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Ballsdeep69 - 9 months ago
Thank God hopefully with this we're done being so abysmally sad, it was good writing, but reading it week to week and it just getting sadder and sadder week to week it felt not good when new chapters came out.
Ballsdeep69 Punch A Woke - 9 months ago
Man you see how he spun those three monks Jaws he's about to break something.
Ballsdeep69 Silver Foenix - 9 months ago
you give Madhouse a good budget and the art style will at least be near perfectly preserved and the big fights will go hard, though yeah they aren't going to be as polished and fluid as Mappa gets - they may overwork their employees but they squeeze damn quality workout of them. (But madhouse did one punch man season 1 and some of those shots are straight up one to one from the manga, and if you seen yusuke murata's work you know that's a God damn achievement, they also did most if not all of Hellsing ultimate and parasyte so as far as I'm concerned they've got the bona fides.)
Ballsdeep69 - 9 months ago
If there's one thing I've learned from the great many fighting series I've consumed, it's that if a dude is actively not doing s*** for half of a fight either because they're unconscious or meditating or just taking a nap, when they get up they are going to fucking decimate the other side, like it stops being a fight and becomes a beautiful painting where your bodies are the canvas.
Ballsdeep69 Noname - 9 months ago
Did somebody say My Home Hero.
Ballsdeep69 Joho - 9 months ago
He resented her though because, at least as far as I'm aware, being known as a murderer's child is a very negative stigma in Korea and several other places in East Asia. Like I'm talking lose jobs, lose Friends, bullied for the entirety of your school life instantly just for being related to a murderer. And she wrote a well-selling book using everyone's real names making it very aware to the public that he was said relative which made his life harder while she was in prison. And he, as we saw, thought that she committed the crime but refused to elaborate on why she wrote the book about it making it seem as if she murdered his (admittedly shitty) father and wrote a book to profit off of it, while completely disregarding the seemingly obvious consequences that would have for his life, unaware that by her doing this she cemented herself as the real criminal permanently freeing him of the guilt and the consequences.
It'll be the equivalent of being like the son of a famous murderer like, let's say OJ, him going to prison you being a child and then him writing a book about how he totally did it, going in the detail with no remorse about it, and you're in a society that places way more emphasis on family bloodlines, family pride, filial piety and community then individuality. And when you ask why he used the your real name and information knowing that would Dox you... He just refuses to elaborate for like 15 years and they continues to do so after the apocalypse starts.
Ballsdeep69 VeryWeirdous - 9 months ago
Well that's fair... Wait what was that second thing?
Ballsdeep69 Samuel Foster - 9 months ago
That and when you came in dodging lasers and armed guards and camera's you stop expecting like a basic guard dog or tripwire(so learned Hitman 2)
Ballsdeep69 VeryWeirdous - 9 months ago
That profile pic matches the energy of this comment perfectly.
Ballsdeep69 Zagyu - 9 months ago
Love Grand blue, and I don't know but whenever I ask for things similar to Angel den setsu, I always get GTO tossed that way like I get it they both feature delinquents and they're both relatively old but they got like whole different vibes and senses of humor.
Ballsdeep69 Zagyu - 9 months ago
those two, Saiki, kyou kara ore wa, and my monster Secret have gotten me some of my biggest laughs historically as far as manga goes. Then I can never find anything like them whenever I look, no matter how many times people recommend me GTO as being similar to Angel densetsu it just doesn't happen it's not the same.
Ballsdeep69 Anonymoose - 9 months ago
No, that comic is pretty Dogshit, it's edgy to the point of silliness, every character that isn't one of "The Boys" has about as much depth as a goblin from goblin Slayer, alot of the commentary on comic tropes is either lazy ( the black superhero group where the whole statement was "look how ghetto and violent are" with no further commentary or even reflection) or near baseless ( "Guys, I bet you Professor X Diddles kids, so my version obviously does") on top of being repetitive(how many times was a hero's flaw being either a sexual pervert or an outright rapist). The theming and morality kinda completely falls apart for the sake of more "Badass" action scenes ( "we gotta kill supes because they have too much power and no one should have that, except us of course when we get to use it - hey lets do a genocide!")and the twists it had to offer made the whole thing more needlessly complex on top of being cliches,(like really dog an evil clone did it are you serious?) in the words of someone else "It's like garth ennis wrote a Hit piece on fictional Characters instead of trying to write his own."
Ballsdeep69 - 9 months ago
The boy is child-bride of the moomin, all love, all fight
I meant more the androgynous appearance than the names, Also the opposite gender names are only supposed to apply to middle names, which are shared only amongst close family.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 9 months ago
The list grows everyday, such is the hunger.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 9 months ago
I originally only watched Naruto and outright quit when I got to the pain Arc because the filler in that Arc made the actual non-filler parts make no goddamn sense. And like 6 years later I decided I'd read the Manga and eventually finished it and you know what- the ending was still dumb.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 9 months ago
I will admit gintama is a bit esoteric, the only reason I was able to get into it is that I saw the anime first found it funny and then read I think all 300 or so chapters that were out at the time in one long weekend.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Ballsdeep69 - 9 months ago
Anybody else remember when this was about an orphan that could talk to rats.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 9 months ago
I know it's one of three series I revisit periodically, it's right up there with Angel densetsu and Gintama for me.