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NatsocWaifu Im A Loser - 1 month ago
Oh the four strides of the Wind God ? Would be sick tbh
NatsocWaifu - 1 month ago
With his trash noble mentality I wouldn't be surprised if he was the biggest obstacle to Diana's happiness.
I think the dad needs to go to the shadow realm
Yeah, though it's more pleasant when they're not 6 feet under 😭
Wdym "could she be" she literally just showed the picture with his mom
NatsocWaifu dddddddddd - 1 month ago
Thing is, her motivations are 100% valid. Rimuru is basically showing off the power to annihilate all life in your nation then comes to you and says "let's be friends and do this, that..." then pretends there's absolutely no power dynamic. For them, they're basically completely dependent on his goodwill, which is not guaranteed to last by any means.
Too bad her worldview is too limited to comprehend the actual horror of divine beings like milim and rimuru... She's overconfident and thinks she's seen it all.
NatsocWaifu Super Idiot - 1 month ago
The average human can absolutely NOT learn magic easily nor acquire skills.
Even regular monsters can be destroyed if you have an anti-materiel rifle, which is purely physical.
Rimuru's named and evolved Majin are just too OP. Same goes for unique skill users.
Normal people don't have the magicules to acquire any skills, and mastering Battlewill to the point where guns are redundant is extremely hard.
If you aren't a spiritual lifeform (saint/demon slime/angel/daemon/etc..) you need physical nullif, which is absurdly rare.
EDIT PS : To put it in perspective, if Hinata was anything close to smart, she'd have placed a high caliber (anti-materiel or even railgun feasible with spirits) outside the barrier when rimuru's magic sense was nullified. He would've been blasted into oblivion in one hit as the damage was far beyond what physical resistance can negate.
NatsocWaifu Violenja - 1 month ago
Who in the world confesses their feelings to not even bother hearing the full answer ?
NatsocWaifu - 2 months ago
Casually skipping over the obvious fact that people are able to do evil stuff without distortion is crazy.
He just says "I wont find the answer thinking about it" instead of tracking the dudes to find out how they did it.
NatsocWaifu - 2 months ago
The comments here are mad weird. This spin off exposes a lot of barely (if at all) touched plot points as of the current manga progress and explains a lot of discrepancies in Clayman's behavior that were attributed to "he's a villain" until now.
Also gives details and new info about events that happened in the period before rimuru's birth (orcs, insectoids, chronoa, etc) that we didn't have before.
How close minded do you have to be to shut off all the world building because you have beef with a fictional character who was obviously manipulated ? I'm not even saying it makes him forgivable, just that it's pointless resentment.
NatsocWaifu Samael - 2 months ago
Just after realizing he had an unborn son
NatsocWaifu - 2 months ago
I remember this scene from the raws 💀 Some of y'all aint gonna like it
NatsocWaifu Rover - 2 months ago
The writing is cringe to begin with though
NatsocWaifu - 3 months ago
This guy is just babysitting everyone in this series.