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1127 points
152 Comment(s)
180 Upvote(s)
Yukina Kurisu - 1 year ago
Yep, that's the correct question. They can do one bluff shot and make the enemy believe that this thing could be shot over and over, however, with Rosel and Mirielle on the team, they will soon figure it out that that is an impossible thing to do... Since we all know how much mana liquid Charlotte and the mages needs to fire, now imagine how much that huge ass thing would eat up.... Is it affordable to win the war with that? However, nice tactic... Even if you explain to the soldiers that it's a one shot thing, they would still have doubts over it. Fears are always louder than reasons, after all ^^'
Yukina - 1 year ago moron X'D
Yukina - 1 year ago
Abigail: Nothing? Is this a tricky question or something? o.o???
Yukina Kale - 1 year ago
That's a pretty common allergy, unfortunately.
Yukina User-9859256431 - 1 year ago
My exact same thought!!!!!!! O.O
Yukina - 1 year ago
Of course... Of fucking course it has to be my arch-enemy >.> Spiders x.x If that shit appeared near me I wouldn't really run... I would faint on the spot, end of story ^^'
Yukina Tsukinee - 1 year ago
She probably invited Hestia and Cael as well, right? Hestia wouldn't be so angry if it does not include Cael in some way, after all X'D So Diana wants to create a chance to make a complete disgrace out of herself by trying to seduce Cael back, if I am not mistaken :D
Yukina - 1 year ago
Okay, all this high end noble plotting is staring to rise to a completely different plane and the story have completely lost me ^^' Now I really have no idea who's plotting what with whom, where and for what.... Yep, I've lost it ^^'
Yukina User-6193853825 - 1 year ago
Sounds plausible, but it has a question.... What about the soul that was sent to Earth? If El traveled back to correct the mistake with the Evil God, then he couldn't possibly die in the past and be sent to Earth since that would mess with time-space so much that the whole universe would collapse in on itself. Then how did he die and be sent to Earth? Well, also, it could be the author making their decision and simply keeping the world as it is for the sake of the story. So many possibilities and so many twists and turns :3 Either way, it's amazing and I'm in love with it~

Edit: Also Trowel mentioned the scent of wind... could he be a past Minerva? Or a God? Since he mentioned the feeling of being possessed, and I think the only being able to possess a Spirit King would be a high God..... OOOOOHHHH! Like the God who made Akadon and all the other worlds! Or the Son of said God.... I've done research and the Great Lord exists(as I've remembered-ch10), so El could be his son(thought that El could be the Great Lord himself, but it was the Great Lord's idea to trick Elrien into being a God and that means he is still in the Heavenly Realm, so that goes down the drain) and that would also explain El's fondness of the bond of father and son.... Or something like this?
Yukina - 1 year ago
Ugh.... 2 out of 3 ppl I predicted would see El with blond hair came true.... Sibel, pls, for God's sake, stay away until El gets his own hair color back Q.Q Also I was seriously scared for a second when Trowel suddenly gasped for air and stumbled.... And then his sudden change when he was questioning Elrien made me even more scared ><
Yukina - 1 year ago
Oooof, Trowel is experiencing his lost memories? And him seeing El as he is now? Uuuugh, I feel that the upcoming chapters are going to hurt like hell ><
Yukina - 1 year ago
Ahahahahahahahahha X'D Lapiiiiiiiis X'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Actually, this story's not only making me question my morality but my sexuality as well~ I mean...... Daaaaamn, giiiiirl, you rock~ I mean, man, I mean.... Lapiiiiiiis :3
Yukina Yukina - 1 year ago
Correction: I didn't mean to say that I'm not happy with Djinn being saved, since he was kinda forced to be the bad guy and it was human greed that corrupted him even more, I'm just thinking about the ppl who died in the process, that's all.... This is the kind of situation, where you start to question your own views and morals.... I really love how the author makes these situations in such a grey color, that it challenges your view quite a bit :D Every story I've seen so far had quite the definition of good and bad, black and white, but this story is dancing around in the gray color and playing with gradients so much that it makes you think really hard about everything happening in there :) Like: Is it fine to forgive Blaster? And if you forgive him, since he is a victim too, then what about the ppl who died in the process? Who will take responsibility for their deaths? This is really starting to lean towards those psychological stories, but this also combines two of my fav genres: isekai and action, plus the art style is just pure perfection. No idea how the author came up with this story and with all these twist and turns, but you are a God/Goddess, dear Autor-nim! My #1 story since I've first stumbled over this perfection <3 Still 10million/10!
Yukina - 1 year ago
Finally! Minerva's long lasting regret has been solved :3 Although I'm not sure I should be happy with this outcome, since many ppl died in the process(don't forget how many blond haired, blue eyed ppl and other bystanders died because of Blaster), but now Minerva can be at peace as a Goddess :3 Also now we can focus on the more pressing matter of the Evil God and the sacrifice of a father thing and Elrien and El can finally meet. I'm not sure how Sibel will react when he sees El(I know that the author will not be able to resist the urge to let El meet Sibel while he is looking like his Akadon self) and I'm not sure I wanna see Trowel and Elrien's reactions to it either... I mean, El was super hurt about Sibel's reaction to Kanos' prank and his mind almost had a complete breakdown.... I just wanna ask someone to tell El that he shouldn't feel bad about their reactions since blond, Akadon El and the Water Spirit King El are one and the same person Q.Q Can someone solve this misunderstanding pls???
Yukina Loomie - 1 year ago
Yukina - 1 year ago
Holy moly.... This is fire *-*
Yukina - 1 year ago
Yukina Aab - 1 year ago
Looool X'D take my upvote
Yukina - 1 year ago
Oh God, no! El was talking about becoming the heart of someone if he wills it... Doesn't that sound like a foreboding of El having to sacrifice himself for someone??? And if the heart he forms is stronger than a dragon's mana heart, what about a God? Specifically his father? Oh, no no no no no! NO!!!!
Yukina - 1 year ago
How can the author be so good at conveying these feelings??? Every. Fucking. Time. this story makes me cry rivers T-T