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Chi Chi
1498 points
678 Comment(s)
367 Upvote(s)
Chi Chi Loading ... - 1714905974
… furries arent perverts and we dont wear suits cuz they turn us on. We wear suits because its an escape from our reality in a way, getting to be someone else.
Chi Chi Loading ... - 1714905861
… thats not really why ppl wear suits, for the most part its just an escape from reality in a way getting to be somebody you are not without feeling judged for that (its kinda sad but its true). and to address it being hot and sweaty? There are rooms at furcons for cooling down that have like 20 big fans in em cuz people don't like getting heatstroke lol. Another thing to add is the fact that it takes a TON of work (unless you buy premade) to make suits, thats why the majority of the time furries just wear heads and glove/paws

I am proboably getting a downvote
Zip zap you are now on crack
Hamsters are nice and will kill humans (etc) on sight and thats why we are friends
Chi Chi Bearbear - 1714814689
Congrats, you are the first person here that is able to tell the difference between furries and zoophiles sorry of that sounded rude lol
Chi Chi Wind369 - 1714814300
Tbh these videos are probably what started the negativity around furries lol
Chi Chi Prawn - 1714813848
Furries arent sexually oriented
Chi Chi Hakhak - 1714813727
Once again, zoophilia = horny for animals

Furry does not feel attraction to animals it is merely a method of expression similar to cosplay
Chi Chi Loading ... - 1714813664
Nope thats zoophilia furry is just people having fun wearing suits, kinda like a cosplay getting to be someone else. I dont even know how people dont know this ;-; its just that almost 100% of zoophiles are furries but that doesn’t mean 100% of furries are zoophiles. The furry community is probably like 4% zoophile 16% anthro 80% wholesome
Chi Chi Silver Foenix - 1714813545
Thats… now that a furry is, what you meant to say was zoophile. As a furry i feel offended. But also its a common misconception so its… understandable

I keep getting downvoted here so let me explain: it was 5 am when i originally posted this and i was unaware op said anthropomorphic (i was speedreading)
Chi Chi Darkun2? - 1714811192
Wait you read this too? (Btw you might not recognize me im corgoborgo)
Please read my other comments lol i typed so much jhere i want SOMEONE to read it lol
Chi Chi Dis Guy - 1714810975
That is the dilemma that is an ending, and what makes it worse is traffic drops dramatically whenever any manwha stops production meaning we might be the very last people to see the endung
Emperors brother was isekai’d
Chi Chi - 1714809563
Congrats. You made it please take a rest before you read on

Well i wrote a multi paragraph saying goodbye and congrats for finding this comment in the last chapter while crying bc “goodbye to a world” (a song) came on when i started this chapter and oops i e done it again, another paragraph well i guess i should still congratulate you for reading a finished work which will never be front page or really anywhere after this. So this is my goodbye to everyone who may or may not see this ending with the determination to finish the story. And well as the same goes for most enjoyable journeys or moments, they pass eventually
Well my phone is at 3%
Wish the story ended on a bittersweet ch like last ep, life must go on even if someone dies but oh well… i say this not from the bottom of my heart but my head..? In a way its natural to be attached to a story kind of like in omniscient readers viewpoint this is it. I thank those who have read my venting goodbye.

Ps: i was tempted to make another paragraph but well it’d be mostly talking in circles about endings and we dont want that do we?
Chi Chi Chi Chi - 1714804656
I apologize for shitty quality
Chi Chi - 1714804618
I don't normally care but this is just outrageous. First Mirdin now they are misgendering Mielle?? Neither were even gray zones