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Cultured Lost Clone
1500 points
497 Comment(s)
250 Upvote(s)
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719416669
Ngl i saw his face and just said solo leveling
Honestly this is mostly my complaint they mixed the lazy and shitty personalities and didnt make it endearing. atleast those guys act like they care about their family most times and step up when needed (she stayed still for several hours when a gate opened in a highly populated area and she just chilled acting as a civilian only willing to step in seconds before someone may die. not too mention the guy had to BEG her to help stop a disaster) and they usually have the comedy with it which i cant feel in this one. but i stopped at chap 7 for now so.
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719412700
"i dont want to change the story" -person actively trying to change the story
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719411428
it was pretty interesting at first but honestly dont read, its like a 3/10. i thought it was a manhua at first stopped chap 68
Listen to 'The Proposition' from the 'Frankenstein musical' instead
art: its nothing special but not the absolute worst
Characters: mh yes people exist
Story: they have an interesting premise for the full game knowledge genre, even if it starts with a academy arc (it wasnt that bad) but its ruined by them expositioning into getting plot device with no real reason or struggle. and generally the story feels like its going in bullet points instead of from one event to another. also with all the expositioning it sure doesnt like to explain
on the road again
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719411010
only sensible thing i got from that was that the author killed him off so he could exposition his way into getting a plot device with no real reason to kill the new boss we dont even know? wasnt that guy a demon god? what
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719407975 -vento probably

Cultured Lost Clone - 1719366348
Top tier misunderstanding strategy. SASUGA AINZ-SAMA
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719364519
I am fully blaming his sis for his misunderstandings
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719363409
Gotta love when a first page tells you all you need to know bout the manga WE BACK IN THE BIN LETS GO
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719362804
Would recommend, definitely a good read until the timeskip by then you should probably not think that much but the romance is still top tier
Stopped at chap 140 (the main story end) prolly a 5 or 6/10 purely due to the after the time skip

You should def listen to these hands from the Frankenstein musical (yes my music is extremely random)

Art: is pretty good or maybe im a bit spoiled idk, the eyes are really good though

Characters: Side characters dont have a focus so also dont develop but thats fine since its the main characters that matter and besides love the fl doesnt really change much (she doesnt use any knowledge but the novel knowlegde but the situation and her being an air head doesnt really let her) and the ml only barely changes near the end (only with him not relying on other ppl nothing else) . The first villain isnt redeemed but acts like shes supposed to be for some reason ps. she is a mass murderer who is mad about her mass murdering family being killed

Story: until the time skip its quite good, romance is good not rushed or anything and the usual, characters make sensible (ish) decisions and the villain is pretty smart (even with forced circumstances) but after the timeskip is where it takes quite a hit for me the romance is still good but the actual plot takes a bit of a nose dive
such as the villain and their stupid decisions (such as going after fl before fully controlling the body (it most likely kept her alive so she wouldnt rot and her saying he couldnt control a body was a guess from her experience), it already waited two years to get rid of the seed just wait some more) It got way too cliche even for me and fls training felt like it did almost nothing for her honestly since it didnt save her and was only used to not allow her to die. didnt even let her escape that was all cliche central, not to mention the head of the magic tower (whom they said lost his magic) was able to immediately use magic again and then the argument where the first villain asked the fl to make a deal with the ml but doesnt trust the ml anyway so what was the point and shes just used as a plot tool. and the emperor shouldve just killed her behind fl's back since thats his personality especially when they've murdered up to THOUSANDS. Its like when a manga comes back with different art for the second season but for plot. All in all the romance is good the plot is kinda aggravating later on but hey at least the conclusions all right (aside from not killing all of the mass murdering mages. talent or not, promise or what.)
off to read something with a more logical story. or another isekai
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719361932
Forget trying to kill fl she murdered thousands of ppl. there were bodies PILED UP in the tower basement not to mention the amount needed to fill several secret bases across the empire. her and her cult are a group of mass murderous bastards. not even in the endearing way either but because cliche
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719350637
okay? i thought that skill was hard? i thought she had no divine energy left? is she using her soul as fuel or something like with laurus ?
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719348766
Wait but he couldnt use magic though? ml got rid of it?
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719348265
euugh not this route
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719347413
hopefully those years of training pay off eventually

Cultured Lost Clone - 1719346883
Am i the only one who thinks its incredibly stupid she just left her with the royal family?
Cultured Lost Clone - 1719230352
Bro was supposed to explain to them then just didnt. okay
Cultured Lost Clone - 1718923981
slit eyes? must be a traitor then
Cultured Lost Clone - 1718846783
yeah i finished it so far. review?
why did i read this? why am i going to continue reading this? why arent you reading this? try a couple chaps and see ig. i dunno man. its henta plot. its alot of plot plotting how much plot plotters should plot. 10/ a number