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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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Cookie Muncher - 1708146631
seems like the king asked those questions to make sure he wouldn't kill the family once he inherits the throne
The prince has decided that he will look into his psychological problems before calling on a spirit and chaining them down. Although he misses them, and knows that they know of his existence, he can't stop feeling like he stole someone's life. It's been a couple months at most since the became the prince and is starting to come out of his shell compared to the last 30-40 years of his life he spent alone. It's a miracle he didn't turtle and completely withdraw.

Also the chandelier wasn't an assassination attempt. The guys clearly said they meant to call out his name before dropping it to scare him. It was cut too early. The only reason MC went to confront the students was to give them a chance to turn around from the bad. He already investigated otherwise he wouldn't have known it was them
on a side note, factions that don't support the incoming ruler are usually obliterated if not lowered in status greatly
Cookie Muncher RX-0 - 1708131851
How many stories have you really read with nobility and royalty in it. Everyone I've read has had people who spite one of the princes for being a "half-breed", incompetent, weak, or many other excuses to side with a faction.

Most of these "kids" are actually teens who represent their house as a noble. Getting close with a prince while there is no crown prince is no different as showing your support for them. Noble houses are also taken over with guidance in their adult years, so some of these people will be taking over the titles around graduation time.

don't all nobility except newly appointed barons and knights just ride the coat tails of their ancestors. Very seldom does a high-ranking house do anything. Even if you try to say they give money that's just tax. Ultimately the land belongs to the ruler and nobles are given authority to look after it, meaning mines discovered, entrance fees, and land are still royal property. Some noble forget this due to greed and push for more control.
Cookie Muncher RX-0 - 1708110985
you have to have power to be considered royalty. First everyone but the king turned their backs on him. Secondly, if it's an academy rule to not use decorum for nobility, they are all equal. It isn't like people hit him, they just ignore
Cookie Muncher - 1708109983
that wind spirit... Aren't they supposed to be pure
Cookie Muncher - 1708107728
Dude put his life on the line to propose and didn't even realize it
Cookie Muncher - 1708076281
So a threat to the throne... And will she be learning magic
honestly how women want to be treated sometimes (not all)
Cookie Muncher - 1708068779
I think the side effect is supposed to be mana exhaustion... Given the fact that it governs 4 regions it has the whole body under stress instead of 1 part which causes disharmony like most enhancement spell
Cookie Muncher Dingus - 1708066218
going to have to read this
Cookie Muncher - 1708017743
fake food... Totally a black market
Cookie Muncher - 1708017356
of COURSE you should share secrets 😂🤣😂🤣😂
I'd just call him Snape and it'll be good
For those who don't understand it's a 2 layer Harry potter reference
dropped stone cold from mc's negative energy
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1708015231
it might even be enough to freeze the room over
Cookie Muncher DMat - 1708014494
The main problem is jobs are looking for "gaps" to fill. It's more expensive to fire someone and rehire to fill the space so people who don't care if they get fired continue to due bare minimum because you can hold the job over someone's head who cares. The other reason why is because politics and factions exist in every workplace. If you piss off a faction, they will continue to make your life harder until you complain, and now you are seen as the issue causer
Cookie Muncher Hakhak - 1708013187
TL asked for someone to photoshop them MC in a maid outfit, so I'm guessing they received it