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741 Comment(s)
883 Upvote(s)
Demonh8 - 1699023228
I get the need of money and information, but i am so against joining clans, or guilds, or leagues, i can't stand their fanatic behavior.
Demonh8 - 1698937571
well, this was almost interesting, but is very obvious that the author does not have a long term plan, and is just triying everything to see what works, and the author knows it, that dialog of no idea why the bad guy is obssesed with the MC was a mental slip, and i could handle that if the story and the characters where interesting enough, but the story is just almost interesting, and that mage/witch/trap, whatever is just too annoying, so it's over for me, but hey, if you guys enjoy it great, i will go and look for another manga, or maybe i finally catch up with this anime season.
Demonh8 - 1698936928
So i'm kinda confused, is the MC triying to commit spiritual self termination?, i know is triying to live a normal life,but don't seem like getting rid of all he's powers and abilities by erasing himself is a good idea with the state of the world, or the MC absorbed the demon lord when he defeated it and now is triying to get rid of it? also, yeah where the sould of the body go? i seen other mangas taking that question with different answers, will be interesting to see what this author do with that.
Demonh8 DammitCarl - 1698882570
read I’m Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn’t Mean I’m a Bad Person! and you will know.
Demonh8 - 1698777159
well this manga is kinda Meh, then again at this point is only 5 chapters, so i have no idea if the author will be capable to build a good story or not.
This manga is based on a not much used cliche that seems to become more popular, the MC who is abused by a lover/childhood friend/party and run away to become OP, there are several really good stories on this subgenre, and tons of crap, just like any other subgenre.
Well this manga, i can't honestly say its bad, has some nice dialogs and the characters are not boring, but the author rushes way too much, in 5 chapters trow way too many stories and gives no room for breathing, world building or character development, just thing afther thing afther thing, also the forced "fate" of the MC is really stupid and clashes with the reason for the story.
At this point i can't recommend this manga, even as a filler betwen your favorites, then again is just 5 chapters, so you can quickly read trough it and decide.
The art is good, nice action scenes, nice facial expresions, the best scene si when the Mc and the posible waifu are watching the town, that was a really nicely paced and atmospheric scene.
So again, i can't recommend this manga, check it and decide by yourself.
Demonh8 Kale - 1698773612
too bad there is no anime of the chocolate mil godeess manga, is 100 times better than this one, at the point that this one feels like a copy of that story
Demonh8 - 1698691763
So, this is another great manga.
In essence is a reverse isekai, meaning the dungeon and the monsters come to the real world, seems like a new trend among authors, so the manga explore the consequences in the real world.
The Mc is obviously OP, but is not op from the beginning, has to grind he's way up, and also has to learn and suffer a lot. The main cheat of the Mc is he's main source of suffering, and the author explores very well the damage that a human can suffer for that, as long with the desperation of trying to survive a disaster.
So, this manga is one part RPG, one part survivor and one-part psychological horror, really well blended so far, the MC is very well written with realistic reactions to what is going on, the support cast is also very good, and also have very realistic ways to react, so far, the only unrealistic support character is the bully soldier, kinda too cartoony and cliche for the situation.
The art is really good, nice designs and gore, rally good action scenes and face expressions.
A really recommendable manga for those who want a twist on isekais and fantasy stories.

Demonh8 - 1698690358
ahh yes that classic moment when you save some noobs who get into a fight way over their level.
Demonh8 MKAZ - 1698690166
if you ever play Elite or pro level dungeons on MMos, 1 person of the party diying makes the party to loose the dungeon, it increases the difficulty and high level players love it.
Demonh8 Mynameis____ - 1698681174
is a swordsmaster, and swords are for kill, altough, i'm pretty sure he left 1 or 2 alive for interrogation.
Demonh8 - 1698639347
So basically all monsters are nerfed, wll that's a classic for the beginners level or the tutorial level

Demonh8 - 1698626417
feels like they are finally moving towards an important arc, is this getting axed too?
Demonh8 - 1698625524
So, this is weird, but is not bad.
Basically, this is a B slasher movie, if you are fan of 70s 80s slasher movies, this is for you, but if you are part of the stupid teens getting killed "movies" well, look elswhere.
The plot is traditional, unkillable psycho slashing people whitout anybody can stop him, and lonely hero in persuit, not bad, but very basic, perhaps the main problem of this manga is that the author over explain the killer, and do it too soon, could have played a lot with the MC and the killer before the explanation.
The art is ok, the gore scenes are good, very remanescent or 90's early 2000 psycho killer mangas, but lack on details, and adults look way too young and move weird.
Anyway, this is another manga to fill the space betwen your favorites.
Demonh8 - 1698608094
fujoshis, fujoshis everywhere
Demonh8 - 1698602571
i totally see that coming, and love it so much
Demonh8 - 1698602518
ahh the classic romantic date cut down by a disaster, and now is hero to the rescue XD
Demonh8 Inugami - 1698597697
there was something about guild wars, but now is the evil master arc
Demonh8 - 1698518875
walking into somebody else mind and timeline, never a good idea