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Cultured Lost Clone
1500 points
497 Comment(s)
250 Upvote(s)
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724963643
We can still salvage her as long as shes a yandere
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724963545
Nah this is it guys we're done
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724963313
Okay yeah that pacing is too fast. i dont know why its happening and we dont even get his initial reaction to them carrying him out and im given no reason to care. dont even know how old he is. wild
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724961369
Yeah the other reviews are pretty much on point. give it a read. if you enjoy it then meh if not then yknow 4.5/10
Listen to 'Fighting With The Melody' by Jimmie Urine
made at chap83

Art - its alright nothing gorgeous, not atrocious and not way too weird to be up to personal prefrence

Characters- i can call them consistent, mc's see saw of intelligence stabilizes early on and most of his actions make sense enough. no real growth happens as far as i can tell after they leave the capital.
if its one thing Mc is the type to hide his power if it means getting caught. but this was, so far, only really applicable towards soilders and the like he still protects those he cares about and uses his knowledge half-hazardly(i dont mind escort knights dying doing their jobs)

Plot- it happens alright, it has some alright comedy. Honestly there are a bunch of mistakes but my mind keeps auto moving to the image of knights with shields standing infront of the castle gate. i can confidently say i didnt enjoy the war arc that much since it was apparently a two front war and they simply didnt capitalise on that. and the Necromancer arc afterwards also didnt make much sense due to the scale of the armies that they came from not to mention that 100,000 was split between three countries but alright

Worldbuilding- i dont know if its just my standards or what but the world building is vague at best and pretty bad on average. we atleast know the countries directly around the one mc was born in and their relations. we do get some interesting background on the empire and why its in the state it is . Magic is vaguely explained an is not established at all, neither is aura we just know their stronger than ones without and apparently you dont have to be good with the sword to get it (otherwise mc wouldve been found out easily and quickly). wizard rankings are simply there and have no real explained reason why named like that (we dont know whether they use magic hearts, have circles around the body or what)

essentially mediocrity at most
i see a isekai reccomended on the side, im off
This is not only a characteristic of religion
There is no way in hell Princess Kania would succeed Prince Jaeil before Mc. unless you perhaps mean order of birth but that is unlikey
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724958897
Wow. that was pretty unenjoyable. there was no real growth besides fighting style maybe? literally nothing changed about her character. its the exact same character she was when she left Mc the first time. the wall didnt even last long enough for me to care. i guess it showed us she started doing what she planned to do?
Only thing i cant really agree with is the countries not having that amount since the war arc (urgh) had 600,000 soilders participating on the three kingdoms side alone and before the general mobilization, which actually could explain some of the villager clothing. everything else you said i can double down on though
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724645361
Cant even get mad at the mc somehow beating one of the strongest characters with no training who is using the same techniques as him with overall stats that dwarf him before the small level ups anymore.
You explained nothing but i understood it all
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724637544
I usually dont like slice of lives especailly modern era ones but this is one of the couple that manage to hold my attention and honestly a full review isnt needed since its mostly interesting and fluff as well as the characters not being cardboard. the story is a simple set up with several elements introduced so its not just "working convenient store and meet all the different races". pretty chill would read
made at Chap 29

besides watching the flatlands movie you should listen to "The Hamilton Polka" by Weird Al Yankovic
Next isekai
i mean time magic is able to be used freely apparently so who knows?
Cultured Lost Clone - 1724622163
Cultured Lost Clone - 1723745562
same thing

Option 1: i was thinking but i guess a side effect of the war would be a strain on his current activities and would make rescuing any other demons much harder since the temple would be in a battle stance. not to mention problems with general public order and the chance the kingdom also uses the war as a chance to wipe out other problematic groups (such as the thieves he's currently associated with. too expensive to move an army for a group of thieves but could get them on the way to a bigger battle)

Option 2: he's simply not racist enough yet
its in his character to try but when that guy woke up instantly he shouldve been history with how much power he's showed. mind you we know that mc in this state is scaled more towards the hero than anone else
Cultured Lost Clone - 1723677359
Assassins ass should've been grass as soon as he woke up from that attack. with how much power and deciet he showed he shoulda done him in immediately no time to cut off his hands
Cultured Lost Clone - 1723643717
Yeah uh. i mean. i wouldnt recommend honestly its pretty bad 3/10 (chap12)
like this is generic to a high degree and would be put as bottom bin isekai, not even junk food more like really mushy cereal that lost all taste and has no milk to enjoy. also the first chapters pacing leaves hazbin hotels in the dust

I recommend Listening to "we'll be right back" by Mcgwire x astrsk

Review: Only saving grace really is the Not drawn out, but also not really the best, romance. nothing else really. i mean he literally walks around with a criminal he procured the day after the kidnapping.
off to another i guess
Cultured Lost Clone - 1723642943
Bandits? BANDITS? IT WAS ONE KID DRESSED WELL WEARING A HALF SILVER MASK THE OTHER USED HIGH TIER MAGIC (stopped a sword master after all) AND YOU CLAIM IT WAS BANDITS? THEY DIDNT EVEN ROB YOU? it makes more sense if he thought some nation attempted to assassinate a sword master
Cultured Lost Clone - 1723641959
"how would i ever find this criminal?" Copy the right side of his face to the left. unless the mask has some effect i cant remember