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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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he naturally uses it since the parasite. Because he doesn't amp it up, it's not displayed. You can his body glow in chpt 71 panel 20. This is the parasite's ability to draw out his latent power naturally. The lightning makes his swings faster and stronger depending on the amount he decides to draw out. I don't think he used it in the fight with necro-dude because it saps stamina and necro-dude split his soul in so many places.
best waste of 4 panels i have seen yet
Cookie Muncher - 1709341938
lets be real here. Before he had to fight for his existence to remain. He might have even been a slave who had to dodge death at every corner for the soul reason of occupying boredom. Then had to thrive in level 9, a place where it's hard to start out.

Now he is a baby naga, in a dungeon where slavery is non-existent (closer to indentured servant), gets free days, isn't starved, isn't put in danger, and most importantly is cared for.
this is definitely a piss your pants laughing level of funny
Cookie Muncher - 1709333127
how can gluttony resemble sloth so much
From my understanding, only powerful kings have concepts of floors. Being that are unable to traverse up, do to humans killing them, wouldn't know where 1 starts and would likely not even be able to even traverse their floor. Even the flood dragon who was there before the great war only had a rank 7 dungeon and was just starting wars leaving his dungeon
1st paragraph - Your counter claim just supports mine when I said that they learn attacking in later years thus at a disadvantage for battling in earlier years. Take a corpse spider for example. They took down a cyclops with one bite from their poison. Not only does summonology cost a lot (a portion of why it's looked down on), but also requires different existences for different applications which would be covered over many years.

2nd paragraph - The summoning process is what takes time which involves branding and assembly. Skellies can be assembled and branded before battle which directly counters your argument. The application of using a summon is in direct correlation of manipulated object to the target. refer to the chapter when he learned bone spear and bone armor from professor. Not all spells are used at a coordinate. Every Major has a Weakness. Magical combat Majors train like knights. They primarily train for close combat, making their weakness long ranged attacks. As instantaneous as a spell such as dark flare or poison arrow would signify that dark flare isn't a magic cast on the coordinate of the person but rather from the attacker. My physics are fine maybe you need more reading COMPREHENTION classes?

3rd paragraph - Wrong, the study of a subject with the intent of MASTERY is what makes it a MAJOR. The study of a subject with the intent of advanced knowledge is what makes it a MINOR. A neurosurgeon will have a major in brain surgery but would also require minors in human anatomy and physiognomy. Why use a puppet when you can do it yourself if you are applying the same things on skellies? The answer is simple. Using summons gives more variability during application without putting the caster in danger.

4th paragraph - 2nd paragraph punches holes through your 2nd paragraph, and 3rd paragraph only works under the assumption it takes longer to manipulate summons which isn't true. You can go back and see the bones moved as fast as dark flare, a spell, moved. It also assumes that while MAJORING summonology they don't MINOR other subjects. Using bone armor to attack also brings the question of if you have a problem with using bone gauntlets as a weapon why use a sword when you can just overpower with your fists?

My main point is that compared to other Majors, summonology would be the pinnacle of all courses as you need knowledge in other studies as support to master it. Take creating a being like the battalion commander for example. The battalion commander is the pinnacle of undead as it moves and thinks on its own but can be controlled through summonology.
The reason summoning magic was BETTER in warfare is solely because they can keep resurrecting bodies supplying an increase in personnel. That doesn't necessarily mean its application can't be used for interpersonal battles or 1v1. The problem is in competition format where the summoner has to reveal themselves it's obvious to ignore the summons and go after the caster. Real world application a summoner would hide themselves and you'd have to face an army of skeletons while trying to find them still in a 1v1 battle.

"Summoning is as instantaneous as curses" curses here was meant to be spells. Not all spells are direct which means that based on their position depends on how fast the spells hit. example a skeleton comes to hit you with a sword you block the sword for its ribs to blast apart and pierce your body. This would be as instantaneous as a spell such as dark flare.

So far what we have seen with magic combat is a bunch of kids just barely learning how to apply what they have learned. This goes back to points they have learned offensive application. You say it's pointless to trap a melee fighter because they are stronger. If you remember right the Katarology teacher was teaching support curses to aid their main subject. This means it's common to use more than your major. If a magic combat major can use enhancement to get stronger to smash the bones to pieces, why can't a summoner use reinforcement to make the durability of the bones harder. This objectively makes your theory of bones being easy to blast apart null. Enhancement on yourself is a beginner spell whereas enhancements on third parties is an advanced application. This doesn't necessarily mean that it's harder to do, just taught later. Enhancement on a third party would be a critical spell for a summoner though

Bone armor can not only be used as a form of armor, like cuirass, but also as a form of offense, gauntlets. When applying the enhancement to hands with bones like brass knuckles, you get a harder hit than just bare hands. Bones from different species will have a different density so of course depending on species you apply the skeleton from will vary results.
Also if you kept blasting skellies away one by one while moving around, you set yourself up for a trap as all those pieces could be used for bone prison or bone spear. Then the bones just need to be enchanted to increase their strength to match yours. Steel was used to contain an ogre, why can't bone contain a person?
Cookie Muncher Comred - 1709307043
There were 4 people needed to complete the level, with a total of 4 statues. The MC noticed the head as they went by the first statue and upon seeing the incomplete statue in the center and seeing the challenge of not letting the statue be resurrected he immediately put it together that the head is what causes the resurrection, but couldn't figure out that the 4th statue at the beginning was also a target
Cookie Muncher - 1709266540
Those who don't understand the how the humans drew out the war to a peace agreement need to understand human technology.

More than likely humans fought an "overflow".
During this time monster probably transported human slaves to work for them.
Dungeon babies were born as the humans pushed back the monsters into the caves with tanks and explosives and other tech
Humans rallied to get the survivors back while captives were farmed and stolen through the different levels
As humans fought to get the slaves back they ended up gaining power via dungeon babies.
As time continues kings more than likely lost their free work force (only get by leveling up) causing a loss to income which causes the upkeep to be too much for workforce losing soldiers.
Instead of humans pushing for annihilation with war for dungeon territory, it would be better to limit the enemies attacking than fighting an additional force

Thus humans never won but became a threat is my take
Cookie Muncher - 1709265274
Let's put some thought into context.

1) MC lived on the 12th floor of this dungeon.
2) On the 12th floor there were Hell spiders.
3) If we consider the spiders that the lvl 3 dungeon babies were killing with ease to be a "low level summon" and the Queen to be an "Advanced level summon" his low level Nagas took them out fairly easily.

why would he think his level 5 dungeon that could contend with low level hell spiders be a 2nd floor dungeon?
everyone has a job... Honestly I'm all for it
Cookie Muncher - 1709254198
i can't believe i forgot this gem
Cookie Muncher Irem - 1709246972
still think its bahil... Katarology professor.. They both have same hair and scheme
Cookie Muncher - 1709241630
Dick would make the perfect assassin if he didn't run his mouth so much
There is also the impartiality of seeing only his course and thinking it's the best choice. From what I can see, the professor was poached from hematology because he had better skill with karatology. Probably forcing his opinion like what was also done to him.
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1709238286
he's also going to learn religion based on the fact that holy power doesn't have an effect on him
To sum it up, no but it's a 2nd year class which isn't fair to the department because they have different starting points for combat.

The long version is curses and hemotology classes are developed for the sole purpose of combat. The first curse they learned, "exhaust" is only used for the application of depleting stamina. Hemorrhage is a spell that causes the target to bleed more. Summon is a skill to start controlling a skeleton. Before a skeleton is controlled you have to understand the structure first. This means before you can learn a new structure, you have to first understand it.