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789 Comment(s)
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_Lazaroth_ Bread - 1701086330
Yeah, he's also getting lied too despite being such a bro.
Fucking Kazuya is the worst piece of shit on earth.
_Lazaroth_ - 1701071283
Grandma is the only good character.
Shame she's being lied to and manipulated by two horribly written "characters"
_Lazaroth_ - 1701021168
Longest manga I've ever read. It took me 33 days, one piece took me 45. Just goes to show how much dialogue is in One Piece.
_Lazaroth_ - 1701021076
I FINALLY CAUGHT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_Lazaroth_ - 1700984297
Comments are savage lol
I have a terrible memory, which manga was it? I comment a lot on a variety of manga so people'll probably find me anywhere.
Lmao why do you think onlyfans exists? A girl makes more in a DAY than I make in a year....
Whole lotta horny folks out there, you'll find a lot of articles of people spending tens of thousands on porn. Of course, a majority of people go the free route, but the facts don't lie, porn sells like crazy.
I'm not going to lie, I've thought of making an Onlyfans myself a few times. The amount of money you can make is insane.
_Lazaroth_ - 1700823195
_Lazaroth_ - 1700770492 text is リサイクル (Risaikuru) which means "Recycle" Shop.
Poor guy, I know the pain of budgeting, but I have enough self control to spend my money wisely. I literally don't even treat myself to junk food or sweets, I only eat them when I get them from someone else like on Holidays. I still feel guilty buying things for myself as opposed to saving for the family, but I buy things like Protein powder and my Workout bench and running gear which I can not only get use out of, but the fact that by building my body up will mean more income in the future by increased job efficiency as well as open avenues to higher paying, more physical jobs. So as long as your not wasting your money on junk food or make up or porn, then it's okay as long as you only spend what you need. Going out for drinks or a love hotel is not what you truly need.
_Lazaroth_ Neurofez - 1700767084
But what about people in manga who have their minds reverted to a babies, or a old persons while being a 25 year old in body?
If bonnie was a 6 year old, and became a 25 year old, she'd have a working uterus, which can only be attained by reaching puberty at a certain age, but she's still 6. Like, you have an adults body, but the mental state of a 6 year old, what do you even call that?
_Lazaroth_ king_midas - 1700761252
It's an adaptation of the light novel, the anime adaptation is also an adaptation. They are different, but have their similarities. The anime drags things out to fit 24 episodes, but the manga can be finished in a day. If you want more content, the anime is for you, if you want good art and a better pace, the manga is for you.
But it's a 7.5/10 either way.
_Lazaroth_ - 1700756230
What, 600 chapters later we finally see the scene between Kuma and Vegapunk? Something something oda is a god.
I have a few questions though.... Does Vegapunk's tongue ever get dry? How does he talk and eat? And the most important question of all:
Is Bonnie a loli or a milf or mature, etc. etc. How would you even categorize that? Because her body changes, but her mental state doesn't.
AGREED! I'm almost finished catching up, I'm on chapter 1209 now. One of the best manga I've ever read. A literal Masterpiece.
You should read it on Mangasee123 like I am, it has better translation quality. Beware that in the 700's chapter quality dips drastically, and there's no other fan translations so you need to tough it out, but regains it's good quality in the early 800's.
_Lazaroth_ - 1700728140
_Lazaroth_ yummyyummy - 1700687709
Manga: "Golden time"
_Lazaroth_ - 1700653839
Ohh, what manga's are you reading?
I'm reading Hajime no Ippo, on chapter 1120!
I only read 1 manga at a time, not counting manga I'm ready weekly/monthly. So a fujimoto taste once a week is refreshing.
_Lazaroth_ - 1700645046
The last page by moe makes me go "Exactly!"
I've fallen into the trap of trying to be "normal". Pretending to like things I didn't just to "fit in". Until I stopped doing all that shit because It wasn't me. Surprise surprise I got much happier when I started acting like myself. Of course, back then, being an anime fan was pretty looked down upon. There was no end to people saying it either: "All anime is for kids" or "All anime is hentai". They'd yo-yo between those two very conflicting statements, but I really didn't care. I didn't care that I was bullied by most people, because the small amount of people that I did relate to accepted me and that was enough. Though towards the end of my School days anime began getting more and more accepted, so it was just a thing instead of a bad thing. But I stuck to my guns (wait, I'm not american, Not that way...) and didn't care about the haters. Though I should express that I only ever talked about anime and manga when it came up in conversation or with my then few weeb friends. Because I know how obnoxious it is to spout nothing but anime stuff or just anything that's a single thing whether it be football or breaking bad or anything, just talking about it constantly is obnoxious. I did like other things, but just you aren't afraid to like something doesn't mean you should shove it down people's throats. Find commonality if you can, but you shouldn't forsake what you like because of that and shouldn't be forced to like things you don't care for.
I still don't care as an adult all these years later. Because who gives a shit? I like what I like, deal with it. It ain't hurting nobody.
I'm pretty sure it'll be all 3 sisters vs the big sister death. Though the agenda's of each are all different.
Nonetheless, the 4 horsewomen will be a big factor in the upcoming end of the word.