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805 points
82 Comment(s)
115 Upvote(s)
Mwwq1 Truthful_One - 1724906858
communication is a two way street, he should have said to her that he didn't like her teasing before it boiled over and ruined their relationship, she isn't in the right but neither is senpai. If someone is bothering you with their jokes, speak up because they may not even know they are bothering you with them. Most people respond well too a gentle "Hey, I don't like that" and they will usually apologize and correct their behavior if they truly want to keep the relationship with you. this doesn't just apply to romance, this is true with any relationship, talk about mole hills before they become mountains.
Mwwq1 - 1724039261
Mwwq1 User-9359459776 - 1723337648
There was one in the manga I read where a level 99 cook creates a restraunt and the typical "Ugly bastard" archytype was trying to buy a loli slave and the MC saved her, turns out that "Ugly bastard noble" was actual a charitable guy who wanted to save that slave like he save countless other child slaves and gave them an education and found them jobs, He ends up becoming friends with the MC, the Noble even came back at the end, Well the end I am choosing for it because it became shit, and that noble has such rapport that even the king sides with a framed MC. It was a very refreshing take on the cliche "Ugly bastard noble doesn't get what he wants. There was even a "Noble kidnaps the newly bought slave to steal them away from MC" Schtick, but it was only because that noble didn't want the MC to do things to her.
Mwwq1 minidaiya - 1722655267
I thought she was pregnant for a sec
Mwwq1 - 1722391138
I love this series so much
Mwwq1 - 1721591517
whar? it just confused me a little.
Mwwq1 - 1721591282
Another masterpiece under my belt, goddamn its good.
Mwwq1 - 1719206624
this is pretty good
Mwwq1 - 1719114307
This is why I hate revenge manga's, they are all F teir fan fiction shit.
Mwwq1 - 1717387096
WHAT the FUCK, This is the stupidist fucking thing ever.
Mwwq1 - 1716840699
"aLL oF tHe oTHeR pEoPLE iN pOWeR weRe gReEDy sO i ShOUlD qUEStION tHE gENrOsiTY oF a FrIenD of ThE KiDs AnD IntAntLy TruSt A PriEst ThAt ImpLoIs a WhOre As a nUn" I fucking Hate these developments. I understand that she has been burned time and time again by nobles, however, A person who has shown generosity in the past, and whom she has accepted generosity from in the past is now no good because he was recognized for his achievements? And to instantly trust a Large church who employs scantily clad women as nuns and just so happens to have enough room for everyone when the other churches didn't, NONE OF THIS IS SUSPICIOUS, IT'S LESS SUSPICIOUS THEN A ADVENTURE TURNED NOBLE WHO IS LOVED BY THE KIDS??!!!! I DON'T CARE HOW TRAUMATISED YOU ARE IF THE KIDS ACCEPT THE "NOBLE MAN" AND TRUST HIM ENOUGH TO CALL HIM THEIR BROTHER, GIVE HIM A CHANCE. Sorry for my rant, I just fucking hate these types of developments. "Oh, A friend I made doesn't trust me because of my status and past trauma, lets save her after she stupidly lands in the clutches of a bad person, that she should immediately get red flags from, so she falls in love with me"
Mwwq1 Bridge_Demon - 1716136430
It's to hype up a new antagonist, the author did this earlier. a person that the MC fought and has respect for gets defeated by the new antagonist raising the stakes, then the MC gets revenge, the the antagonist either dies or becomes a friend, rinse and repeat for 200 chapters.
Mwwq1 Plackomiot - 1715813220
they can do that in the real world because the average joe like me or you can't touch them without meeting a fate worse than death, this MC IS A DEMI GOD, If I was the righteous hand of god I would be smiting all the child abusing human traffickers, and no one could say I would be in the wrong, even serial killers know that anyone who hurts a child is the worst of the worst.
Mwwq1 Zakomimi - 1714102859
I honestly forget not everyone watches anime, that and the dance scene are the scenes that made the FERN X STARK ship explode. Those were the big ones then they sprinkled in a lot of scenes that are something you would see between couples, like the petty bickering or the occasional "grumpy girlfriend the boyfriend has to feed."
Mwwq1 Zakomimi - 1714090875
It is completely obvious where their relationship is going and they are not going to stay as friends. you can believe that they will be friends until the end of time but that's not what happens when a man and a women travel together, go through life and death situations together, do. Unless another female shows up where stark shows romantic interest, or any interest at all, I'm going with the bet that stark and fern will end up together. Maybe I am completely wrong and I could be but to say ZERO things happen that hint at a romance is flat out wrong. The one scene that I can name, that others have named and that's why I didn't bring it up, is when they dance together, or when stark buys the accessory that has the "Eternal love meaning" without knowing about said meaning, but fern knowing the meaning and still wearing that accessory shows that there is something happening between the two. I called you illiterate because being illiterate isn't just not being able to read, but also not being able to find the hidden meaning in the media you consume. But writing is subjective, and I shouldn't have resorted to name calling, so I will apologize for calling you dumb and illiterate that was uncalled for and very immature of me.