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Nekokoi Galomir - 11 months ago
yea honestly feel that that was the dumbest decision that he made since if he was doing that it would be best to take that area last since his plan is to have undead rule the world
Nekokoi Galomir - 11 months ago
i think that he knows but he was hoping that he was sleeping as he normally does and that they werent using the town.
Nekokoi Xtreme critique - 11 months ago
i honestly went to 3 different sites and the raw and was still like where the hell did they pull this shit from.
Nekokoi Amrazi D Ais Crown - 12 months ago
thats great (^-^) also question but who's the artist / whered it come from?
Nekokoi - 1 year ago
sad that it ended but the foot note to that was great XD
Nekokoi - 1 year ago
honestly surprised that its only taken me like 6 hours to read from start to here but that was a pretty good ark
Nekokoi - 1 year ago
uhhhh did i miss something some where or what cause i didnt remember the mage making a contract with the spirt before let alone having much contact with him

Nekokoi - 1 year ago
dont think they lost i think they got obliterated
Nekokoi - 1 year ago
this series is always cute and it feels like they are doing this one as a kind of test and doing touch ups on it then pushing it out as the main
Nekokoi - 1 year ago
been a year since i last read this series good amount of updates for it with how the story is. would love if there was more but was still good and cant wait for the anime to progress more
Nekokoi Gakuku - 1 year ago
honestly i can forcefully change how much my body intakes whenever i want to its just at a limit. lets say im on a day where my body is rejecting food i can force myself to eat a normal portion anymore and it puts me in pain same with days that im extremely hungry i can just say no thanks and go another day with no food. my metabolism is just a weird thing it burns most things and makes it into energy at the same time i barely gain weight so im constantly skinny with a the muscle type of a mountain climber
not 100% sure like i said i did a quick read over it from the ending the chapter before the end and the chapter that the manga ended on
Nekokoi Valkyrie - 1 year ago
dont think it was that everyone died but that they actually got to send her over before he got back and stopped them from doing so

Nekokoi Gakuku - 1 year ago
sadly no havent seen any effects like that just bad childhood 4 days was a normal longest was a week. down side i now have perma stomach problems up side my bodies chemical tolerance is high and i take up less food then most people, down side to those chemical tolerance is to pretty much all chemicals ive had in my body over a span of time or in high amounts down side to less food is when im actually hungry im eat a whole chicken and bowl of mash potato's hungry
Nekokoi RiceBread - 1 year ago
ah that explains it yea i havent read that in a hot minute
sorry for not responding sooner didnt realize that chats came in at a different point
what happened was similar to here but they did send the girl over and as implied this was done by an evil god. what was told was that the gods from the other world came over to earth to kill time and it was also so they could shrug off their responsibility of being a god. they didnt expect what happened to happen they told mc that if he excepted a deal he would forget what happened and they would find a suitable replacement for him and they would also give him a shit ton of money. he went the money rout him and the romantic interest got together and opened a small cafe along with adopting the girl as there daughter,
Nekokoi KOKUJU - 1 year ago
maybe but could also go down the rival path
Nekokoi Alteraucous - 1 year ago
little bit of a swim suit kink but mostly just wanting someone who cares for me and can spend time with