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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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Cookie Muncher Kale - 1708289616
pretty sure that's why his teacher made that face
Cookie Muncher - 1708288782

In this day and age if you expect a man to pay for your food, expect to be in the kitchen. It's not a pro-whatever statement its just the truth. Chivalry was all about putting women first because they are weaker than males, but in this day and age women want fairness. That means males should no longer feel obligated to hold doors open, support their spouse (being a "provider"), let women go first, fight for their honor, women deserve respect for no reason, or even give a hand of support for shifting elevation.

These are a matter of chivalry which is the definition of the woman is weak.
Cookie Muncher - 1708286645
she was introduced at the duchesses party to lord casey... It was very brief but he danced with one of them, the tutor danced with one, and the brother danced with one
Cookie Muncher - 1708285634
how the hell can mother dearest not realize the pursuit on her tail when she instantly recognized her daughter's tail
Cookie Muncher - 1708279861
i suspect the dead husband to be kyle... Because they insinuated art costing a lot, he sells merchandise, and if he turned up dead on a far off trip, the could have done so because they knew the wealth he was carrying
she's the offspring of the husband (unrelated), can't set a table, breaks dishes, can't cook, burns expensive dresses, can't talk with nobility appropriately, uselessly beautiful, dense to the point I understand why the stepmother (in this story) had the right to pay her own way
Cookie Muncher Potato - 1708278313
looks like he ran in to a misfortune
Cookie Muncher - 1708276336
anyone else feel like the queen is about to be barred from entry
Cookie Muncher - 1708271128
I don't like him and I can't put my finger on why
Cookie Muncher - 1708268506
That's an unexpected twist of cinderella... Hate the child because husband ran away with half your money and now you have to take care of the daughter too
Cookie Muncher KrisCAO - 1708266529
Remember, we aren't talking about human standards. This is about gods or demigods

Raising a traitor of a deity and not educating them properly is the tribe's fault. To a deity, death is a proper sentence for betrayal. Bringing an outsider to a sacred artifact is obviously forbidden, especially when you know it's guarded for a reason. His curse is justified.

Conclusion, obliteration of his tribe and the curse on him is well deserved for handing away the (demi)god's reverse scale, after he entrusted that tribe to guard it so he wouldn't go berserk. A point needs to be made he wasn't berserk before repelling the invaders for the tribe
Cookie Muncher Holy Ei - 1708263709
I get how it's pretty hard to write a story to be different than the already 9000 out there, but sometimes I feel like they don't even try. Especially when it feels like when you finally find the difference you can put it down because everything going forward will be the same as everything else. At least assassin stories are hardly touched. Maybe like 10 good ones out there?
Cookie Muncher Oburci - 1708261972
I saw it too... There are so many that have small humor in names
Cookie Muncher - 1708259497
anybody else want to know why the assessment is still going on with these people even after they went through a dungeon. I get that maybe they would want more definitive ranking but those who've shown excellent talent in the dungeon shouldn't need to show more. If the MC had the player card right now he'd be doing dungeons instead of this.
Cookie Muncher Holy Ei - 1708258704
honestly I kind of want a story about a MC who has a backstory of becoming an orphan then getting ostracized. Due to this he awakens a skill to become invisible during a dungeon break world. He becomes super powerful with skills that further line up with assassination along the way. He ends up getting scouted and working WITH the association to look for and track down villains for it to be later revealed that villains killed his family. In the world, there should be a way to progress skills, but the skills given are based on chance. If skills don't line up you can become f-rank even with an S-rank skill. Maybe even throw slavery in for experimenting on getting bloodline skills. Chaebols being chaebols. And last but not least make him not the hero, but someone who maybe fills in a position with the OVERPOWERED good natured HERO's team every now and then for level comparison.

PS if you are a story writer and want to turn this into a novel be my guest, just send the manga to me 😁😁😁
Cookie Muncher Zagyu - 1708256163
honestly when he took a month to train his body to unseal the power then they coincidentally add a ring to increase most stats by 10 I knew this would happen... It was a matter of him killing the professor, asking for it or professor dying
but..... I've met plenty of people like that
Cookie Muncher DMat - 1708251973
hurt one get 1000 free? Deal
Cookie Muncher - 1708251569
I'm just curious about the effects on the other people who he uses the skill on
Cookie Muncher DMat - 1708250130
From what I've seen up to this point, they "grade" each other on their skills (students on power trip) even though they have an overall rank. Think of the skill rank as the compatibility of the skill with the user, and the skill itself as what they can do. The personal rank would be the stats they possess. If the don't train to fight, they'd never know combat strategy. Something MC has 10 years of