such the born of the baby until Ein's marriage will be covered in the side story, really looking forward to it 😁.
Beron - 1725139010
I swear these girls are getting crazier with each chapter released
Beron - 1722097476
For the first time in a while I can't wait for the next button 😆
Still waiting for their daughter 😌
Beron - 1702711400
Yeah, Sejun and Theo's slavery employment is only just begun lol
Beron Silver Foenix - 1702710380
Might be late to answer but anyway blue moon crops is a crops or should i say the fruit (only few) of a plant that undergo some mutation because it's been exposed with the blue moon energy causing it to contain more magic energy also the harvested blue moon crops is producing the same seeds as the original plant
Beron Donny_Dont - 1700786115
Iirc the cherry tomatoe seed is bought through the shop so others can still sow/plant them unless it's a new type/unique variety of a corp that he harvest from his corps the others need his permission to plant those (Spoiler read at your own risk!!)cause if they planted the corp seed without his permission they will be his slave for 100 years for each time they planted the seeds. Also not like all individual able to plant corps with good results, for example those guys planting the cherry tomatoes they obtain from sejun their corps will turn into mutant for more you can read the novel