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561 points
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76 Upvote(s)
Mwwq1 Zakomimi - 1714090875
It is completely obvious where their relationship is going and they are not going to stay as friends. you can believe that they will be friends until the end of time but that's not what happens when a man and a women travel together, go through life and death situations together, do. Unless another female shows up where stark shows romantic interest, or any interest at all, I'm going with the bet that stark and fern will end up together. Maybe I am completely wrong and I could be but to say ZERO things happen that hint at a romance is flat out wrong. The one scene that I can name, that others have named and that's why I didn't bring it up, is when they dance together, or when stark buys the accessory that has the "Eternal love meaning" without knowing about said meaning, but fern knowing the meaning and still wearing that accessory shows that there is something happening between the two. I called you illiterate because being illiterate isn't just not being able to read, but also not being able to find the hidden meaning in the media you consume. But writing is subjective, and I shouldn't have resorted to name calling, so I will apologize for calling you dumb and illiterate that was uncalled for and very immature of me.
Mwwq1 - 1714069275
they were taken by the beast kingdom weren't they.
Mwwq1 Zakomimi - 1714069092
are you dumb? I am genuinely asking, there have been small moments in the back ground that weren't made obvious that stark and fern have feeling for each other. I guess dumb was too far, I guess illiterate is much more suiting. Just because they aren't having sex or kissing on the regular does not mean they are not in love. I called you dumb because you said there were ZERO moments of romance between the two which is flat out wrong.
Mwwq1 - 1712885901
I wonder if any of yall have seen what a shotgun can do to someone at pint blank. I tell ya, its one hell of a mess
Mwwq1 - 1712185076
It should be me not them
Mwwq1 Hunter77 - 1711914757
So? Why do people want it to happen? do you all just like watching r*pe?
Mwwq1 - 1711256083
so far the sexual violence isn't gratuitous, and it actually serves a purpose in the story, it gives the MC sort of PTSD so he rejects the yandere's advances and she doesn't like that, and the MC is reasonable, he doesn't turn into a cold and calculating genius just because he was betrayed and traumatized. also, the sexual violence is off-screen and only alluded to so far so it's tasteful in that sense.
This is probably going to be one of my favorite revenge mangas. I hate most revenge mangas because the MCs usually take complete 180's over night instead of slowly changing into their maniacal, cartoonishly evil selves.
Mwwq1 - 1711255749
I like how this MC doesn't just go around banging every chick and has PTSD from his girlfriend being Rped and murdered, like even if you weren't personally Rped but someone close to you was you would reserve sex for only someone you trust. I also like how the MC isn't a terrible person who becomes a master manipulator Just because he was wrongfully convicted, this might be the best revenge manga ever.
Mwwq1 PENis - 1709580717
A guy who replied to me made a point that they stopped talking when she passed out so the MC probably thought it best to check on her, the MC probably has a sixth since something was off with the guy. The MC has shown to be a good judge of character so he probably judged the guy as suspicious and felt something was off when it went quiet.
Mwwq1 PENis - 1709436690
it was said, that she wasn't in there for long and she barely drank anything but was passed out. so telling the guy to drink her drink would be confirmation if she was drugged or not.
Mwwq1 - 1709365085
Fuck off, literally one mopre panel
Mwwq1 - 1708895618
SO he has PTSD of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Mwwq1 - 1707951520
Oh man, an enemy that can descise itself from all the senses. going to be tough to beat.
Mwwq1 uCoex - 1707693317
And he'll get away with another slap on the wrist because the MC is a puss
Mwwq1 - 1706989722
why do the people here want a rape scene? Like how fucked can you be.
That was literally said earlier that he was a bull who strongarmed his work causing everyone to hate him.
Mwwq1 - 1706576294
Cut the carotid artery or the jugular vein and they bleed out in seconds, since he is knocked out she should shove his head in the toilet, and cut the throat from left to right cutting the Adam's apple in half blood will be kept in the toilet, once the spraying stops she can cut his head off by breaking the vertebrae in the neck and just saw straight through, bam, now she's got a intimidation factor if she's found. even R pist would be terrified of such a scene. or she leaves him there she opens the stall door he wakes up and grabs her and MC saves her before penetration, or she leaves the stall and restroom goes to the armory try to get into it, the guy appears and MC saves her before penetration. there is no way this doesn't end with MC saving her and her falling deeper in love.
Mwwq1 - 1706423822