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1497 points
422 Comment(s)
385 Upvote(s)
Vivaldin - 1697683816
This was a good chapter, though I still think the Mom is going a bit too far; he's basically your daughter's boyfriend now, leave him alone !

And I'm really happy they didn't go the cheap route of just doin' it on a whim, although I was okay with the OVERWHELMING CONSENT she gave him, which is the best thing ever, but also.. He just fingered her a bit without letting her get off ?! What the hell, man ! Don't do that, at least let her finish or something ! Now she's gonna be even more horny !

Oh and, this new comment section is the worst thing that ever happened to this site; I mean, really ? There was nothing wrong with Disqus, and it's not like you had to do it for piracy or whatever, Anime pirate sites like Aniwave are still using it ! I have NO idea why it had to change, and without telling us, even ! Years of comments, a complete collective history of our memes and discussions, all gone as we're force to take new names without faces, we don't even have profile picture anymore, I can't differentiate people, or know if I knew them from before without their images !

And now I see there's a freakin' 30 likes per day limit ? What, was the new comment system not bad enough, we had to add this too ?! I implore you, lil' Bear, or whoever run this site, to change this decision as quickly as possible for our sanity.
I don't know who you are, I don't even read this mango, but I, the former Vivaldin guy who only talks about Monika, Fdom gfs and Yuri, give you full and complete support in your endeavours.

Bring back Disqus, Bear ! Hear the endless chorus of countless discontent people !

Furthermore, this shit can't be about a Diqus change of policy against piracy or whatever, Aniwave still uses it and that's pretty piratey, matey ! Grant me my old comments ! Give back my account, you landlubber !