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Jesse-D Bread - 1719875580
They die. I am armed and it's just one person.
Jesse-D Klein Moretti - 1719875522
I was already laughing my ass off before but this sent me into a whole other fit of laughter! Hahahahahahahah!
Jesse-D - 1719790885
Well that took a turn.
Patriarch: Hey man come over for a drink!
MC: Oh cool thanks! So what's up?
Patriarch: Yeah Imma need some of your baby batter.
MC: NANI!?!?

Jesse-D Bread - 1719786379
They fought and they all died in this chapter. Every single soldier died. They will never fight again. They will never see their families again. They are gone. None of what you say matters. They gained nothing for staking their lives. The chapter itself proved you wrong.
Jesse-D - 1719763203
This is very cute. The saint is a big sleepyhead but extremely OP. A very fun read if you want something fluffy to relax to.
Jesse-D Bread - 1719750912
If the church hasn't at least informed all of it's commanding officers in the region about the situation when it's this serious, then it deserves to be exterminated. Long range communication magic has been shown to exist and this situation is fucking dire. I don't know why I have to keep repeating this line, but if the demi-humans wanted to kill everyone from the get go they could have. The fact that they're willing to call for a surrender when they could have attacked outright tells me that they aren't out for straight up destruction. It's concerning that you're first thought is to fight to death and waste your soldier's and civilians lives. I never blindly believe rumors I hear about people, I observe with my own eyes and make judgements based on what I see. You should never take up a leadership position in your life. You are not suited for it.
Jesse-D - 1719711910
Dude really apologized and begged for death after all the shit he's done...
Jesse-D - 1719711686
So much for letting his comrades gain experience... I wonder if the XP is shared?
Jesse-D - 1719686491
Damn this chapter was chaotic all the way through.
Jesse-D Bread - 1719686161
Again from a tactical standpoint yes. The actions of the demi-humans have already been discussed by the church in previous chapters. The church's military knows that the demi-humans are capable of launching long range bombing attacks that cannot be defended against. My first goal is to minimize casualties of both my soldiers and the citizens. The luring of an army to the explosive fort would have already informed me that this army is capable of ruthless actions. I have NOTHING on my side to counter their capabilities, are you telling to hold onto pride and not surrender? Send my men into a meat grinder for no good reason? That's fucking stupid. It's better to send a message to high command about my intentions, and then if the demi-humans slaughter everyone they have justification to form a coalition with other countries to exterminate them, and if they keep their word and leave everyone alive we get to fight another day somewhere down the line. Pride is worthless when people's lives are on the line.
Jesse-D Bread - 1719678628
If the lives of all my people and soldiers were on the line, yes. The holy empire is already fully aware of their bombing capabilities. If the demihumans wanted to wipe out everyone there they wouldn't bother asking for a surrender, they'd just start bombing. Not surrendering and retreating was a waste of manpower. They had no means to resist this occupation and they still acted arrogant. The price for their arrogance was their deaths of the soldiers and the loss of the position anyway.
Jesse-D - 1719619803
Tangy became a Care Bear!
Jesse-D - 1719612949
Hmmm? Did the translators change? Why are they referring to the MC as "The Alley Boss" instead of just "Alley Boss"? There we also some oddly constructed sentences. The change isn't bad enough to get upset about, but it is noticeable.
Jesse-D - 1719610695
There's a significant difference in tech and they're being so damn stubborn. This is why having corrupt people who use religion to control their population is so troublesome...
Jesse-D Phyrite - 1719599410
Yeah that was to slow down. Goddamn... I can see why he was afraid to race near people. Dude would have obliterated anyone too close.
Jesse-D - 1719575775
The author made an interesting choice with putting his origins 38 chapters into the story, but I like the choice. Slowly teasing how ridiculously OP the MC was first, really made me interested about how he got that point.
We don't tolerate happiness around here!!!! ONLY SUFFERING!!!!!
Jesse-D - 1719545011
This dude is going to rip their spines out and flog them death with them.
Jesse-D - 1719522867
That was some pretty harsh finding out after all that fucking around. She lost everything except her life.
Jesse-D - 1719522553
God damn! His new summon is so busted!!! Being able to heal his undead army is crazy good.